Remember the bottle of RIT dye I found under the sink last week? I decided to put it to good use! Behold... My works of art!
And L@@K... I have a finish I can actually show!

by Alexandrina (Matrioska Biscornu)
Fabric: 22ct Hand-Dyed Purple Hardanger
Fiber: Anchor 112
Time: 3½ Hrs
Is that not the cutest bunny silhoutte ever?! My plan is to make it into a scissor fob. I changed the chart a bit, and added a tail to the bunny.
A couple weeks ago, Amy from Cross Stitch and Cupcakes hosted a giveaway to celebrate 3 years of blogging bliss. I was thrilled to find out I had won one of the prizes. In looking at her photo (HERE), I thought I was getting like 5 kits. I literally said, "Holy Crap!" to the postal clerk when I went to get my package, lol.
Froggy is always sooooo nosey whenever I get a package. Excitedly, he hopped up on the box. "Ribbit! Rib-It! What is it? What is it?"
There were not 5 kits and pillow forms... Amy sent me SEVENTEEN Pine Mountain pillow kits! It was like Christmas.... ahhhh, stashy goodness. I can hear ya'll now... "Which ones did she send? Which ones, huh huh?!?!"

Thank you, Amy. You were way too generous!
If you haven't visited Amy's blog, please do so... She's got a very cute blog!
Deborah at Cranberry Samplings is hosting a giveaway. Click on over to her blog and see her beautiful stitching!
My friend, CJ of Tea and Stitches, is hosting a giveaway. Go see her cute finishes and what she's got up for grabs.
Thank you to everyone who left comments regarding my dismay at having to take another
I'm signed up for the next semester. Happily, I don't have the same instructor I've had the last two semesters. :) This time around I'm taking Comprehensive Financial Planning. I'm really looking forward to this class.
When I went to the campus to sign the paperwork for class, the advisor informed me that I had no financial aid for summer. I looked at her and laughed, "You're really just making my week. First, you tell me I have to take another class and now you tell me I have no finacial aid." Because of the way the college sets up financial aid packages, they can only do 4 semesters at a time. If a student wants to take a summer course, they have to re-allocate money from the 4 semesters and then fill out another form to have it put toward the summer semester.

