Where did May go?
Why does time fly by so fast when you're an adult,
and so slow when you're a kid?

Wow, we've had another crazy time with the weather. Temps were down to 39F early last week. Yesterday, they were a stiffling 92F! Also, news reports of at least four, if not five tornadoes touched down in the city just 35 miles west of me last week. Luckily, only minor damage was done. Minor in comparison to what happened in Joplin, MO. My heart goes out to all those people. :(

Another semester of school started this week. Last week, I got a head start on the assignments: 3 chapters of reading, a 300-word essay, and a quiz. How fun is that?!? Actually, it's not bad -- I'm really enjoying reading the textbook. It gives "real life" stories as examples which keeps it interesting. I have even more positive news... Since the online link to the class wasn't open yet, I couldn't figure out where the "web chapters" were so I emailed the instructor late one night. By the time I got up the next morning, I had two responses from him, including links to the web chapters! I'm thinking I'm going to enjoy this class even though it's a lot of work.
All last week, I worked on the snowman ornament for the exchange I'm involved in. I think it's really cute! I can't show pics of the ornie itself, but I will show the embellishments I used on it.

I found them when I was digging through my stash. Look how *tiny* they are! Aren't they cute? (For those outside the U.S., the coin is a dime which the smallest of our currency.)
After not working on her for almost a month, I was able to put in a few stitches on Blossom Splendor last night. Here's what she looks like now:
It's been a while, hasn't it? Lack of time has kept me from doing anything around the house. My "to-do" list gets longer and longer! Since I had an extended weekend due to the Memorial Day holiday, I decided I wanted to get a small project out of the way. I've been wanting to put shelves into a recessed area of the basement stairwell since almost the time I moved to The Homstead 3½ years ago. (Remember Moving Day?)
Unfortunately, I forgot to take the "before" photos like I normally do. The entire stairwell was re-painted before the "custom" shelving was built and installed. Before I painted, the walls were covered with what I'm guessing is a 1950's green and it was grungy from
One of the previous owners "installed" a piece of brown paneling to cover a hole in the ceiling of the stairwell. As you can see, I painted it to blend in with the rest of the walls. Mucho better!
No job ever -- EVER -- goes as one plans. See what happens when you try to drill into plaster covered metal corner and then brick? Yeah, the fireplace is right behind *that* wall. :(

I repaired the mishap and the project continued. Had to re-think how to attach the shelving since drilling into brick isn't the easiest thing to do. Ended up using angle brackets, and attaching them to the back wall of the cubby area. Perfect!
I couldn't get a good photo due to the small space, but this gives you an idea of what I did. Each of the shelves has a front "lip" so that whatever is put on them can't be accidentally pushed forward (and down the stairs).
Taking into consideration the cubby area is not "square", and that I used "oops" paint and "scrap" budget lumber, I think they turned out awesome! And the space is used much more efficiently.
Until next time,