Ugh. I've been in pain since Sunday. My Dad came over to till my garden... Well, he needed help loading and unloading the tiller from the back of his truck. While loading it, I hurt my upper back muscles. It was so bad that it was all I could do not to drop the tiller and get it to the tailgate of the truck before falling forward on the tailgate myself. I went to work yesterday. The morning went fine, but by the end of the day the muscles were spasming. Driving home was excrutiating! Instead of doing homework last night, I spent the evening on the sofa with a heating pad. I've been taking Flexeril and liquid vicodin before going to bed. Today, isn't as bad (but the day isn't over, lol).
For those of you who asked: My Mom really loved the mailart envelope. She put it in her display cabinet and got it out to show my brothers. :)
I'm working on a second mailart and will be starting a snowman ornament soon. Both are for exchanges, so no pics until they arrive at their new homes. After that, I can go back to working on Blossom Splendor.
Several weeks back, I was the winner of Ruth's birthday giveaway. Look what came all the way from Ireland!

Aren't they wonderful goodies? Thank you, Ruth!

From one extreme to the other. Today temps were supposed to be in the low 80's, but ended up getting to 91F! Add in some humidity and it's just wonderful... not! By the weekened it's only supposed to be in the 50's.
That is great that your mom loved what you sent, it really was beautiful. What a wonderful surprise you got in the mail as well! Feel better soon.
Your poor back! I'm glad your mom liked her mailart. :)
Karin in CA
You poor thing! I hope your back is better soon. I'm glad your mom liked her mail art. It is so pretty! Great giveaway!!
I knew your mom would Love it!!!!
SO sorry about your back. I'm glad you're getting better. Congrats on your win. That's an Awesome prize!!!!
I hope your back will be better soon. Glad your mum liked the mail art...although that was a sure thing to happen. That envelope looks simply fantastic.
Great new goodies :)
Wow! You've won lots of stuff lately! Love the card and envelope! I'm sure your mom loved them too!! Sorry to hear about your back. That really stinks. I've done it too, but shoveling horsey poo! Get better soon!!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Great Goodies Meari! Sorry about your back, I hope you recover quickly. I'm a bit sore from taking down the tree but not too bad today. Sunday was bad though!
I hope you are feeling better today. Sorry you got hurt. How does your garden look now that it is tilled?
I hope your back gets to feeling a lot better soon!
I knew you mother would love the mailart, but isn't wonderful I was right?
I hope your back is feeling better real soon. I suffer from lower back pains that can last weeks at a time and then disappear with a snap of your fingers.
I am so happy to hear that your Mom loved her mail art so much.
Your prize package looks awesome!!
Tough break about your back. You were trying to help. Hope it gets better soon. Congrats on your winning of the giveaway.
Sorry, you hurt your back. Next time instead of the heat, use ice. It will take down the inflammation and stop the spasms. Then later if you wish to use heat, it will help it more. Your mail art was beautiful. Can't wait to see the one you are working on once it gets to its destination.
hope you are feeling better today.
Oh, ouchy, ouch, ouch! I hope your back feels much better very soon, Meari.
Ooh, that sounds like a mighty painful injury, Meari. Hopefully, it will feel better and better each day--take it as easy as you can!
I'm sure your mother is admiring your mail art everyday--it is really lovely. I've always wanted to try sending something, but I worry that the Post Office would ruin my work...
Congratulations on those goodies from Ruth--enjoy :)
Oh, poor you. Hope you are feeling better now.
What lovely stuff you received. Congrats :)
Mom's mailart envelope is very pretty. Glad she liked it. Sorry about the strain. Hope you will be able to recover quickly.
Dee in TN
Oh Meari, you poor thing! I know what back pain is like, so please be sure to take good care of yourself. It doesn't take a lot to pull those muscles and the spasms are awful!
Your giveaway from Ruth is great! Super goodies....!
You just take care, and don't overdo!
Your mailart is so gorgeous! It turned out great and it was a special gift for you mom too! Hope your back recovers soon. Your goodies from Ruth are awesome too.
I bet your mom shows off that mailart to everyone then just to your brothers.
Nice goodies from Ruth
I do hope your back gets feeling much better real soon
Knew your mom would love the mailart you did for her!
Have you thought about getting a massage for the back pain? It's the only thing that helped me with a pinched nerve a couple of years ago. By the time I was diagnosed I was having muscle spasms continually!I would imagine it might help with muscle strain as well.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Great news that your mom loved the mail art! Bad about your back, hope you are feeling better! It got too hot too fast!
Ooooo... sorry about your back, Meari! But how about that vicodin? Mmmm...
I KNEW your mom would love her mailart! It was sooo sweet.
You're really a lucka$$, Meari! You come across the best bargains in thrift stores and win blog giveaways often, but like you told me, "It couldn't happen to a nicer person!"
I just see that you won ANOTHER contest and I get distracted with that and don't read the rest!! LOL Just kidding.
ouch, sorry about your back.
Awesome goodies you won.
I hope your back is okay today and not too painful. Happy to hear your Mom loves your mail art. Another win you are so lucky.
Hope you are feeling a bet better, now!
Sad to hear for your back, Meari. I Hope that it is better soon.
You received wonderful package
Meari -
I hope that your back gets better soon! I am glad that your mom liked her mail art. It is beautiful!
ouch Meari! Hope your back feels better soon!
Kathy N in southern Alberta
Oh my goodness girl. I hope your back is better soon.
Lovely gifts from Ireland.
So sorry about your back problems hope you will be feeling better soon, what a great package you received
80's ..... send some of that warm weather here.....we're in the 40's....I want to get in the gardens, but I'm a freeze baby....
chris b.
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