Last week, I *maybe* got about 10 stitches total in on ABC Lessons. So, no pic (again). However, I was surprised when I learned my Flip Flops is being featured on the SNS2 homepage. Woo Hoo!
Jennifer over at Feathers in the Nest is sponsoring a giveway in celebration of the homecoming of her son. Bounce on over and Welcome Brandon Home!
The new semester started last week. My International Business instructor is 29 (and not looking forward to turning 30 this year, LOL). She's from a small town in Iowa and started studying abroad at 19. Now, she has TWO masters degrees and a pHD. She now lives with her husband in a small hick town southeast of where I live. I said to her "Why?!" It reminds her of home. Awww.
This week (already!) we have a 1-3 page paper due on an international news article. I worked on mine last night and emailed it to her. Oh, she's a treehugger :) so she wants everything as electronic as possible. By this morning when I woke up, she'd already graded it and sent it back to me! The paper isn't due until Thursday. How's that for efficiency?! I got 97% because of two grammatical errors. One of which I take issue with. Since I got an "A", I'm not going to argue it.
Unbelievably, temps are supposed to get close to 80F by Thursday. Thunderstorms by the weekend. I'm thinking about getting out on the bike trail if the storms stay away.