I hope those in the U.S. had a great Thanksgiving holiday. This year, my sibling families scattered for the holiday, so it was just me, the BF, and my parents. I did something I haven't done in almost 25 years... Cook a Thanksgiving dinner! I did come up with a couple of tips for those who are a bit rusty, like myself:
TIP #1
When using the water method of thawing a turkey, it does not mean to drown the poor thing. After all, it's already dead!

This is what happens when I try to multi-task. I walked away to check my email while the sink was filling up. You know how it is... I got immersed in reading and then "Oh Crap!" Off I ran to the sink. I'm not exaggerating when I say: Five seconds later and water would've been running onto the floor! See how the water went over the right side of the sink and across the stainless steel portion of the counter? Luckily, there's a ridge around it!
TIP #2
When the store bought pie instructions say "keep frozen until baking time" and "let sit for TWO hours after baking", they really do mean it! I couldn't bring myself to take a photo of the resulting pie, but suffice to say I had one very runny apple pie.
Here are the results of my manual labor:

It looks burnt on top, but it really wasn't. The darkness is herbs under the skin of the turkey.
The BF made homemade baked Mac & Cheese. So yummy, and of course calorie free!
My Mom brought Udon (yummo). We also had stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and biscuits. I ate so much my tummy hurt, LOL.
All in all, it was a nice Thanksgiving. I'm lucky I have people in my life who really do care about me - both in R/L and online. With the economy the way it is, I'm also grateful I have enough as I know there are many others who do not.

I'm in the homestretch now... Week 6. Next week, I have my second paper due in addition to the normal textbook reading, postings, and homework. I'm not feeling so bad that I "don't get" and am not "digesting" the textbook reading assignments since my CPA coworker told me that she didn't get anything out of the auditing class when she took it.
Not a lot of stitching done last week, but I did finish Part 7 of Purple Garden. Only two more parts to go! I do believe I will make the December 31st deadline required by the SAL.

I've also been stitching the bonus pin pillow chart that goes with the iStitch "Sew A Mystery" SAL I finished a couple weeks ago. There's not much to show other than the border, so I don't have a pic to share.
I've decided to participate in Daffycat's Totally Useless SAL (TUSAL) for 2012. I am so glad she posted the dates for the new moon, LOL.
Last week was my 6 year blogversary. I've been working on a project for one lucky reader of this blog. Stay tuned!
Until next time,