When I was in the throws of the shelving project, I noticed a rash on the inside of my forearm. At the time, I thought maybe I had gotten into something while digging for tools and stuff for the building project... or had a reaction to the saw dust. Me with my sensitive skin, and all. Then it spread to my other arm. Then areas on my hip developed the rash. Itched and burned like crazy. I wanted to

The first week of school has kept me on my toes! I had to read 3 chapters, an article, write an essay, write a post and participate in the online discussion, AND take a quiz. I was thrilled to learn, that after taking the quiz, it automatically gets graded and you learn the score right away. How cool is that?! There were a few questions I guessed at -- deductive reasoning, ya know? With that said, I got 100% on my first quiz. Talk about a happy camper!
My hostas and columbine sure have enjoyed the weather we've been having lately. The hostas are huge!
The weather turned HOT and HUMID over the weekend. At least it wasn't raining. I took advantage of my down time (i.e. not doing school work) and got the rest of my garden in. I also was able to get my planters done.
I've been remiss on sharing my latest adventures in treasure hunting! I've found some cool-to-me things lately.
First up is this grapevine sugar bowl handcrafted in...
Next up is another addition to my porcelain doll collection.
I found a tote bag in great condition for the low, low price of $1.99! I figure I can use it to tote around my stitching. Or -- When I go siteseeing, I can put all my "stuff" in there, including my ginormous camera.
It's a sad thing when I see stitched projects end up in 2nd hand stores. Don't people realize how much work goes into these things? This little kitty had a price tag of 29cents...
I worked quite a bit on Blossom last week. She finally has a face! Isn't she pretty?
I've agreed to do a private exchange with a bloggy buddy, so Blossom will be put on the back burner for a while. I've picked out the fabric for the exchange and worked out what design I'm going to use. That's all I'm sayin!
Until next time,

You made quite the haul on your shopping trip. That sugar bowl is beautiful.
Sorry you have hives. That is miserable.
And Blossom is turning out quite lovely indeed!
Sorry to hear about the hives, hope it clears up quickly. Some great finds, like the tote bag, and you can't beat 2 bucks. Blossom is looking really nice.
Blossom is beautiful! Congrats on the great progress. And I'm so glad that little kitty got rescued, and the sugar bowl is awesome! And your garden... I am so jealous!!! Well, one of those days I will leave the north and move to some place warmer...
I knew you will like your new course, congrats on the quiz! 100% with some guessing? You're good!!!
Wow! Congrats on your Quiz grade! Great finds, I rescue stitching too...Geisha is coming along nicely. Get well Soon!!!!
Sorry to hear about the hives! I would have no skin left! Great little finds! And your little lady is looking gorgeous!
ooo nice finds .. and glad you rescued the stitching :) yours is coming along beautifully and sorry to hear you have got the itchies :( love mouse xxxx
Congrats on your school work!
Great job on your thrift shop finds - poor little kitty.
Blossom is looking great!
Karin in CA
Aww poor you sorry about the hives, hope they clear up soon. Lovely shopping and great stitching and the garden looks wonderful.
Sorry to hear about the hives. I had a very nasty case of those earlier this year. Hope they go away soon. Your stitching looks great and some great finds on your shopping trip.
Hives...hope you heal.
School....hope you don't have to study too much with summer here.
Flowers look familiar to ones I tend in community flowers....brought some seeds home & have some wonderful ones of my one....are some of the columbine pink, white, purple, etc? Tend them....
Glad to see you got great deals & rescued that stitching.
Wonderful progress on the stitching you did also.
Chris B.
Blossom is beautiful! Love the rescue and the new treasures. That sugar bowl is so pretty! Congrats on doing well on your quiz and having your plants look so good!
You find the best stuff. I love it all and the prices so cool.
I used to find good stuff too. I have had to stay away from the second hand stores because I buy too much without a place to put it. I go a couple of times a year now. I used to go every weekend and did the yard sales every weekend too.
Wow! A lot of awesome finds. My husband goes to Kaplan online your first week sounds identical to his, that is how he spent his first week as well with posting, 3 chapters, and an open book quiz that he took that was graded instantly, he too did well. Hope that rash goes away soon, that stuff is uncomfortable to deal with, I seem to get those when I pet my cats for too long, only because I am allergic to them. Can't wait to see what you are working on for an exchange.
You hit the treasure jackpot.
I wish I could find one of those...
Love the doll!
Okay, okay, so you 'showed me up' at the thrift store! LOLLLLLLL,,,,,,you go girl.......love all the great finds.
You amaze me with your classes; you are an A+ student! No worries!
Your geisha looks fabulous; love the fabric!
Blossom Splendor is gorgeous! It's really nice to see her face.
My hostas are blooming this year! I just planted them last year. Loved seeing your thriving garden!
Great treasures you found once again, but I truly hope your hives leave very soon. That is so miserable!
