And now... on with the show!

Boy, has the fall weather set in. A good part of last week was cold, dreary, and rainy. Sunday was one of the few nicer days left for this year. Mid 70 temps, sunny and nice breeze. My type of weather! This morning, I woke up to 30mph winds and blustery cold. Brr! Unfortunately, the winds toppled the trellis I made for my climbing beans in the garden. :( It also knocked over a couple of my potted plants.

Remember in the movie where Bill Murray woke up at the same time every day and the day repeated itself? I'm starting to feel that way in that every morning I keep waking up between 3:30 and 3:45am... every day for the past week or so! Most of the time I go right back to sleep, but it's starting to get really annoying. Not to mention I'm not getting good rest!
There were yet more things in my grab bag that I forgot to show last week... Check this out:
Dinky Dyes Cotton Floss • Mint, Hawthorne, & Bush Baby
Pure Palette Floss • Sunflower Petals (great name!)
DMC #5 Pearle Cotton #211
GAST Floss • Cheesecake, Shell, & Sunburst
For the past month or so, this BIG guy has taken up residence outside my bedroom window. He is H-U-G-E! I don't know what kind of spider it is, but I'm definitely not used to seeing anything larger than a Daddy Long Legs.
If you haven't taken a look at my stash-for-sale blog in a while, I've recently added a lot more charts, magazines, and kits. I'm slowly working my way through the big box of "stuff" I keep adding to that sits in my 4-season room.
I did some stitching this week! I'm *this* close to finishing another "quilt square" on TMQ. I'd say, I have about 10 more stitches. Since I am so close to finishing the current motif, I didn't take a photo. Stay tuned... coming soon!
Twice a year, the local domestic violence organization hosts a used book sale... the proceeds go toward helping battered/abused women. This year, they have opened an actual bookstore. I went and took a look around. Hundreds and hundreds of books -- even a craft/hobby section! There was a bin of cross stitch charts and magazines (mostly magazines). After I took a look at the other books and such, I sat on a stool and went through all the cross stitch stuff!