Does it look familiar? It should! It's very similar to the one I made for my Mom. :) I call it Asian Mailart #2, lol.

Fabric: 18ct Antique White Aida
Fibers: DMC
Embellishments: Pink fabric lining, Asian coin, and snaps
~ Threads woven into the tapestry of my life ~
Beautiful Meari!!
Very pretty. Glad it made it to its destination.
It looks just great! In Cross Stitcher was just a free booklet full of Joan Elliott's lovely designs. I received recently a personal letter from her when I required after one of her earlier designs. I'm going to stitch a teapot clock that she designed.
The dragonflies are too cute! Nice job.
It turned out beautifully Meari!! I know your partner must be thrilled to receive such a lovely gift.
Very nice Meari!
What font are you using on your blog? I love it!
You did a beautiful stitching job. Very pretty. Glad it made it to Germany safely and quickly.
Very beautiful! I'd have been so worried posting such a work of art!
It looks fantastic Meari. What a beautiful envelope and good that it made it safe and well to it's new home.
Gorgeous - what a lovely envelope for Judith to receive.
I just love looking at the mailart! What a beautiful treat to send and recieve!
Another beautiful job, Meari!
Betty W.
It is so pretty, Meari - I'm sure your partner loved it. You did a great job. I have that J.E. book too - gorgeous designs in it!
That's beautiful. I recognize it.
It came out beautiful Meari!
Wow..that was fast mail service! Sometimes I am amazed at how fast international mail is delivered! I sold some back issues of Cross Country Stitching on e-bay to a gal in Holland and she had them in 5 days! Amazing!
That envelope is fabulous!
Very, very lovely! Did you sew the snaps on or use a thing like a riveter (can't remember the name)? Your finishes are always great!
So nice! Glad to hear it made it there safely.
That is beautiful.
It's Beautiful Meari. So glad it arrived in Germany. I'd be scared to send it thru the mail.....
Beautiful work Meari!
Karin in CA
That is so pretty :)
As always...beautiful work Meari! I am sure Judith will treasure it.
Beautiful mailart Mearie! I've never done one of these and I always admire these so much - well done.
beautiful work as always.
chris b.
Your work is always so beautiful!
beautiful work Meari!
The mail art is beautiful, Meari.
Absolutely love it! As soon as my thumb heals I have to stitch some. Maybe if I send a few I will also receive some...?
Great piece and it survived it journey nicely!
Very beautiful, Meari.
Take Care & Happy Stitchin'
Hugs, Sandy
That is so beautiful!!
When I sent my one and only Mailart to Gabi, I don't remember is I actually applied real stamps or had them so something with it. Glad it arrived safely and promptly.
Just so beautiful! Managed to get back to comments as anything other than 'Anonymous' - switched to Firefox and there's no problems now :)
Your mail art pieces are always so beautiful. This one is gorgeous!! Congrats on the successful mailing :)
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