Feb 27, 2010
Feb 22, 2010
Marvelous Monday Update 2/22/2010
You just know it's going to be a good week when....
- The sun shows its happy face most of the week.
- Adam Lysacek wins Olympic gold for men's figure skating.
(OK, so I'm I'm biased... he's from Naperville IL)
- You get notification from the IRS that you're getting more of a refund than you thought.
- You go to take your accounting test, only to find you're missing a chapter from the textbook but still get 100% on the test.
- Your Ethics team gives an unscheduled presentation that wow's the class.
- You receive beautiful stitchy gifts in the mail.
- You get in some much needed stitching time.
As I've already mentioned, I have a bit of a snafu with my accounting textbook. The title, author, and edition are correct. The ISBN # is different. I didn't realize this until I went to take my latest test and one of the two chapters being tested on was not in my book! Between reviewing the online narrated slides/power point, using Google, and my accounting knowledge, I muddled my way through the test. I had fingers on both hands crossed when I submitted my answers... really, really hoping I did OK. I was thrilled and suprised when the score came back 100%. Woo Hoo! Yes, it's gonna be a good week!
I emailed my instructor telling her about my situation:
"This week I ran into a problem. My textbook only goes up to Chapter 12. Even though my title, authors, and edition are correct, the ISBN # is different. My thought was to finish the course by reviewing the power point presentations and working the alternative problems online. Not sure where the solutions are for those problems, though. Do you have any ideas? Help!"
Her response:
"Sorry, I really don't. Can you order the book or borrow the book from anyone? I don't have an e-version of the book."
That's it?? I expected a little more help (like WHERE are the answers to the alternative problems listed online?). With only TWO weeks left in class, there is no way I can get a book ordered in time plus I've already paid $200 for the book I have! I am very, very disappointed in the response from my instructor. Today, I plan on going to the satellite campus and see if I can borrow a book. I'm not holding my breath, though, since no accounting classes are held in-seat on campus. I will probably end up winging my way through the last two chapters and last test, hoping to keep my "A" grade.
In Ethics class, we had to divide up into teams. Each team was to pick a "controversial topic" and then use the workbook to go through a process in order to come to resolution. I think I mentioned in another MM update, our team chose School Uniforms. Last week, our team stayed late after class to finish up our resolution process. What was really amazing about it was both "sides" came up with the EXACT same modified proposal (solution) independently.
Based upon our discussions over the past 4-5 weeks, I drafted a transcript of our process and one of my teammates created a power point presentation based on the transcript. When we got to class, we told the instructor we were ready and asked if we could give our group presentation. We rocked the house! Jaws dropped and there were students saying "Wow..." Even the instructor said we did a good job. The bar has been set pretty high for the remaining teams. :) The interesting thing about the presentation is that we're graded by our fellow students, not the instructor. Yes, it's gonna be a good week!
I work as a liason between clients and the IRS/state agencies on a regular basis. Most of the time dealing with them is a royal pain in the@ss rear. Every once in a while, they surprise me. Imagine my surprise when I go to the IRS website to check on the status of my refund and I learn that not only will my refund be deposited that day, but I am receiving MORE than I anticipated! Yes, it's gonna be a good week!
Most days last week were filled with sunshine and beautiful days. I think there was only one or two days it was cloudy. Ever notice how much better people's moods are when the sun is shining???
We did get about 2" of snow on Saturday. It was pretty wet, too. Out came "Push" and "Little Blow" to help me with clean up. It's great to have friends like them, LOL. Last night, we got another 3". *clicking heels together* Two more months, two more months...
In last week's mail, I received a stitchy package from Lorraine at Maltese 7. A while back she had a blogversary giveaway and I was the winner! She does some beautiful stitching. Here's what came all the way from Malta:

Thank you, Lorraine!
For the second week in a row, I was able to fit in some stitching :) Here's my progress so far on ABC Lessons:

Since I'm stitching on white opalescent Luguna, I had to backstitch the white sheep in order to see them. I used a light grey... just enough to make them show up. I also gave their faces a bit more shape.
Yes, it's gonna be a good week!
- The sun shows its happy face most of the week.
- Adam Lysacek wins Olympic gold for men's figure skating.
(OK, so I'm I'm biased... he's from Naperville IL)
- You get notification from the IRS that you're getting more of a refund than you thought.
- You go to take your accounting test, only to find you're missing a chapter from the textbook but still get 100% on the test.
- Your Ethics team gives an unscheduled presentation that wow's the class.
- You receive beautiful stitchy gifts in the mail.
- You get in some much needed stitching time.

