Where did August go? Today is a holiday for a lot of us in the U.S. Since I am now considered "part time", I don't reap the benefits of getting full holiday pay anymore. :( So, I worked part of yesterday to make up for the loss. Don't you just love this cartoon?!
CHARLEYI've had Charley for almost a month now. She knows "lovin" means a pet on the back of the head. She takes flight without flying full force into walls, windows, and such. She doesn't get scared when I pick her up and put her in the cage. Most of the time, I can say "step up" and she will step up on my hand! Whenever I get home from work, she gets so excited that she climbs all over the cage wanting my attention, LOL. She must be getting used to the camera flash/clicking because she doesn't flinch as much.

CELESTE... is still adjusting to having a bird in.the.house. Birds are what she attempts to catch by jumping in the air while being attached to her cable. Birds are not supposed to be in HER house. Actually, she's been pretty good. The first couple of days after I brought Charley home, she charged the cage like she was being the big, bad dog. The first time Charley took flight changed all that, LOL. While Charley was flying into walls and such, Celeste didn't know what to think and took cover under the dining room table. And, she was whining the entire time.
Last week, I supervised a face-to-face interaction. Charley was sitting on the corner of the dining room table and I had Celeste on my lap. Charley hissed. Celeste got scared and backed off. Incidentally, at night I will often find Celeste sleeping at the base of the table I have Charley's cage sitting on. Go figure!
Remember the horrendous haircut Celeste was given last month? Let me refresh....

Here's what she looks like now:
Now, that's MY dog!
GIVEAWAYSShelley from
Shelley's Artsy Fartsy Life is hosting a book giveaway. Click over to read about her giveaway, as well as check out her latest stitchy projects.
Bette from
Reflections of a Desert Rat is celebrating her birthday this month! To celebrate, she is hosting *another* giveaway on her blog. Go on over and wish her a happy birthday.
Loretta is also celebrating! She's hosting a giveaway to commemorate her 3rd blogversary.
STITCHY STUFFSince I hadn't worked on TMQ in a while, I decided to get it out. Here's what it currently looks like:
Other WIP pics can be seen HERE.RAK'd!I received a wonderful RAK in the mail from
Sue V. She sent me not one, but THREE asian-themed stitchy items. Two were charts, and one was a magazine filled with asian charts. I gleefully laughed (OK, maybe that sounds a little weird, lol) to myself because I had *almost* bought that same magazine during the retreat I went to in June. How cool is that?!?
Thank you so much, Sue!THE BABY - FINALLY!I am ashamed to say that I wasn't able to see my new niece until she was two weeks old. Two weeks old, already??? I have photos of all my other nieces and nephew when they were only hours old. School and two jobs made it difficult for me to get over there, but I finally did. What a cute (I'm not biased!!) little bundle. She's so tiny compared to my nephew who was the last baby (now 14!) and we lovingly refer to as the Budda Baby, lol. Without further adieu, here she is:

Changed, fed, and content. This is after she pee'd on me! Paybacks are a B*tch, aren't they Auntie Meari? LOL, that's what I get for not coming to see her sooner, eh? Actually, she's still a bit fussy in the pic. See how her face is scrunched up? And boy-oh-boy does it get red when she's not happy!
Baby and AuntieOK, so I made up for not seeing her right away by spoiling her. I cuddled and held and talked to her the entire 2½ hours I was there. Plus, I brought presents. What kid doesn't like presents?
Proud Papa and Baby"Can you tell I'm a proud Daddy?" my brother says to me when I first get there. Not "Hello", "How's it going?" LOL Love you too, bro!