STITCHY STUFFI finished the last "quilt square" motif on TMQ! Let me present "Basket":
A full view of TMQ can be seen HERE.I was really excited to get this finished so I could start on the center portion. TMQ is part of a series featured over several months in a magazine. I *thought* I had kept the magazines for TMQ in my stitchy messenger bag all these years (Yes, YEARS. Sad to say over a decade!).

Imagine my horror when I went to look at the chart for the center and it was NOT to be found the in messenger bag!

So at 9:30PM, I feverishly looked through my magazine stash to find the issue I needed. Not having any luck, I almost gave up in despair. Then I looked at the covers of the ones I had. Wait one minute! My address label was on them... I had a subscription... I've never gotten rid of any stitchy subscriptions! So the search was on once again. Wouldn't you know it was the LAST bin I looked through that I found it. Whew!
YUM YUMSPerusing my refrigerator.. Hmmm... Partial package of broccoli, Partial package of carrots, Partial package of mushrooms, Leftover onion, Leftover rice. Not enough of any one thing. What to make for dinner? What to make?
Fried Rice!
Ya know, I think I can make fried rice with just about anything. LOL I used all of the above, plus a handful of frozen peas to make a scrumptious pan of fried rice. Best of all, I had enough left over that I was able to freeze two single-serving size containers for future meals.
GIVEAWAYSA friend is celebrating her first blogversary with two giveaways. Not only is she a caring individual, she's also a great stitcher. Wander over to
her blog to read about the antics of Rory and see Kathy's beautiful stitching.
Sarah over at
CraftyMoo is also hosting a nice giveaway. One of her current projects is a beautiful beaded ornament. Check it out while you're there!
THRIFTING TRAVELSThat's a good name for my thrift store journeys, don't you think? I don't ever go to thrift stores or consignment shops with a particular item or "find" in mind because chances are that it won't be there when I want/need it. I go with an open mind and it's almost like a treasure hunt!
During my past few visits to JoAnn Fabrics, I have been eye-balling the wood spool racks that sell for $14.95 ($8.97 with the 40% off coupon, lol).

While thrifting, I found the *exact* same one for 99cents! How could I pass it up? For photo purposes, I sat it on my dining room table, but it's ultimate resting place will be mounted on the wall inside the closet of the spare bedroom/craft storage room.

This past week JoAnn Fabrics had their batting on sale (maybe it still is?). I almost bought some since I knew I was a bit low on the craft/quilt batting. I was a good girl, though. I didn't buy any.
Good thing I didn't... When I was thrifting, I found a brand new package for 89cents! Couldn't pass that up either. This batting will come in handy for ornaments and flatfolds!
This custom-framed and matted watercolor
painting of pansies now hangs above the closet
door in the spare room. Got it for the mere
price of 99cents!
This is a custom-framed cross stitch piece that was "dumped" at the thrift store. Sadly, it was being sold for only $1.99. I'm going to use the nice wood frame for something else, and store the stitched piece. This piece is signed and dated, too.