I emailed my instructor telling her about my situation:
"This week I ran into a problem. My textbook only goes up to Chapter 12. Even though my title, authors, and edition are correct, the ISBN # is different. My thought was to finish the course by reviewing the power point presentations and working the alternative problems online. Not sure where the solutions are for those problems, though. Do you have any ideas? Help!"
Her response:
"Sorry, I really don't. Can you order the book or borrow the book from anyone? I don't have an e-version of the book."
That's it?? I expected a little more help (like WHERE are the answers to the alternative problems listed online?). With only TWO weeks left in class, there is no way I can get a book ordered in time plus I've already paid $200 for the book I have! I am very, very disappointed in the response from my instructor. Today, I plan on going to the satellite campus and see if I can borrow a book. I'm not holding my breath, though, since no accounting classes are held in-seat on campus. I will probably end up winging my way through the last two chapters and last test, hoping to keep my "A" grade.
In Ethics class, we had to divide up into teams. Each team was to pick a "controversial topic" and then use the workbook to go through a process in order to come to resolution. I think I mentioned in another MM update, our team chose School Uniforms. Last week, our team stayed late after class to finish up our resolution process. What was really amazing about it was both "sides" came up with the EXACT same modified proposal (solution) independently.

I work as a liason between clients and the IRS/state agencies on a regular basis. Most of the time dealing with them is a royal pain in the
Most days last week were filled with sunshine and beautiful days. I think there was only one or two days it was cloudy. Ever notice how much better people's moods are when the sun is shining???
We did get about 2" of snow on Saturday. It was pretty wet, too. Out came "Push" and "Little Blow" to help me with clean up. It's great to have friends like them, LOL. Last night, we got another 3". *clicking heels together* Two more months, two more months...
In last week's mail, I received a stitchy package from Lorraine at Maltese 7. A while back she had a blogversary giveaway and I was the winner! She does some beautiful stitching. Here's what came all the way from Malta:

For the second week in a row, I was able to fit in some stitching :) Here's my progress so far on ABC Lessons:
Since I'm stitching on white opalescent Luguna, I had to backstitch the white sheep in order to see them. I used a light grey... just enough to make them show up. I also gave their faces a bit more shape.
cross stitch,
Feb 15, 2010
Marvelous Monday Update 2/15/2010
Guess what? I have learned that I have... the Hives! I've talked to three different people about this and they all said the same thing. Even though I'm not consciously dwelling on my job situation and school seems to be zooming along fine, the stress of it all have caused me to break out in hives. It's been going on for about three weeks now, but I didn't know what the heck was wrong with me... except I was scratching a LOT! First time hive victim, here. LOL As if migraines and tension headaches weren't enough... *sigh*
I had a Dr. appt last week and while I was there I talked to her about this, and told her I was using hydrocortisone and benedryl (at night). She confirmed those were good things and told me to take long-lasting Zyrtec or Claritin during the day. Hopefully, these things will help!
Last Wed, residents of northern Illinois awoke to violent shaking as a magnitude 3.8 (downgraded from an 4.3 initially) earthquake with an epicenter near DeKalb at 3:59am. I'm about an hour and half from DeKalb, and I was awoken by my bed shaking and rumbling. It's been reported 7 surrounding states felt the earthquake. One of the news stations has a weather blog where people commented on the earthquake (including me). They mentioned my name during the newscast :) This is the second time I've felt an earthquake here. The first one was back in 2008.
Also, I'd like to share this with you... You know you've had enough of winter when:

So far, all the work I've been putting into school is paying off *knock on wood*. Remember how worried I was about how each ethics test is worth 25% of my grade? Well guess what? As the instructor passed out the tests, he hinted that the class didn't do very well. When I got my test back, I saw a "25" written at the top in red and thought 25 out of 100? I frantically started flipping through the test to see which ones I
Can you believe enrollment for the next semester starts TODAY??? International Business here I come!
With some of the gift certificates I received, I did a little birthday shopping. I ordered a nice piece of 18x27 opalescent Luguna and a teeny-tiny pair of Elizabeth I scissors by Kelmscott. When I ordered them, I didn't realize they were going to be so small!

I was surprised by another stitchy package that came in the mail... a belated birthday gift from Mel. She chose something from my wishlist and it's awesome, but it was the note she sent that really touched me. Thank you, Mel!

