16 states (Count them... S-I-X-T-E-E-N) are under under heat advisory. Starting last Saturday, temperatures creeped up to the mid 90's and will stay there all this week. Add in humidity, and you have a recipe for turning on the AC and staying in. Indexes are supposed to be 108F+.
Little Celeste has already had her share of the heat. She loves to go outside, and I kept her out with me while I cleaned the garage. A couple hours later, we went in the house... she was panting, wheezing, and drooling all over the place. (Normally, she doesn't drool.) After about 15 minutes, I decided to give her a cold bath. She hates baths but this time, she just laid down in the water and stayed there. Eventually, her panting eased up and the drooling stopped. I was very close to taking her to the vet!

The good news is... It's finals week. The bad news is... It's finals week. LOL
This week entails reading 3 chapters and a web article, posting about the web article and responding to two other student posts, then studying and taking the final exam.

On the upside, I'm enrolled for next semester and received notification my textbook is winging it's way to me via the good 'ole Post Office. CORRECTION: It arrived in today's mail! AND ~ I'll get a week or so breather before I need to get crackin' on the next class.

This past weekend, the local college put on "Once Upon A Mattress". It's a musical comedy that originally opened off-Broadway in May 1959, and then moved to Broadway. The play was written as an adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Princess and the Pea. As usual, the college actors and actresses gave a great performance. It is really awesome to see such talent in my community.
Guess what?! I finished putting the envelope together. It will go in the mail today. Once the recipient gets it, I'll post photos. In the meantime, here's a teaser...
I also finished the stitching for the Lizzie Kate ornament exchange. No photos of it either. Bummer, right? I worked on Blossom Splendor a bit last night. I just have about 10 confetti stitches to do then I can move on to the next page. Woo Hoo! No photo of it either. I know... What's up with that?! I figure I'll wait until after I start the next page.
More drama continues. The project manager of old company (and supposed 1/2 partner in new company) quit last week and was gone by 10am Friday morning. Prior to PM quitting, the owners of the old company had already interviewed for his replacement. Don'tcha just love when companies expect loyalty and then go behind their employees' backs? My guess is that he's no longer part of the new company either.
I found a treasure trove of goodies last week. From the thrift stores, I came home with:
The timing on this was great as I used the last of my interfacing when I finished my last mailart.
I figure this will come in handy for St. Patrick's Day themed projects. Couldn't pass it up when all fabrics were 1/2 off!
The Calico Crossroads "Strung Out" is actually a kit. I didn't know they made these in kit form. The Garfield leaflet is an OOP chart. I love Garfield!

When I brought her home, her face and hands were smudged and dirty. Kids, I tell ya! She patiently waited for her clothes to be washed.

While shopping at JC Penneys, I found this great pair of corduroy slacks for $3 on clearance. They were originally priced at $35.
On craigslist, a lady was selling a complete set of DMC floss, three unopened packages of fabric (one was Belfast linen), and a ziploc bag of "small pieces". Here's a photo of the fabrics:
• 14ct Antique White Aida 11x17
• 14ct White Aida 14x17
• 14ct White Aida 11x17
• 14ct Black Aida 14x17
• 14ct White Aida 11x16 with 5x6 cutout
• 18ct White Aida 8x14 with 5x5 cutout
• 18ct White Aida 11x14
• 18ct Antique White Aida 19x21
• 22ct White Hardanger 10x11
• 32ct Belfast Linen 17x17
I washed, pressed and labeled them all. Except for the 3 in the package, the above were in the ziploc bag... Small pieces??! The smallest ones are pictured below:
• 22ct Yellow Hardanger 5.5x7
• 22ct Yellow Hardanger 7.5x11
• 22ct White Hardanger 5x10
Not sure why the yellow fabric looks goldenrod. It's really more of a sunshine yellow. I didn't get a photo of the DMC set, which is wound onto bobbins -- There are five large bobbin cases. Plus, there were five ziploc bags of DMC still in skein form. All for the low... low... low... price of $10!
If all the colors are there, that makes the cost 4cents/skein, not including the fabric. Belfast Linen is $5-6 at the store! What a dealio :) How could I pass up that stitchy goodness?
Until next time,

