Rain, hot temps, and humidity makes a great stew for stormy weather. Let's not forget the fires, tsunamis, tornadoes, and drought in other areas. I'd say Mother Nature is PMS'ing... but it seems more like Menopause to me. Hard to believe it's the end of June already. It was *just* the beginning of June. *sigh* It's officially summer... and what weird summer weather we're having. The weather this past weekend was really nice, though. Upper 70's/Lower 80's and no humidity. I could live with that kind of weather all year long!
The instructor wasn't kidding when he informed us the midterm exam would be harder than the quizzes, or that we'd be utilizing the full 2.5 hour time allotment to take the exam! My heart sank as I took the exam -- I mean, seriously? I read all the chapters, studied all the power point presentations (twice!), and read all the "extra" (i.e. not required, but recommended) reading materials. And I still feel I didn't do so well.
In my last post, I hinted at a new project I started. My inspiration came from the awesome craft room Taffy's son built for her. No, I didn't build a new craft room. I did build a quilt hanger, though!

I couldn't have done it without my newest "toy". (OK, I could have but it wouldn't have been as easy.) It's not really all that new... I bought it back in December, but haven't used it until now.
It's a clamping work table that folds flat for easy storage. Pretty handy, eh?
Over a month ago, the BF noticed the knob for the light on the range hood twisted around "too far". He was
"I just want to look behind here... oh yeah, the ground is broken... crap, I can't get the knob back on." Those are the last words I heard before having to make a trip to Menards to buy a new range hood/exhaust.
Oh, he tried to get the switch box out of the exhaust hood to fix it, but the thing just would not cooperate. I wish I could say this "incident" was unexpected, but it was. I had a feeling the hood was on borrowed time -- the thing was probably installed during the 1960's or 70's! See what I mean....

and it was ON SALE!!
The BF was kind enough to install it... and it only cost me 1/2 gallon of ice cream, LOL. Actually, he said he'd do it for free but I know how much he likes the IC!
I've been a lucky girl recently. I received two fantastic stitchy packages in the mail! The first one was from Christine. She RAK'd me with the August issue of Cross Stitch Gold, a Qsnap Huggie, and the neatest undersea life card.
As my fans, faithful readers, and curious bystanders may recall, I recently participated in a HOE snowman-themed exchange. Melissa from My Life in Stitches sent me the c-u-t-e-s-t snowman ornament.

As you can see... In keeping with the theme, she sent me a snowman notecard. She says the snowman ornie she made for me is a portion of the Winter Wonderland chart by Country Cottage Needleworks. I LOVE that chart!
I am still plugging away at the mailart piece. I'm almost done with the front motif. I am really liking how it's turning out. It's going to be another project that I'm going want to keep.
I signed up for another ornament round on HOE. This one is Lizzie Kate themed. It's not due to mailed out until August, but I wanted to get a head start. Sorry, no pics on this one either.
Blossom Splendor received a bit of attention as well. I've started the left side of the parasol. A little progress is better than none, right?

Until next time,