I received this award from Debra from "All About Me". I have met Debra and she's a very nice person, as well as a talented crafter. Thank you Debra for passing the award to me. :) It makes me feel good to know people enjoy my blog.
The rules are simple:
1) Accept the award.
2) Thank the person who gave you the award
3) Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
4) Put the award on your blog.
5) Write 10 things about yourself others might not know about you.
6) Pass the award on to 10 others.
1. I was born 3 months premature and barely weighed 4 1/2lbs.
2. I have been clumsy my entire life.
3. Being with nature brings me peace and calmness.
4. If I'm not wearing glasses, I can't see more than a few inches from my face.
5. I have large scars on both my knees. One from the bike accident last summer. One from an accident when I went on a cruise to the Caribbean.
6. I'm allergic to everything except feathers and cockroaches (Yes, that is funny!).
7. I'm not a picky eater, and will try almost anything once.
8. I'm afraid of heights.
9. I almost always have a pedicure, and rarely a manicure.
10. I've had enough drama to last several lifetimes.
And now to pass the award onto others:
1. Cyndi (Cynamin's Obsession)
2. Jo (Boo's Mummy)
3. Evalina (This and That...)
4. Ranae (Stitch by Stitch)
5. Donna (Princess Pattern Collector)
6. Julie (I'll Cross That Leg)
7. Shelley (Shelley's Artsy Fartsy Life)
8. Carol (Stitching Dreams)
9. Carolyn (Carolyn's Stitching Chatter)
10. Sadie (Stitching Up A Storm)
Lynn over at OK Stitching News is hosting a tax day giveway. Click on over to check it out.
Congrats on your award!! And Thank You for giving me one too! It's my very first award!
The nice thing about these awards is that we all learn a little more about each other. And that's a good thing.
Thank you for the kind award and I enjoyed reading things about you!
Congrats! on the award, you surely deserve it.
Thanks for thinking of me.
We should get together at the mall, Barnes & Nobles sometime.
Let me know.
Congrats on the award Meari!!!
Very well deserved.
Congratulation on receiving beautiful award and I feel so privilege for getting it from you. Thank you so much for thinking of me. And thank you for the link to OK Stitching News, I absolutely love Lynn’s giveaway!
Congrats on receiving your award and thanks so much for passing it on to me, too! Interesting facts you've given!
What a surprise to see my name on your list Meari! Thanks so much for the award and congratulations for receiving one yourself!
On school, I had no doubt - congrats on the A's!
The stitching is beautiful, and the potluck offering looks tasty.
You deserve it! And thank you again for nominating me :)
Hi Meari--I've been away and am finally catching up on my blog reading. Thank you so much for the blog award. Several others have nominated me, too, and I really need to get busy and post my thank yous and come up with 10 interesting facts.
Loved reading yours and getting to know you better...we have a lot in common, especially our poor vision, love of nature and fear of heights!
Hope you are having a relaxing weekend :)
Thank you Meari :-)
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