I am so glad you gave Celeste a bath! Its way too hot for our little furbabies to be outside, even for a short time.
All of your finds are wonderful! I haven't made a trip lately because of the heat. I have been staying in and stitching! Waiting to see photos of your stitching updates!
Great haul Meari. How do you always manage to run into such good deals? This last one is unbelievable. I like the doll too. She looks great in her clean dress. Where do you keep your doll collection? I have never seen it. I used to have a doll collection too but had to give it away when we moved to a smaller house.
Lucky find on craigslist. The few that have been listed on our local list have been out of my budget. Great finds, all the way around!
I want to go shopping with you next time, Meari..... I can't find deals like you do. I'm sure you will do well on the final. Thank goodness for AC.... we are all going to need it.
Nan in PA
Good Luck with your Final, I'm sure you will do well! Great deal on your finds! SO, we WILL see pics of Mailart on your next update. Right?
You couldn't pass that up at all!
Great deals you got.
Keep cool!
Wow! That's what I call a deal!!! Good luck on your finals!
Meari, I love when you share your bargains with us! They're always fun to see.
It's the pits here, weather wise, too. We're downstate, so it may even be a teeny bit worse, but it's too hot to be outside for any length of time.
I can't wait to see your last mailart and Blossom Splendor. In the meantime, keep Celeste safe. It's too hot for man or beast. Good for you, giving her a cool bath, bless her heart!
What amazing finds you found! Good luck on the final exams, I am sure you will do well. Enjoy the week off before school starts up again. My husband has a week of as well from school after having a tough class that he aced the break was much needed. Stay cool.
awesome finds!
Can't wait for the pics of your stitching.
Good thinking in giving Celeste a cooling bath, when it's really hot, we put ice-cubes in the drinking water.
Great blog entry as usual Meari! We haven't had much summer at all so far and today it's definitely been very autumnal.
Best wishes for your final exam this week. I'm sure you'll do well - you've been doing great so far.
Wow, all that stitchy stuff you got - what a bargain!!
Great deal on Craigslist! That's the find of the year! Congratulations!
Wow! I need you to go shopping for me!! Good luck on your finals!
A busy and a very profitable week!
Poor Celeste needing a cool bath, and actually wanting one, with all that fur she was bound to get hot. Good finds with all the stitchy stuff and those dolls are just great.
That little doll looks lovely. She looks like she might be quite old. I have a doll collection too. I have already given away 2/3 of it last year because I was hoarding so many. I'm struggleng with whether I should part with some more. I don't think I can.
All my unopened stitchery kits of various kinds are in a box to go tomorrow but I don't think I can let them go. I'm going to fish them out and hide them in my bedroom, then decide whether to keep them or give them to someone who would use them. They can't just end up in the dump. I am starting to get really anxious about tomorrow.
I always love reading your blog. You always find so many fun goodies. Can't wait to see your stitching but I know whatever you post will be beautiful.
You sure found some great buys. Good luck with the last week of school. I'm looking forward to seeing your stitching photos.
Stay cool.
Meari you are the most inspiring stash finder ever..lol
I'm jealous! You ALWAYS find the best stuff at prices we can only dream about.
Glad Celeste is ok. I know just how she feels because we've been working outside in this heat every day. I'm not complaining too much about the heat though because I would much rather have the heat than the freezing temps with snow and ice.
It is very hot and humid here too and supposed to be all week. What a great haul you found. You always do though.
Hi Meari,
Love your new baby doll... and what a JACKPOT on Craig's List.
Good luck on your finals.
Dee in TN
Wow! Great bargains to report this week, Meari. I'm like you...I just love a good deal :)
Can't wait to see your mail art finish--the fabric is lovely...
Best of luck on your final--I know you'll do great! Enjoy that week off now and don't spend the time reading that textbook!! Do some fun and relaxing things just for you :)
