Did you and/or the kiddos have a fun Halloween? It was cold and rainy here. My employer encourages employee extracurricular activities and Halloween was no exception. There was a contest for individuals and groups. Employees voted on the best in each category. The winners received a $10 gift card for a local deli. Here were this year's entries (images are clickable to get the full effect):At the end of the day, employees' children and grandchildren were allowed to come dressed up and do trick or treating. It was quite noisy and chaotic, but it was fun to see all the costumes.
Since the weather has been colder, I've not been going for walks during my lunch hour. Know what that means? More progress on Balloon Glow...
I received a "spooky" Fall/Halloween mailart from an exchange I recently participated in. In addition, June in WV also send a lovely letter and a few goodies.
Thanks again, June!
Before I left for the PALS retreat, I ordered the newest DMC floss colors.
Years ago, I purchased the DMC color card that has actual floss samples. The color card has come in handy on many occassions. I made a color card addendum to go with it.
Victorian Motto Sampler is hosting another pretty giveaway. Click on over to check it out.
Melissa at St. John's Stitcher is hosting a giveaway, too. She's got some interesting thoughts to ponder. Go check it out.

I was featured by Gail on My Repurposed Life for the filing cabinet makeover I did! How cool is that?
Remembering those who have served...
Thank you for your service.