I think this says it all......

As I said in my previous post, the week started out with 16 states under extreme heat advisory. Three days later, there were THIRTY-TWO states under the advisory. Ack! My area had 100+ actual temps and humidity so thick my lungs practically seized up when I stepped outside.

I called my parents (who are senior citizens... shhhhh!) to make sure they were OK seeing as they don't have air conditioning. Well, they have an AC unit but Dad won't put it in the window because it "costs too much". Anyway... I called, they were OK, and Mom explained my Dad's geri-rigged method of getting the cool air from the basement upstairs, lol. I wasn't surprised since he used to do that when I still lived at home. Whatever works, Dad! Mom was thrilled to peaches that I called to check on them.
Over the weekend, we had strong (and LOUD) thunderstorms with quite a bit of rain. I've already sucked up 18 gallons of water off my basement floor! Last night, the humidity broke and it's a beautiful, cool, sunny morning. :)
When I woke up Saturday morning, everything outside was covered in rain drops. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. The first one is a tiger lily not quite open yet, and the other one is hosta flowers.

Up until last Thursday, I was
Stress Reliever #1: I calculated how many points I'd need on the final to maintain an "A" for the class. I only needed to get a 69!
Stress Reliever #2: Students were supposed to have 2½ hours to take the final. Turns out the instructor forgot to set the timer on the final, which I didn't realize until I was 3/4 done with the exam (The timer wasn't counting down).

Results: I just checked the online classroom, and found out that I got 99.39 out of 100! *happy dancing* Woo Hoo!
Did I mention I only have TWO classes left until I graduate?
T-W-O! Woo Hoo!!! Did I mention I'll be graduating in November?? Yes, sireee!
Parsely at Seasons of my Mind is hosting a Christmas in July giveaway. She'd like to meet more bloggy friends!
Gabi at Lady of the Floss is also hosting a giveaway in honor of her upcoming blogversary. Click on over and congratulate her.
Peggy at Keep Me in Stitches is also celebrating a blogversary -- one year of bloggy bliss!
It's been a whole month since I've been able to work on Blossom Splendor. She received quite a bit of attention over the weekend. The other sleeve of her kimono is almost finished!

