Remember Summer Flood 2010? If not, go HERE. Last Wednesday night, several areas of my county received 5-10" of rain in less than 3 hours. My city received about 7". I spent the next three days sucking up over 140 gallons of water off my basement floor with a 6-gallon wet/dry shopvac. The basement is finally dry again! In addition to the heavy rains, we had torandic rotations and straight-line winds of about 80mph. Several streets and roads were closed due to flooding and downed tree limbs.
Farther west of me, received worse weather. These are photos taken in East Dubuque, Illinois... sent to me by my sister, who used to live there:

On Thursday, I turned on the nightly news. I was surprised to see my aunt, who lives about 20 minutes west of me. She lives alone out in the country near a creek. The creek flooded and she had to be boat-rescued by the county sheriff's department. Her basement filled with water and her car was half under water.
After seeing what other people are going through, 140 gallons of water doesnt seem so bad! One would think after all that wind and rain, the temperatures and humidity would've dropped some. Nope! My tiny window AC unit has been running non-stop. I only go outside when necessary. Too bad the yard can't mow itself, haha.
With a little prodding from the Peanut Gallery at ILCS, I pulled out JG and worked on it. Much to my dismay, I realized some of the stitching I did last time had to be frogged. I stitched "cherry blossoms" in the wrong color. I had to frog 6 of those tiny buggers and re-stitch them. At least they look like cherry blossoms now instead of brown blobs. Just to prove I did stitch on JG, here's an update:

My plan is work on this until school starts back up, which is about a week away.
Before I decided to put Blossom Splendor on the back burner again, I did get some stitching done on her. I finished stitching the arm of her kimono, started her right hand, and did a bunch of the blossoms.

I finished the ornament for the Lizzie Kate Exchange on HOE. It turned out bigger than I anticipated, but soooooo adorable! No pics until the it arrives at its new home, but here's a tiny preview:
Until next time,

Your WIPs are gorgeous, and your french knots are perfect! That rain looks terrible, but I'm glad you managed to clean up your basement.
I love Blossum Splendor! The colors are gorgeous. Sorry for the flooding. I remember how difficult it could be to clean up the basement after a heavy rain. Glad your aunt was rescued. Imagine the story she has to tell.
Yeah!!! JG got stitched on!!! Sorry to hear about your weather woes. I'm glad your aunt is ok.
WoW!! That is some crazy weather...Mother Nature's panties must be in a bunch, lol!
Your stitching looks fab as always :)
Wow! That's a lot of water. So glad everyone is OK, and your basement survived. I look forward to seeing your next WIP pics.
Everything looks wonderful Meari. Glad you were safe during the weather events and thankfully your Aunt was rescued. I am also prodding along on my LK Monthly Stamp-its but we'll get there eventually. Happy Stitchin' and enjoy your time off between classes.
As always a great update. Your stitching looks great. Sorry the frog visited. The weather has been extremely hot. We do need more rain in our area. Not as much as you guys got though.
ooooo sorry to hear about all the bad weather you have all being going through ... and glad you are all safe .... love those little eyelet blossoms .. very cherry like :) and I can see progress on your blossom splendor :) take care and happy stitching :) love mouse xxx
Glad that someone is taking up the slack on the JG prodding! Sometimes Martina's directions aren't always the clearest! We got a bit of that rain....rainest July on record, but nothing like your photos. I do like not having to run the sprinklers though!
OMGosh...I hope your aunt is ok. I can't imagine all that flooding and pumping. We don't have those problems here...just earthquakes. Hope everything is ok.
Great wips! Can't wait to see more of JGM and Blossom Splendor is really coming along!
So sorry to about the basement flooding...These storms are getting a bit out of control! Love the progress on you blossom splendor!
Sad to hear that flooding. Good to hear that you are OK and your house too.
Your stitching looks wonderful.
I remember that you have that mailart introduction somewhere? Can you sent to me link and can I share it. I have friend who ask how to make mailart and it is easier to show, lol, because if i try to tell with my English , who cant know , what that result can be :)
Wow! I am glad your Aunt got rescued, that must have been scary. I seen that on the news.
I was thinking of you that night, I didn't know how hard you were getting hit. I seen there was a tornado sighting north of you?
The stitching is looking ever so pretty
Yep, Meari, we are in the same predicament with the AC bill. Hope we have a break soon.
Dee in TN
Sorry about the water in the basement Meari but you are right, it could've been much much worse. Is your basement finished?
Been doing quite a bit of frogging myself the last couple of days. Darn frog.
Can't believe it is already time to go back to school. Amy will leave in 2 weeks. She's ready. I'm ready.
Beautiful stitching!
Take care!
That does sound bad about the weather. Ohio had that same kind of thing years ago and it caused so much damage. You had your hands full with cleaning out your basement it sounds. Your wips are coming along nicely. I love the fabric design you choose for the LK you did. I love gingerbread men!
Wow! Your stitching looks great! I am glad you are safe from the weather! So scary!! =( who is Blossom Splendor by? It's beautiful! I have been wanting to do a piece like it to commemmorate my time living here in Japan...I may have to stitch it! =)
Those photos are very dramatic and well done. I am sorry for the people who lost things due to the storm. I am glad you came out on top.
Sorry to hear about your uncle (haven't checked your blog in a few weeks) and all that flooding really sucks. You definitely need to get a sump pump.
Very nice stitching.
Oh my gosh, that weather must have been horrible. I feel so sorry for all those affected.
Your stitching is looking gorgeous. Pity that you had to frog JG. But it looks good now.
So does Blossom Splendor :)
Such pretty French knots.
Am loving blossom splendor, and as I see it progress more tempted to get the pattern myself ;)
Wow we never heard of any of your bad weather in the UK, normally we hear something.. I hope the big clean up goes well for everyone and all your loved ones are safe. I love the look of JG, the blossoms look so intricate, I cant wait to see more of it.
The peanut gallery feels your froggy pain, so sorry to hear about your aunt. BTW...Mr. Gibbs did not eat that chart I wanted to send you so can you send me your address before he changes his mind and eats it?
Sorry about the rain and what it's doing there. Here we're still having rain, but it's cold, crazy, we should be hot by now.
The cherry blossoms are delightful!
The kimono girl is looking wonderful, what a great piece.
Wow Meari! Glad to hear you are okay and got all the water out of the basement. How miserable! :)
Loving your stitching, though frogging is such a pain isn't it!
Hi Meari,
Well your stitching is looking nice. I like the cherry blossoms. Horrible weather there I see. eek!
Holly cow, that's a lot of water! I hope you do not keep a lot of stuff in the basement...
Stitching is lovely! Enjoy last week vacation before going back to school!
JG is looking good!
Karin in CA
Don't you just hate that - discovering that something has to be frogged? Looking lovely now though.
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