Where do I start? How about last Monday morning?
My boss, the controller, is always in her office either before or at 8am. At quarter after, I wondered if she was sick and no one had sent out an email yet. The CFO came to my desk shortly after that and asked me to come into her office. She said, "I don't know if you've heard yet..." Uhmm, no. At that point, I truly thought my boss had an accident over the weekend. The CFO then informed me that the controller and the 80+ year old tax accountant (both were my go-to people when I needed to learn or know something) were let go, along with a gal from human resources and a gal who was a business analyst. I was so stunned and shocked by it all. Sure, it didn't surprise me about the 80 year old since the controller had been telling me for months that his performance had been going down hill for the past 6 months. He just wasn't mentally processing things quickly and it took him forever to accomplish tasks. But, the controller? I was was truly surprised and caught off guard. The reason we were given as to why they were let go is "duplication of efforts."
Although, when I think back to when the CFO was hired... She was hired about 4 months after I was. At the time, management said: "Things will remain the same. You all will still report to the controller as in the past. Blah, blah, blah." I remember thinking: "Why would they need a controller and a CFO?" Ah well, here it is a year later and the controller as well as a few others have been axed. Management has told us we "don't need to be looking over your shoulders. It's a one time deal. It's done and we're moving forward." Management has also told us that the employees would be taken care of... whatever that means.
Needless to say, morale was a bit down on Monday. Even by Friday, I still felt pangs of sadness for my former coworkers. I *really* liked my boss, the controller... I will miss her.
My hunting adventures haven't resulted in any major "finds" lately, but I still like to go and look. I've acquired a few small things:
A sock monkey! These little fellas take me back to my childhood. My grandmother (RIP) had one of these and I remember playing with it when I went to visit. Did you know that the sock monkey originated in Rockford, Illinois not far from me? This particular sock monkey is a Ty Beanie Baby.
A few small cross stitch kits. With some modifications, I think they will make some cute projects.
Temps have finally warmed up some. The "Tunnels of Terror" and mountains of snow in my yard have slowly been melting away. By Wednesday, we're supposed to have temps in the mid 50's. Woo Hoo!
Apparently, I didn't knock on wood hard enough or long enough. I have "caught" the cold bug that's been going around at work. It started off with a tiny little cough and then developed into a deep, barking one that hurt when I sneezed. I've had a bit of a runny nose and sinus congestion, too. I think I'm on the downhill slide now. The cough isn't as bad and I feel better with each day. Unfortunately, I have passed on the good fortune to the BF.
I have been working on two projects the past several weeks. Both are for exchanges so I can't show them quite yet.
It was decided by one of the Yahoo groups that March 25th is Stitchers Day. In celebration, an exchange was coordinated. I sent my package off to DJ (
Tickled Pink in Stitches) on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get to show pics next week. I had a fiddly of a time getting it assembled to my vision, but I finally got it. I hope she likes it... I really wanted to keep it!
The other project is for Anne (
Doll's Musings). After we did our Christmas mailart exchange last year, Anne asked me if I'd be interested in doing a Spring/Easter mailart. I hand-dyed a fabric and have been diligently stitching away on it. It is turning out so adorable! I'm close enough to being finished with the stitching that I'm thinking about embellishments and finishing. So exciting!

Once I get the mailart piece done, I will be starting a new project. I agreed to do a SAL with Christina (
A Stitchers Work). We are going to be stitching the Petal Pincushion shown on the front cover of the April issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine. Interestingly enough, neither one of us are going to use the recommended supplies. Christina is doing hers in yellow and pink. I will be doing mine in dusty rose fabric and either dark pink or purple floss for the flowers. What color do you think would look better?
The color I go with for the flowers will determine the color I use for the ribbon ties. I plan on hand-dyeing the ric rac green to (hopefully) match the greenery of the stitched piece. I also need to get some flower buttons since I don't have those.
Until next time,