Sadly, the nice autumn weather has been replaced by brutal cold winds and a bit of snow. Here a bit of snow... Buffalo, NY now that's a whole other story! Before the cold weather set in, I was going on daily walks during my lunch hour....
All those pretty colors have been replaced by leafless, stark trees and foliage. :(
This guy was hanging out in a tree enjoying a snack! |
I can't remember if I've ever talked about my Mom's green thumb. She LOVED plants... and when I say that, I mean LOVE...LOVE...LOVED them! Ever since I can remember, she always had plants and flowers. At one time, my parent's house had so many that you'd swear it was a greenhouse.
Much to my Dad's chagrin, to enable her us kids would buy her trees, plants, and bulbs for her to plant outside. She loved them, so what was the harm, right?!
Mom's favorite plant was the Christmas Cactus. Or Thanksgiving Cactus. Or Easter Cactus. When she was living with me, she insisted we bring her large Christmas Cactus so she could see it. Of course, we complied and I set it at the foot of her bed. Every day, she'd tell me to open the shades of the window so it could get light. She has had this cactus FOREVER and it's huge. It's just starting to bud out right now and when it blooms, I'll share a photo. Meantime, I have another one of her cactus that bloomed a few weeks ago:
Pink/Fushia/Burgundy were her favorite colors. It's like a little piece of Mom is still with us through her plants. I just hope I can keep them alive! Incidentally, my brother is going to have that photo put on his arm as a tattoo tribute to Mom.
As I said in my previous post, my neighbors are "in the process" of moving. Going on three weeks now, they're
still moving stuff! They own the house and it's not been put up for sale so I imagine they're taking their sweet time. They started to dismantle the dog kennels, but apparently got tired or something because they stopped after getting most of it moved.
That white stuff you see isn't snow. It's dog hair! For days, I wondered where all the large pieces of dog hair came from.... on my outdoor steps, in my hedges... everywhere!
This is their crap between our garages. It's actually a lot better than it normally is. They have stuff strewn all the way to the back as you can see and even shoved behind their garage. Stuff that should be taken to a junk yard.
I've been putting stitches in on Balloon Glow during my lunch hour. It goes pretty fast since most of the stitches are halfsies.
I've also started an ornament for an exchange I signed up for. No pics, though. Can't show until it gets to the recipient. I will say that I must be insane to stitch it over-one on 28ct... 'nuf said.
Guess what arrived last Monday? The Silhouette Portrait I won on CraftGossip! It only took 2 weeks from notification to delivery. I've been so busy finishing up the exchanges I'm in that I haven't even had time to take the Portrait out of the box. How sad is that? Hopefully, after next week I can play with it. Anyone have this or a Cameo that can share some tips/tricks? New toys.... gotta love 'em!
The other day, I innocently started looking through my stash. Next thing I know, I was purging stuff I liked but knew I'd probably never get around to stitching. I ended up with a huge pile.
My purging might be your gain! I've listed all this stuff on my Stash For Sale Facebook page
HERE. All prices are in USD and I will ship internationally with a minimum $20 order. I also have a bunch of stuff listed on my Stash For Sale blog
Not my usual type of post for "treasures", but I was so proud of my shopping skills I
had to share. For a while now, I've been
complaining about contemplating replacing my 15-year old Black & Decker iron. The poor thing has been put through the paces over the years, including being knocked on the floor a time or two. The teflon coated sole plate started peeling a couple years ago and last year, I peeled some of it off because it was annoyingly bothersome.
While out an about over the weekend, I looked at irons at JoAnn Fabrics and Shopko. I looked at B&D's, Rowenta's, Shark's, as well as others. I decided to go with the Shark Ultimate Professional Model GI505. It was "on sale" for $54.99 with no rainchecks *gasp*....
anal all about researching and contemplating products before buying. Of course, I do my research online. Lo and behold, I found the same iron for sale on Amazon for $49.99 plus free shipping with a no cost 30-day trial subscription to Amazon Prime -and- $30 credit if I applied for a Amazon Rewards Visa card. I was all over it!
Final price for the iron: $19.99! Woo Hoo!!