Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I went to my parent's for the usual holiday feast. I actually talked my Mom into "posing" with the food she made. Yummy stuff! The weather turned bad toward the evening, so all of us cleared out pretty early. Ice and snow doesn't make for good driving!

Over the holiday weekend, I shoveled snow three times. The first snowfall yielded 3", and the 2nd was between 6 and 8". The following morning was another dusting. At least it was the light and fluffy stuff. We're not due to get anymore snow until March... lol, I wish. Our next snowfall is due on New Year's Eve.
I managed to get quite a bit of stitching in over the snowy weekend. I started and finished this:
Designer: Plum Pudding Needleart
Fabric: Silkweaver 32ct Wintergreen Luguna
Fibers: DMC
Time: Approx 5 hours
Anyone know how to get the little red fibers out of the fabric in the upper left corner where I had to frog?
I also finished this:
Designer: Annalee Waite Designs
Fibers: GAST, DMC
Lastly, I worked on TMQ and did quite a bit of the border. Ironically, I stitched on it while it was snowing (all day!) and was watching Day After Tomorrow.
before the end of 2010.
Laurel's Stitchery is having a 25% off sale until the end of the year, so I got something off my wishlist:

Oooo sounds like lots of snow! I can't imagine having to shovel. Great new starts. Have you tried using a tiny bit of scotch tape to lift the extra fibers where your frogged? Sometimes that helps...don't get the tape on the actual stitching though. :)
Your mother is so tiny and all your stitching is lovely. Have fun with all the new snow, ours has melted already. LOL Stay safe.
I found using a soft bristle tooth brush worked when I frogged all the stitching off my Walking To Town. It took the light colors off that navy blue fabric without causing any harm. Your sititching is very beautiful. Love the picture of your mom with Christmas dinner.
About the frogging, somewhere I read if you take white floss and run that through the holes ou had to frog, it helps. Or else use tape. Your mom is so pretty! Happy New Year.
LOVE the plum pudding finish! Great job! I have the LK one started--barely!!!! That is a needs to be done in 2010 project!
I am thankful we haven't gotten all the snow you have. We probably have 3 inches total!
Your Mom looks lovely, thank you for sharing the picture. And your stitching is, as always, a piece of art! Congrats on your shopping spree and have a wonderful, very happy New Year!
Lovely picture of Mom but I'll bet she wanted you to point that camera elsewhere.
Love your little gingerbread man. I use scotch tape to remove the fibers.
Happy New Year!!!
I hear you about the snow. We had to shovel out again. I would use a lint roller on those pesky red fibers. Works like a charm for us. Congrats on your finishes and good luck on your new start. Looking at your sidebar, are you ever going to finish Japanese Garden ?
So glad you were able to enjoy the holiday with your family. Hopefully the snow heading your way by the end of the week won't be as much as last weeks. lol
You did some beautiful stitching while enjoying the nice cold snowy weather. Love the present you got yourself off your wishlist. Very nice!
Hope you get some time off from work to enjoy the New Year's holiday. Don't get snowed in or out for that matter lol.
Great stitching. Glad you had a great CHRISTmas! OH MAN I WISH I HAD MONEY!!!! That is a great piece you picked up.
your gingerbread ornament is adorable!
Great stitching the flower and bee are wishful thinking;)We have had some snow but not as much as you have.
Beautiful stitching, Meari. I'm with the others...scotch tape or a lint roller and if it doesn't all come out, pass the water through on high right over that spot when you give it a wash.
Your Mom looks so nice next to all of the food. Nice finishes.
Your mother looks like a little doll! She is so cute!
Great stitching. I use a new mascara brush to take out the fibers from where I have to frog. You can get them at the drug store or a beauty supply house. They are used for mascara samples and come in a package of 2 or 3.
your mom looks wonderful! Nice stitching and congrats on your finishes. Good luck with the new wip.
Meari, I loved seeing your lovely mom, and now I understand all your interest in Oriental designs, etc. LOL! I had no idea till now.
I love what you've stitched, esp. the gingerbread man. I have that somewhere. Gingerbread men are my faves, and I have a small collection of them I leave out all year.
You've had quite a bit more snow than we have, but we've had enough to suit me and more on the way. It has its own special beauty though.