Well, it would've been nice to have known this when they put together the package! Luckily, I saved ALL the leftover money from every semester's financial aid so I can just use some of it to pay for my next semester.
I realized this morning that I have two weeks left in the semester, which means I need to finish up my term paper this week! Yikes...
Such great fabrics! Congrats, you could have a new career ahead :)
Congratulations on your hand-dyed fabric. It's beautiful.
Now when are you going to stitch all those kits you won??? Lucky you.
Dee in TN
I just love your fabric. You know it's my favorite color too!!! How did you get the blotchy look? My favorite. Do Tell!!!!
What a wonderful surprise in the mail. Lucky you!!! Congrats on winning!!! Good luck with that term paper.
Happy Stitchin!
Fabric and bunny are darling! And wowser, what a haul with the PM kits. I think my favorites are the Christmas ones of PM. What is it about Christmas stitching?? Enjoy the stitching and fun. Hang in there. School's almost out!
Love the Rit Dye and I have used that product many times. I typically dye my own fabrics to suit the project at hand. There is a multitude of items that can be utilized in changing the colour of a piece of fabric or floss for that matter. Wonderful package to receive Congratulations to you and the sender.
Be always in stitches.
What a package, man that will take you years to go through, have fun with it. Your dying came out great, love the colors.
LOVE the fabric!
LOVE the bunny!
You are soooooo lucky with your package! What an awesome surprise - those are really neat neat items!!
I love your fabric Meari; the purple is gorgeous and the little bunny looks so very cute!
WOWWWWZA! All those PM kits; what a great prize. That is a lot of $$ there! LOL..........enjoy stitching each and every one!
Your fabric turned out fabulous. I love the color. Also, Wow!! Amy at Cross Stitch and Cupcakes sent a really cool giveaway prize. Love them all but especially the Halloween ones. And I am glad that you were able to take some of your saved financial aid and use it for your new class. I hate when they just spring that kind of thing on you. Good luck on your class and hope that you get some really good stitching and relaxing time in.
What a lucky duck you are! I would have been really excited to get that package too. That should keep you busy all year.
Your dyed fabbie looks great. I've not tried dying fabric because I'm worried there will be too much mess to clean up.
My daughters both take summer classes at the community college and they were told the same thing about the financial aid.
Your fabric came out great and of course I love the color. Congrats on your cute finish! Amy gave some really great patterns and pillows. I can't wait to see them as you stitch them up. You will do great with your final paper and congrats on finally getting a class without the horrible teacher.
Sounds like you have a great Monday planned. If I could just squeeze in some stitching time it will make my Monday great!!!
Your fabric looks great. You did a good job here. Love the little bunny.
Your new stash is great. That will keep you busy for a while won't it?
Good luck with school
That is one awesome package!!!
Your bunny is adorable :)
Glad to hear you won't have the same instructor...
Beautiful fabric Meari!! Your bunny finish look fabulous on it!
Congrats on all the new stash! Those pillows are all so cute and they stitch up fast too!
Sucks about the extra class. Adam had that happen to him too. Smart girl to save the extra money, Abby spends all of hers even though I tell her she will have to pay it all back eventually!
Get that term paper done and quit procrastinating!
Congrats on your win from Amy. Wow! Those are cute pillow kits! Love the home dyed fabby too...great job! Sorry to hear about all the school extra semester. Yuk!
Wow, what a haul. That little box of goodies should keep you busy for a long time. Hope you are doing well, other than the school bit. Take it easy and get that
term paper done.
The fabric looks great and the little finish you made with it is amazing. What wonderful goodies you got in the mail as well! That is a pain about school, hang in there!
Meari, what a great job of hand-dying the fabric - you really have a knack! The bunny turned out great on the newfound fabric too.
What a wonderful haul of PM kits; they're so cute and fast to stitch up. I thought with all she was giving away that Amy was going out of the cross stitch thing, but I guess she's just generous.
Best of luck on that term paper - you'll do just fine with it!
Meari, the fabric is beautiful! I love the bunny. That Pine Mountain box is astounding! You're going to be busy for quite awhile. Good luck with your new classes. Financial aid is such a pain!!!
Your fabric looks fantastic. That is such a sweet bunny.
Good luck on your paper, I'm sure you'll do great!
OMG how many of them! Now I have to admit that I'm all green from envy, lol! I did participate too, this was my favourite as I love Pine Mountain kits :)
But I'm happy for you, have a nice time for stitching them!
WOW! What a give away! Those pillows are adorable.
I love teh purple fabric and bunny. So cute.
How frustrating that must be about the aid. A little warning would have been nice!
Love the purple fabric Meari!! Sorry about the class and the financial aid. Ugh. But WOW!!! What a prize you won!! That is so awesome!!! Now you'll really have to get to stitchin'! LOL!!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
That purple fabric is great! My favorite color ;o).
What a wonderful prize package! Guess we should call you pillow stitcher from now on, huh?
Good luck with the term paper. I do not miss those days ;o).
Wow what a prize.Congratulations.
In Sunny UK
Oh my gosh! You are so lucky! I am ate up with envy. I have never done one of the pillows but they look so adorable. I guess now I will have to try one.
Wonderful colours from the dying.
Congratulations on your win. What are you going to stitch first? Have fun deciding!
Good luck with the study. It'll be worth it in the end.
wow what a great surprise you got for blogging and your dye job was very pretty. good luck with the term paper
Sincerely Kathy B
Love the purple fabric and WOW an amazing parcel you received.
Love the dyed material and your bunny, what a terrific package.
Wow! What a great package! I think I can see your smile from here!
Amazing dye job!
Amy certainly nows how to spoil!
That really is lots of stitchy goodness! Enjoy all your new-found treasures.
Tobie in So. Cal.
Financial Aid is such a pain. Had to do my stepson's FAFSA for the past two years and his school wouldn't let him take classes because they said he had to pay up front and then he would get reimbursed after they got the money. Who has several thousand sitting around anyway? Then this semester they pulled the same spiel but enrolled him anyway so now he's failing because he never went to class because they told him he couldn't...
He's married now. No more FAFSA pain for me. Hee hee!
Enjoy your goodies.
Love the purple fabric.
I love purple, but wouldn't be that daring.
The dyed fabrics have come out so well. What a lovely colour. The bunny looks very cute on it too
And look at all the stuff you got!!! Congrats :d
Your dyed fabric came out beautiful!! And...what a GREAT prize to win.
Nikki D
First, I love the fabric and the bunny is soooo cute!
And then there is the haul! And what a haul it is. Very nice indeed!
Sorry about the financial aid thing, but you were smart to save the extra "just in case"!
When I saw you had entered her give away, I knew I'd never get it!! LOL You continue to win those things!! Those will make great gifts, either stitched or not! Love the dyed fabric and every bunny needs a tail!
What a package you get, wonderful, lucky you.
You rabbit picture is so cute and those hand dyed fabric are gorgeous
Meari your blogs are always fun to read - congrats on school and the stitchy stuff from Amy.
Gorgeous dye job and what a fabulous stitchy stash haul!
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