-and- the thread/embellishment packs
Update: The last package from the ILCS Birthday Club exchange arrived. Vicky sent me a chart from my wishlist, a pair of scissors, and a 36x27 piece of 28ct Jubilee fabric. The jubilee is on backorder which is why it's not in the photo. Thank you Vicky.
Since I did so well on both my tests, I decided to "treat" myself to some stitching. I started stitching ABC Lessons by Lizzie Kate. Here's what it looks like so far:
It's being stitched on part of the opalescent Luguna (too bad the sparklies weren't picked up by the camera) I ordered. I don't know if
cross stitch,
Feb 8, 2010
Marvelous Monday Update 2/8/2010

Working in the accounting field (Yes, I do taxes) has given me certain resources that enable me to find answers I might not have ever known. I prepare my own taxes knowing that if I get into a bind, I can get help. So, I worked on my tax prep for '09 thinking I'd get about the same refund as last year since nothing had changed. I have to say this is the first time in all the years I've done tax prep that I looked at my numbers and literally freaked out that *something* was seriously wrong. My projected refund was twice the amount I expected. Unbeknownst to be, I'm eligible for the newly improved education credit! I checked my return 3 times to make sure it was right! Had I known about the credit, I wouldn't have adjusted my withholding for the Making Work Pay Credit! Umm... yeah, I work in accounting.

I just want to say that Nancy jinxed me when she commented on the weather last week. The day *after* she commented on my blog, it SNOWED! Thanks, Nancy. Love you, too. It snowed enough that I spent over an hour before work, shoveling and blowing.
Lainey's Stitching Hoose is hosting a Valentine's giveaway. Click on over if you'd like to check it out.
I have another finish to announce! Presenting....

Designer: The Stitcherhood
Fabric: 14ct white aida
Fibers: Rainbow Gallery Splendor Silk
#911 Christmas Red
Alterations: Added the border on the
right side and beaded the heart.
I had tests in both my classes last week.
I was quite peturbed when my Ethics instructor informed us that we were going to take the test at the END of class (9pm). Prior to the test, he lectured on two chapters (which weren't on the test) and we had our usual discussion on current events we each have to bring to class each week. When one gets up at 5:30am, one does *not* want to wait until 9pm to take a test over 6 chapters. I think I did OK on the test... I was the second one to finish it, and then I was outta there!
I spent two evenings working on my online IA II test, even emailed the instructor twice with questions. When we submit our answers, we get immediate gratification (or disappointment). I scrolled through my graded test... 10 correct... *whew* at least 50% right so far... *scroll, scroll*.... 13 correct... 75% correct... one wrong... *scroll some more*... the rest correct! Woo Hoo!! I got a 95%. I then went back to look over my calculations and made a STUPID error which I definitely know better since I working in the accounting field.
I'll find out my results for the Ethics test on Thursday. I hope I did OK, it's worth 25% of my grade.
cross stitch,
Feb 1, 2010
In my MM post, I mentioned I had a stitchy finish. Let me present my first ever cube!

Designer: The Stitcherhood
Fabric: 14ct pink hand-dyed (by me!) aida
Fibers: Rainbow Gallery Splendor Silk
#911 Christmas Red
Alterations: Added the border on the right side.
I want to stitch this one again and make it into a card. I think it would be a cute finish.
I had not one, but TWO birthday surprises in today's mail. The last card from the CSE Birthday Floss Club arrived from Georgena:
I'd already received a gift certificate from Nancy, so I was really surprised to find a "Happy Birthday!" package from her in my mailbox:
cross stitch
Marvelous Monday Update 2/1/2010
One word....

This week is going to be a brutal one. I have tests in both classes.
Remember how
The instructor for my IA II class assigned a TON of homework questions in preparation for the test. I managed to finish all of them over the weekend. Hopefully, I'll do as well on Test #2 as I did on the first one.
I received more birthday gift certificates from bloggy friends... Carolyn and Sharmila. You know, you sure know how to make a girl smile. You gals are the best! I'm going to have one fantastic shopping spree
I received another card from the CSE BFC. It traveled across the big pond from Lily in England. She sent it over a week ago and hoped it'd get here in time, but the postal system didn't cooperate, lol. Look at this neat tri-fold card:
Update: I also received a GC from one of the club members that hadn't sent me a gift according the the rules. There's a bit of controversy surrounding it that I won't get into. Regardless, I'm appreciative. Thank you very much.
Julie from I'll Cross That Leg hosted her first giveaway a while back. I was the LUCKY winner! Yay for me!!
I'm feeling pretty blessed. I just found out that I am the winner of Lorraine's blogversary giveaway. Click on over to Maltese7 Cross Stitch to see what it is!
Guess what?!? I actually did some stitching last week (mostly on my lunch hour) -and- I had a finish! I don't have photos yet, since I'm not finished with making it into a cube. Going to JoAnn Fabrics on my lunch hour today :)

I'm in need of recommendations for an inexpensive, decent, dial-up internet provider. I have a friend who lives out in an area of the county who can't get DSL service. The only option is dial-up at this point. I tried installing NetZero last night and got nowhere. Couldn't even get to the point of registering; each time the software logged on, it immediately got kicked off once explorer opened up. After four hours of that, I'm giving up on NetZero. So, I was hoping if any of my readers use a dial-up service that isn't local to them, they could me some recommendations???
cross stitch,