I love reading your blog updates - Blossom is coming along so nicely and now you're putting her on the back burner. I look forward to see your new project. You really are a good bargain hunter!
Awesome!!! All of it. Except the hives. Good luck with those!
Blosswom is beautiful and what great finds. It always makes me sad when I run across discarded cross stitch.
Awesome!! 100% Happy Dance for you :)
Blossom is beautiful. You are doing such a wonderful job on her.
Your garden makes me jealous every year. I wish I had your talent with plants.
Love your "finds"!
You always find the nicest stuff at thrift stores! I love the kitty.
Sorry about the hives, I hope they go away soon for you. That would drive me nuts.
Your stitching looks great. I love the face.
I hope you'll get rid of those annoying shives soon.
Your stitching looks as lovely as ever. Congrats on the result of your quiz. And you had the first week. Don't these schools ever heard about Summer vacation?
Cute new things and love your garden pics too.
Hope you get rid of those hives as I know they are annoying.
Congratulations on acing your test. Your finds are very nice, I like the doll as I collect porcelain dolls as well. Lovely progress on your Blossom.
I am so jealous of your hosta! Mine are barely peeking through the ground. Actually, our daffodils are just blooming now. Spring is so late in coming this year.
I wanted to say that I think "Blossom" is looking pretty good these days. I love the colours!
Wanda in Edmonton
I just love hiow geisha is coming alive :) Joan is one of my all time favourite designers!
You've been a busy girl. Congrats on your great start at school. I agreed - yard work is good for the soul. Love your planters and especially your found treasures. It is so much fun to poke around 2nd hand stores. Blossom looks great!
Ah, yes, hives. I got them when I was trying to complete a sampler for a
raffle. The doctor said it was stress.
Robert L
So sorry to hear about the Hives :(
Boy hve you had some luck with your treasure hunting!! COngrats on such pretty finds at such great prices too :)
Blossom splendor sure does look pretty.
Hi Meari,
You sure lead a more interesting life than I do. sorry about your itches, hope they go away fast. Congrats on the test, your good! Your finds are beautiful and so cheap. Blossom looks beautiful... .Your gardens also look fantastic.
Sandy P.
Oh, Meari--I know how awfully itchy and bothersome hives are. I get them every spring--on my face! Not sure what it is that is blooming, but they seem to have disappeared now so I guess the worst is over. I hope yours go away quickly.
Great job on your quiz--you smartie you :) And what wonderful finds--that little doll for $1.99--amazing!!
Blossom is growing increasingly beautiful--wonderful stitching :)
Meari -
Your Blossom looks beautiful! I love the sugarbowl and porcelin doll. The kitty that your rescured is adorable! Great find!
You always have such great finds! Thank you for saving the cute kitten :)
Blossom is coming along so nicely, love those colors.
For the hives, try the Beandary gel....it works wonders!!! I get hives appearing at the srop of a hat with my allergies!!
Love Blossom!!!
Sugar bowl is precious as well as the cat you rescued!!
Oh I forgot--I really LUV the bag!!! I am a bag/purse addict!! haha
Hives just show up for no reason like that?? Blossom is looking great and your hostas look great too. Lauren just took some more of mine over to her house. She's decided she doesn't like planting annuals everywhere! I haven't had any problems commenting on anyone's blogs...just very far behind and I haven't posted an update in forever!
Meari -
I love your treasures that you found!! And such fantastic prices.... I would have been fighting your for each and every one - LOL!
I too, go through episodes of hives - one time, the outbreak was all over me. I thought I would literally lose my mind from the itching!!
Linda in VA
Love your blogging tutorial. LOL!!!!! So sorry that you have hives again. It sounds miserable. Congrats on the great grade on your quiz. Keep up the great work. Love your treasure shopping. If I am ever in your area I want to go shopping with you as I never find such great bargains. Your stitching is beautiful!!!! Looking forward to see what your exchange piece will be.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
Meari what great finds. I know what you mean about rescuing the kitty. Seems like people just don't appreciate what we stitchers do for them.
Mary Louise in IN
great finds I am never this lucky but I also don't like to look Sincerely Kathy B
Those are some great finds!
Sorry to hear about the hives hitting again. Hope you feel better soon.
Blossom is looking gorgeous Meari!!!! :o) Congrats on your quiz score!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Hi Meari -
I thought you might like to know that your little rescue cat is part of a series of three (the others cats are a siamese and a tabby) from a series called Cats, Baskets & Quilts sold by Better Homes and Gardens and Janlynn, and possibly by others.
The good news is that the designs are still retailing (for example, as a Craftways kit at Herrschners) in case you'd like to stitch up his friends :)
I love your cross-stitch cat rescue--you're quite right. That's why we shouldn't consider a project completed until it's framed or somehow ready for display.
I hope your feeling better by now.
Waw, 100%, you go girl!!
Sorry about the hives! Love your finds especially your rescued kitty.
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