1 skort, 1 tank top, 1 sweater,
1 Nike shirt
have in common with...





this shelf

Give up? One paper sack. One dollar. Huh? You may say. I had heard about a church rummage sale that was happening on Saturday. Unbenownst to me, it had actually started on Thursday and Saturday (the last day) was the "Fill a bag for a buck" day! So all I got the above mentioned for ONE DOLLAR!
I thought the shelf would look cute in my craft/spare bedroom. Look at the little spool details:

As I was walking out of the church, one of rummage sale workers was hawking the goods outside. I couldn't pass up these:

for the low, low price of FREE! I asked the guy if he was serious, lol. He even had his granddaughter carry the table to my car since I had my arms full with the bag of stuff and my purse. The card table needs some paint, but other than that, it still has lots of life left it.
Ya'll know how I like re-purposing items, right? Last year, I picked up these spice jars at a garage sale for 10cents each.

Meari! You find the best bargains!! I am coming to your town! LOL................I never find anything like that here, even at the big flea market.
wow Meari!!! You are quite the shopper. Wish we lived closer!!!! That is the kind of shopping I like to do!!!!
WOW what a great deal !
Awesomely cool Meari, you find the neatest stuff.
Wow! What a great deal.
Awesome! I think I need a lesson from you how to shop.
You got the motherload of bargains at that sale!! Good for you!!! I really like that shelf and since you are such a crafty person you will make good use of it!!
If you lived closer, I am sure we would be shopping buddies. Actually, you would be my shopping teacher. Because I NEVER find the stuff you find! Great bargains!
Great finds. I love rummage sales and consignment stores. I think I will need a shopping fix soon after seeing your finds.
You got some great deals and at the right price.
I am amazed at your luck in finding great bargains. Enjoy your newfound treasures.
BTW, you are sure brave for eating the plate of raw fish. I'm not wild about fish that is cooked, let alone raw. You can bet I would have opted out of that dinner date. lol
Barb in TX
Woah! Incredible haul! What an unbelievable bargain, you lucky, lucky girl!
Wow what a wonderful find! Lucky you!
Wow what great finds Meari! Enjoy all your new goodies.
Wow! You really hit the jackpot. I never find sales like that here.
What a great haul for just $1!!
Wow now that is what I call a bargain!!!
Wow Meari, You have great luck and find the neatest things. I'm glad for you.
Sandy P.
Don't you just love a bargain!!?? you made out like a bandit!! Great Going! The things you found were really cool...I like the little jars and the spool topped shelf the best! from the 'Queen of UFO's'
hugs, pamela
Wow! What a haul you made, Meari!! GREAT STUFF!
Wow, Meari, what a haul - fantastic deal for all those goodies!
Wow what a deal. You have done a lot lately looking over your previous blogs. I love the shelf with the spools on it. The jars are very special. You find the best stuff.
Don't you just love garage sales. they are so much fun, my only problem is I have such great plans and so few of them actually come to pass. Now I am in the process of getting rid of a bunch of my treasures.
Wow, great haul, Meari!
You always hit it lucky when bargin shopping. You are the queen. All Hail Meari!! Lol...
The shelf is adorable and that is totlly awesome that the jars fit on it. What will they hold?
that shelf looks great. Great bargains!
Wow, what a great haul! Way to go! Love the new car story too, double Wow!
You are soooo LUCKY!!! what else would you call all of these!! Oh my god. Congratulations :d
wow! you need to come shopping with me. I can never find anything.
You find the best buys around. We have looked in different thrif stores and never find anything.
Those spools are just too cute!
You do find the best deals! I love seeing all of them! :)
You do find the best deals! I love seeing all of them! :)
You deserve the frugal shopper of the year award! Love the shelf and the flower pot!
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