Lucky you all that snow! i love it, tho i can imagine its not as nice if you've got to travel out in it, you've done some great stitching and gd luck with rest of your projects :) xx
Thanks for your Mom's lovely pic!!
Your stitching looks great.. Let us hope you finish the TMQ as planned:)
Your finishes are really cute.
Happy New Year
Cute gingerbread man :)
Lovely stitching. Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas and thank you so very much for the card you send me. I kept it for ages on my firefox to replay it regularly. SO cute.
The picture of your mum is lovely. Her food looks fantastic, and I'm sure it tasted fantastic too.
Your mom is so beautiful and I bet that food is yummy.
The stitching looks great. I stitched alot too with all the snow esp. the day after Christmas.
Happy Stitching 2010!!!
Oh yeah! forget to tell ya
I use a toothbrush just dont brush the stitching, it will make it fuzzy
Lovely Stitching!! Sounds like you had fun with the family even if i was cut short. Good luck on reaching your stitching goal.
All your finishes look great and I do wish you luck on the one you want to finish in 2010.
Meari your Mom is beautiful, now we all know where you get your great looks from. I want her dress, lol! Don't overdo the shoveling. I know it needs to be done but don't hurt your body pushing beyond the limits. Your stitchy finish is adorable. I had that happen on my Monopoly piece with black thread. I used a little bit of lint roller stuff. If it accidentally touches your stitches it won't pull on them as hard as scotch tape will. Shopping right before your birthday, shame, shame, you should know better, lol!
We got a large amount of snow too! We were actually trapped in our house for Christmas day due to the drifting snow & blizzard conditions. I have that LK too! I am thinking about stitching it for Hannah's favorite teacher that she has had for 2 years. I know she would love it.
Absolutely gorgeous stitching.
To get the little fibers out, wrap a strip of tape (sticky side out) around your finger tips and pat at that area. It will usually take the small fibers out.
And, can we please have some of your snow?
look at your adorable momma!!!!! She reminds me of my fillipino auntie.. she looks so festive.. I just want to run up and give her a big hug ;-)
Your stitching looks great of course!! I would suggest maybe a lint roller for that red thread..
So glad you got some great stitching going Meari! :)
I love your Blog Meari...it is so warm looking, so inviting and much bigger too which I like. Congratulations on all of your finishes, your gifts that you received and your WIP's. You are making great progress on those.
Take care & Happy Stitching
Lovely stitching, Meari.
Happy New Year and Best wishes in 2010!
As usual, I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your progress and finishes. Your gingerbread man is a cutie. I'd try some masking tape to 'blot' off the red threads from the frogging. Little stitchies like this have me inspired to stitch up a bunch of ornaments for next year. Your flower and bee is a cutie too. Nice progress on TMQ. The more I see your little goodie off your wishlist, the more I like the design. As for my camera, it is a Canon Power Shot SD960 IS, Digital ELPH 12.1 mega pixels. I have not mastered all the features but am already appreciating the quality compared to my 3 pixel previous camera.
Happy New Year to you. Robin
Great stitching, Meari the little gingerbread man is adorable.
I see we have something in common besides stitching, we both have little mamma's. Mine is 4'-10 1/2" tall and yes she always claims that half an inch like a badge of honor. Just gotta love little mamma's.
Happy New Year & Happy Stitching
Your mom did a real feast! Sounds like a great Christmas.
Beautiful stitching (as usual!). I'm so jealous, wish I had $ to spend! ABC Lessons is nearing the top of my wish list.
I know about the 'snow shovel'. We've had another foot in the past day. I'm gonna put on my 'party hat' and stitch! Happy New Year!!
Scotch tape helps sometimes. Love the new ornie - so cute. Love the pic of your mom. Do I dare say that I wish you'd send some of that snow our way?? (ducking)
Happy New Year!
Meari, I think the lighter the fabric the better because if it is dark you lose the color of the letters and it all fades into the fabric. I really liked the two light colors, the purple and rose colors.
Love the finishes Meari - I find that sellotape (not sure if that's what it's called in the US? Scotch tape? Sticky tape anyway!) works quite well on removing frogged threads.
Glad you had a nice holiday (minus the snow of course). Your stitching looks great. I took part of Down Sunshine Lane 30% sale! I know you don't want to hear it, but we still have only gotten maybe 2" at a time and that was only once.
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