Technically it's a flower frog converted to another use. A flower frog is a device used to help arrange flowers. For stitchers, they're used to store our embroidery scissor collections. Hence the name "scissor frog".
So why are they called flower frogs? Online research reveals a patent was issued for this "invention" in the 1940's. The patent listed this was a holder of flowers and sat in water like a frog. The name "flower frog" stuck. Some articles state flower frogs date back to the 1600's.

Frogs such as the Japanese Kenzan, are made of metal with little pins that hold the stems in place, and fit into a vase or bowl.

Other designs use a number of holes or guides that stems could be fit through for arranging.

Many types of flower frogs are art pieces with holes for flower stems and a container for holding water.
I had an empty one in my previous blog entry. This is the same one filled with my scissors:
Notice I also have my seam ripper in it, along with a needle-puller.
Do you have a scissor frog? If so, let me know... I'd love to see.
I don't have one but I think I'm gonna go buy one! I get tired of chasing my scissors across the table and out from under piles of stuff...LOL.
Nana Crystal
Centralia WA
Thanks for the lesson! What a great idea to keep scisors in one place with a beautiful display at the same time.
I collect frogs...they come in such different shapes, colors and designs! Love them!
Michele in Michigan
Hi Meari,
I don't have a scissor frog as I only have one pair of scissors at this time. But I have a suggestion for you. I think you need to take some of your very colorful orts and put them in the bottom of your scissor frog. It would look so cool!!
Thanks for the education. You present things so well.
I have one. I purchased it from you last year, or was it year before last??? LOL!
I don't have a scissor frog, nor a flower frog, but I also don't many scissors for stitching. I tend to keep my scissors with the project I'm working on at the moment. Very pretty little frog you have for your scissors. Anyone else think it's kind of funny that we are talking about wanting a frog near our stitching? Rene must be sending us a message!
I have a glass frog with larger holes in it as opposed to the frog with the metal pins. I have it some where, but just can't find it, especially after tree came down on bedroom and kitchen. Everythng from the bedroom, kitchen, entry, and dining area had to be moved out into either the barn or the living room. Still haven't found it.
I love the holder for your glass frogs. When I find it, will have to lug it around until I can find a base as lovely as yours.
I laughed at the pictures, because I've seen some in antique stores and thought WTH? quaker toothbrush holders? pencil holders? did people use quill holders? Whoops. Thanks for solving that mystery.
Very interesting !!! I have never seen a flower frog but when u showed the pictures above of what they look like, I realized that is what they were. It never dawn on me what they were used for. Lovely idea to keep scissors all in one container as in "scissor frog". !!!
Very interesting article and what pretty scissors you have! I must say, when I saw the first picture of the metal spikes I hoped you weren't putting scissors in there! It would scratch them terribly (and probably your fingers too). I like the ones you are using. I only have two pairs of scissors for stitching - one with my big project and one with my little project. They stay in the DMC organizers I have.
I have a couple of flower/scissor frogs and love them!
Meari -
Thanks for the info. I do not have a scissor frog. I just have one pair of scissors that I use for stitching, they were my moms, and I love them.
Mery hace mucho que tengo ganas de tener una flor de rana pero aca en mi pais no la puedo conseguir....
Esta muy buena la info. Tal vez podria averiguar en alguna floreria japonesa no?
That's very interesting. I don't have a scissor frog, don't really need one as of now either, as I only have one pair of scissors :(
Love all the unusual ones!
You know, I've always wondere4d why they're called flower frogs. :) Now I know.
Karin in CA
Love your scissor frogs. They have become somewhat of an obsession with me too - I have 9 or is it 10 - which means I now have to buy my other obsession - scissors to fill some empty holes!
Hi Meari!
Loved the scissor/flower frog information. I do have one and am always on the lookout for others but they seem to be scarce in these parts!
Have a great weekend!
That is so cool! Thanks for the history lesson, Meari!
Love the Scissor Frogs!!!!
Thanks for this Meari. I have an old depression glass green flower frog and I
am going to dig it out and use it for scissors. I never knew they were called
What a fun, informative article. Never
Knew why they were
called frogs! Thank u! I think I may have to start a new collection!!
I too collect them, searching flea markets and antique shops. They make a great place to display my handmade cards. But now I have a new type to look for and reason for new ones.
I have seen glass frogs recommended for displaying marble collections. I think it's a great idea for corralling them in one place. If there's a sunny location to place it in, what a lovely decorative touch it would be!
Using my glass frog to store crochet hooks in. All from my mom.
Texas Nana
I have a ceramic frog… it is a frog shape with the holes, that was my great grandmother’s, so there must be some history to s flower frog. I also have a turtle that matches the frog.
I have 3 of these, a flat one, a short one and a tall one and i do use them for flowers as I no longer do embroidery
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