“I’ve fallen and can’t get up!” How many of us remember that popular TV commercial? Years ago, I tripped over the sidewalk in my front yard, twisted my ankle, couldn’t get up, and had to call my sister to come take me to the ER. Ever since that time, she mocks me by saying: “I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” Anyone who’s known me for a long time, knows my propensity for clumsiness and hurting myself.
Last week, I swept the leaves out of my garage... the hazards of leaving the garage door open all day. As I took a step backwards, I tripped over a pallet and fell backwards onto my rump... lots ‘o padding, no damage there... but did manage to scrape my elbow on the corner of the pallet before it smacked down onto the concrete. In retrospect, it’s probably good the pallet broke the fall of the elbow. So, I’ve been nursing abrasions, bumps, and bruising on my elbow. Once again: I’ve fallen...
Just Call Me Grace
“Good going, Grace”… That’s the nickname my family has dubbed me due to my clumsiness, as previously mentioned. Last Wednesday morning, the C-gene reared it’s ugly head. In my rush to get ready for work, I slammed... not just stubbed, but slammed..

Freecycle Update
Much to my surprise, I received a response to my email to the state’s outreach coordinator asking what happened. I wrote a long email back detailing all the ways that the “owners” do not follow Freecycle guidelines for sanctioned groups. In my email, I included copies of emails received from the “owners” as evidence against them. (There's something to be said about the CYA folder) At this point, I don’t really care if I’m re-instated or not... at least the outreach coordinator has the information.
There seems to be some confusion as to the "dating" stories I've posted lately. They are NOT mine! LOL... I know I've had some doozies, but at the bottom of each post is a notation where the story came from. I post them because I find them extremely funny... and true. Sometimes, I'll leave commentary. Other times I won't.
Had some wacky weather this past weekend. Saturday was pretty nice: Sunny with temps around 51F. A switch was flipped on Sunday as the cold front came through. Mostly gray and overcast, winds whipping around so hard that my backyard is filled with small tree branches and I could hear the house creaking and groaning. The sun came out briefly and then came a downburst of rain and snow. Sun, wind, rain & snow... imagine that!
Froggie Froggie

I came across an interesting giveaway being sponsored by Jo-Jo at A Mom's World of Madness and Blessings. It's her first one, so if you like giveaways, check it out. :)
Stitchy Stuff
I finished both Joy's into ornaments. Only one is pictured, but they both look the same. The oval shape was a bit of a trick to accomplish, but I succeeded!

Designer: ???
Fabric: 14ct white opalescent aida
Fibers: DMC floss
Time: 3 Hrs to Stitch
Embellishments: Pre-made cording
Update: This ornie winged it's way over the big pond to the UK and now has a new home with Sharon for the ornament exchange on the CSC board.
Glad you didn't break your toe. I've done that many times and it isn't fun.
Also, very glad to hear you got a response from the state freecycle coordinator.
You did a great job finishing the Joy ornies.
Very cute little ornament. Love the frog. Great news you heard something from the freecycle people. Maybe something will now be done about the crazy owners. Hope your toe feels better.
Oh girl I know what you mean about stubbing the toe. I had that happen a year ago and actually broke the toe. It was at the side of my foot. It did not hurt at first and I thought dang that looks funny. This was the evening before leaving for Texas on vacation. I hear you sister on the pain.
I joined Freecycle here and most people put up a lot of junk here. Like take everything leftover from my garage sale like a coat hanger, etc.
Your ornies are adorable I love them. Another fine week. Many Blessings Carla
Joy is so cute - nice finishing. Kudos for making it through the day with your shoes on after killing your toe. Been there, done that, and it isn't pretty. Sad thing is - such a little part of the body can cause such pain, but no one understands or sympathizes unless they've been there, too.
Glad you had a chance to tell what happened with your Freecycle - at least they know now.
ouch! I feel your pain with the toe. I have done that so many times. Hope the freecycle thing works out, for the best for you! I had a successful give away this weekend!!!
the Joy ornament looks great!!!! Keep up the great work
Ornament looks great.
OH BY THE WAY, you are not alone with the clumsy gene. LOL
The dr laughs at me because I tell him if it can be done I can do it.
(reason: I almost cut my fingertip off one day with the straight back flat edge of a butcher knife. ** not ** the bladed side)
Great job on Joy, sorry to hear about the freecycle problems and so glad you didn't break "pinkie" broken mine once and "big" twice no fun! Take care HUGS
Patty Smith
Sometimes when it's that time of the month I become extremely clumsy! I think a friend mentioned that for herself as well!
Did you get that froggy at LnT? I got the same thing, but a ducky for James...has a light and quacks when you push this little button...I think I need to go back before they close and see if they have a frog one!
Heal well!
Thanks for entering my giveaway! Good Luck to you!
Oww about the toe! I did something similar a few weeks back and my nail is still black at its base!
Your Joy ornament looks wonderful :)
hahahaha! I'm not laughing at you! I feel your pain.BELIEVE me! My in laws call me Gracie so you know where I am coming from too!
love your joy ornament too
I enjoy your site very much and laugh quite a bit at those dating dilemas!
Happy Stitching
Grace you crack me up. I love your blog. Congrats on the finish and the frog is cute. I need that. It was my favorite stitch this past weekend
Get thee to a natural foods store and get some arnica montana. Pour several into the lid (or a spoon) and drop them under your tongue. Don't touch them with your hands, but just drop them in. Works amazingly for bumps and bruises. Started using it when my kids were quite little and it has been a real livesaver ;) Lavender salve works well on bruises and especially burns.
Cute frog!
Sorry about your toe, hope it heals quickly.
Lovely ornament you've finished!
I'm the "C" word also and put something in my blog about it.
Love your little froggie, he is adorable.
The "JOY" ornie is great, another beautiful finish.
So Sorry about your toe. My mom has called me Grace, too. She even made me take ballet to help cure my clumsiness...it didn't help, though!
Ouch! I know how you feel I am always bumping/walking into this or that and when it comes to my toes I seem to do that quite frequently. I stubbed it today while I was in the computer room trying to get into my filing cabinet. My Mom is very good at stubbing her toes and it seems my son has picked it up as well...
I think your xmas ornie is so cute along with your frog.
I hope your ouchies heal quickly.
I hope you hear back from the Freecycle coordinator. After all the work you put in to that group, I sincerely think the "owners" should be the ones barred or the group should lose its sanctioning.
Go lay down and don't get up. LOL! Hope you are doing better. The frog is too cute and congrats on your finishes. Very nice.
Debra in Indiana
I hope your ankle is better now. Love the little froggie. The ornament is a great finish.
Can picture that all very well in my head!!! Joy looks great, as usual. My freecyle group switched to this:http://www.reuseitnetwork.org/ after not wanting to deal with freecycle regulations. Drives me nuts when people are asking for Wii's!! Come on people this is a recycle group, not a BUY it for me group! AGH!
Can you keep the frogs with you please? I will really appreciate it ! lol they have invaded my stitching territory and I'm not happy about it !!! lol
I love your ornament ;)
Glad you didn't break your toe. But it sure sounds painful. The ornament looks lovely.
And right you are with the free cycle. At least you could tell the coordinator what's going on there. Personally I would try to move on from there. They are not worth to spoil your day. :)
Hope your toe is better..hurts to think about doing that. I do hope you get some feedback from the freecycle people.
Stitching is very pretty. Love your finishes!
OUCH, ouch, ouch!
That froggie is sooooo cute!
Love the ornament
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