good luck with the exams :) try spraying the furbaby with water to cool down too or having a wet towel and covering her with it when she lays down .... (tip from a Burmese dog owner many years ago) and nooooo no photos of work ..lol and excellent finds .. that little doll is gorgeous :) love mouse xxx
Wow, finals week already??!! All the best, though am sure you'll do well as always.
Boy, did you strike gold there. What a find. LOVE the porcelain doll. She's adorable. Congrats on all your finds
Best of luck with the exams, you'll do great.
Love the doll and what a find, there is no way you could pass up such bargains !
Celeste has my sympathies. Our dog will probably be having a bath cool off this week also.
The doll looks gorgeous and You definitely "lucked out" with all the other finds.
Wow did you hit the jackpot on Craig's list!!!!! I have never found anything on there for my area.
Meari, good luck on your finals!
Wow what a bunch of amazing bargain finds!
Congrats on the xstitch supplies bargain! What a great deal!!
When I was studying for my accounting designation, lo those many years ago, they used to go right through until finals at mid-August, then we would have 2 weeks off and be back at it again. The first year that I studied, some of my friends were going to Cape Cod. One girl's Auntie had given us 4 girls the use of her cottage at Buzzard's Bay for a week. I was to write my final the week I returned, so I took my books, determined to study hard for the exam. If I took my books to the beach, I felt deprived because I had to study while they strolled the beach and if I stayed at the cottage to study, then I felt left out. Form then until I got my accounting designation, I took my vacation at the END of August AFTER finals! I was nearly 30 before I realized that one actually could go on vacation in July! LOL
And I think it is TOTALLY fair to tell the gal-who-is-lucky-with-good-deals that i ENVY her those fabrics.
Good luck with your finals...
I love your blog update and your latest shopping escapade beat mine by a mile - way to go girl!
Hi Meari! About your stitchy stuff, well, the fabric looks pretty indeed, hope we can see the mail art soon ;)
You did found a lot of treasures, why does it seems that we never have enough fabric? lol
You sure have been increasing your stash lately with some great buys. I never find anything on Craigs List and I look at several different cities. The heat index here was 116 yesterday. Waiting for some of that rain to make it across the big lake! Looking forward to seeing your mail art piece.
Great finds at the shops and craigslist! I can't wait to see your envelope.
Karin in CA
Isn't this heat brutal? It's way too hot and humid here too.
You have done some wonderful bargain shopping. You have found a veritable treasure trove. Your porcelain doll is beautiful all washed and dressed.
Meari, you sure hit the jackpot girl! I just love your blog, theres always something exciting on it, lol.
I am almost finished with my JBW, Butterfly. I'm going to make a pillow for gd #1. Fabric is lime green, butterfly is pink and lime green. will try my hand at making a ruffle out of the fabric. Im not sure how to do it though. Does it need to be on the bias?
Wow!! I am still in shock over the st johns bay slacks at only $3, let alone all of the other awesome deals you've found recently. Kudos to the thrift shopping guru!!
I can't believe all of the states that are dealing with such extreme temps. Mother Nature has her panties in a jumble this year for sure. Nothing is normal. For the past 2 weeks we've not run the a/c once. Then 2 days ago it started to creep into the 90s. Yesterday it was 104 @ 4pm! I don't know how long this will last. For once I think we are getting cooler weather than you. Go figure.
Good luck with the final and with the bs at J2.
I'm a bit late with my blog reading this week. I hope your final went smoothly for you. Congrats on all the great buys you made this week too! Amazing!
Poor Celeste! The wheezing and drooling would have freaked me out. I'm so glad that a cool bath did the trick. My girls are finding it way too hot to be outside, too. I hope it starts to simmer down soon; I'm usually outside a lot more this time of year! Great finds, as always. :D
nice stash acquisition!
Great bargains!!
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