Until next time,

Great pics!!!!!! Congrats on your grade too! Happy Dancing with you!!!!
BS is looking Great. Keep up the Good work!!!!
Awesome grade Meari!!! Congratulations on getting through it without totally flipping out!
Blossom Splendor is going to be stunning when she's done if the WIP is anything to go by.
Glad your folks are doing okay but I don't know how they can be if it's as hot where they are as it is around here!
Have a great week!
Woo Hoo!! Congrats on the A!!
Your flowers look beautiful with the rain drops glistening off of them :)
Blossom Splendor is looking great...
Glad it has cooled down for you, it has not for me, course that is what I get for living in the south. Liked with pictures of your garden, you take such great pictures.
Congrats on your final!! Blossom Splendor and your flowers are lovely.
Karin in CA
Great job on your finals!!! Stay cool!!
I love the blossom splendor, I have always wanted to do that one! It looks great!!! Great work!!
oooooo happy dance on the grade .. you go girl even with the hot temps you got there ... and wow love those flower shots ... any chance of a copy ??? for my desk top ... and well done on your progress too :) love mouse xxxx
Great update. You are multi-talented. I enjoy your updates.
The cooler weather still hasn't made it's way over the lake yet. At least it hadn't this morning! I bet your Dad did what my Dad for cooling. Turn on the furnace fan and suck the cool temps of the basement out to the upstairs?? BS looks great! I'm sure you're looking forward to Nov! And look, I commented on a MONDAY!!!
ROTFL at the corn on the cob joke! LOVE it!
Christine (nannystitch)
Huge Congrats on the grade! And only two more courses? WOOOOOOO HOOOOOO. It should be clear sailing now. :)
Love your progress on Blossom Splendor. What a beautiful piece.
I hope the weather stays more seasonable and with a lot less heat. It was pretty brutal here in NY over the weekend.
Stay cool and have a great week.
Congratulations Meari on your exam results. Do you, by any chance, graduate in in November??
Love the raindrops pictures - they are amazing!
Blossom is very beautiful.
The cartoon is perfect...RoFLOL...
Congrats on your final exam and your solid A for the course. WOW, you really did have a smoking needle this weekend. Love the progress on your WIP.
Dee in TN
Love Blossom Splendor!!!
Congratulations on your grade! WooHoo on 2 more classes. Blossom is looking good.
Congrats on your exam! "Blossom Splendor" is beautiful!
Blossom Splendor is beautiful!!!
woohoo on the grade.
Blossom Splendor looks great.
Congratulations on the FANTASTIC grade, my dear girl! I hope you get a bit of break before starting back at the books again! Wanda in Edmonton
I heard your cries of joy over that 99.39% grade way over here in Pennsylvania, Meari!!! Great job--I'm so proud of you :) And two classes is all you have left--amazing!
I hope we get your weather tomorrow--I need a break from this humidity so badly. I just can't take much more of this... Love the popcorn cartoon :)
Love the flower pics! Congrats on your scores!! It was hot here too - glad it's supposed to cool off this week a little.
Congratulations on your outstanding test results! You’re almost there. The stitching looks great, too.
Tobie in So. Cal.
So glad you dropped by my blog. I've returned the follow and look forward to more posts.
Nothing like beautiful weather, good grades and a break from school to make a person happy! I can just about see you bouncing around with a spring in your step! Have you noticed the hosta flowers seem to be super abundant this year. I can't remember ever seeing so many blooms.
Glad your parents handled the heat ok. Even my Hubby broke down and turned the air on. I hope your dad will break down and turn theirs on if it gets that hot again. I hear the heatwave will be continuing this week.
Like your sense of humor about the weather. Love the flower pics. My husb goes in the basement like your dad does. Blossom sure is beautiful.....congrats on the wonderful score...
Meari, I'm not sure about your weather up there, but we're back into the misery again. I've about had it, with the A/C going 24/7!
Wow on the 99.39% grade! You just can't beat that, girl! And two more classes - WooHoo!!! My daughter has worked full time, with a family of 3 miserable teenagers, and is taking one of her two classes left this summer. She has one more this fall, then she graduates! I'm so happy for her, and so proud!
BS is so beautiful!!!
Beautiful pictures...Stitching looks great. Where is Japanese Garden???
So glad to hear you did well in school!!!
She is beautiful and so are your flowers. Yes, it was a hot week. Good thing you don't have to work outside in it. Yeah for you on your exam!
Congrats on getting the good grade that you did, it looks like you really do work hard to make sure you do so well in school, with a positive mindset like that you will only excel! Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos. Your progress on Blossom is coming along beautifully!
I really like those "Hot" pictures in yor blog :)
Nice to hear that your school going good.
and your stitching and flowers looks so lovely
Congratulations on your Final Meari! Excellent mark! Love the flowers; you always take such beautiful photographs :)
Congrats on your test results as well as your upcoming grad :)
The geisha is looking wonderful!
Congrats on your exam results! I'm loving Blossom Splendor - beautiful colours.
Wow, great scores. Congrats!!
Love the rainy pictures. Lovely lovely progress on blossom splendor.
Love your pics, love your stitching and sense of humor. Congrats on the awesome grade, I knew you will do great!
Blossom Splendor is looking great. The colours are lovely!
I know, this continued heat has been horrific, hasn't it? I'm so glad that your parents are staying cool, but they really need to splurge and get that AC unit put in! :) Congratulations on what turned out to be such an easy A in your class. I can't believe you are going to be graduating in November - how wonderful! Blossom Splendor looks lovely; I can't wait to see your next update. Hope you are staying cool!
Meari...doesn't it feel good to only have two classes left in College before you graduate...I remember those days...LOL...I am so very proud of you for going to college and getting excellent grades. Good for you.
I just love your WIP...those colors are so beautiful.....I can't wait til I see more progress on this one.
Take care & Happy Stitching
This heat is insane, isn't it!?! We're so far south we'reat the last exit on Florida's mainland, so it's pretty freaking hot here. Congrats on the good grade & how exiting to be so close to graduating. The floral photos look amazing too! Hope you have a great week ...
Meari, that was some horrendous weather! Glad you are okay.
Blossom Spendor looks magnificent and your JG is coming along nicely! BTW, what does JG stand for? LOL
waw, congrats on your grade!!!
Blossom Splendor looks great.
Stitching and flowers looking wonderful! Your humidity/heat made it onto our news over here - must have been dreadful. I'm sure our riots made it onto your news too - very embarrassing to see what people will do :(
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