More photos of the July 27/28 flooding. My coworker sent me photos of Galena, Illinois which is another city about 40 minutes west of me. One of my nieces graduated high school there. In the storm where we received 7" of rain, they received 13". The entire downtown area was flooded.

FLOWER FROGS!If anyone is interested, I have a couple more scissor frogs on my Stash-for-Sale blog. There's a link on my sidebar, or click HERE.
Revised: These are already spoken for.

Thanks for the compliments on Blossom Splendor and Japanese Garden (aka JG). Lana at A Joyful Stitcher asked who the designer is for Blossom. Blossom Splendor was designed by Joan Elliott. Several of my bloggy readers commented on the cherry blossoms, thinking they were French Knots. Actually, they are Jessica Stitches similar to the one at the right.
I am almost finished with the stitching on the upper left corner ornament on JG! One more specialty stitch and viola! it's done (except for beading).
Not sure how much more I'll be working on this since I have to start studying for school again.
On different stitchy notes:
The BF asked me the repair his winter work overalls. I sent a shoutout for black jean-type material to the Freecycle members and a lady came through for me. She even delivered! In addition to black jeans, she also gave me a black canvas apron. I ended up using the apron because it was a similar to the material the overalls were made of. I didn't even have to cut up the apron... I just took the pocket off the front. The pocket was enough to patch one
A couple weeks ago, my parents stopped over for a visit. Dad proudly admitted that he finally has worn out his jeans and had to dig through his
Sarah of CraftyMoo is hosting a giveeaway relating to her holiday in the Highlands. Pop on over and take a looksee.
Terri at Dixie Samplar is hosing a "Welcome Back to Blogging" giveaway in honor of getting her blog back up and running. Hop on over to read what happened.
After my chiro appointment on Saturday, I stopped at a couple of garage sales. At one yard sale, there were gallon sized ziplocs full of ribbons, lace, and cording. The lady running the sale told me they were $1 a piece. Couldn't pass that up, could I? For $3, I got all this stashy goodness:
I also came home with a new purse... a Tommy Hilfiger purse for $3. It's got lots of compartments and well-made compared to the one I was carrying around.
Until next time,

Oh my! After looking at these devastating pictures I'm glad I live on the north. No flooding here, no hurricanes - just cold...
Congrats on new treasures, your stitching looks lovely as always. Good luck with the school, I guess no tv and no stitching this week... I hope these 4 chapters are short ones!
The picture of the tracks suspended over the river without a! Congrats on the stashing, and on getting work done on JG. :)
Karin in CA
Surprising how I didn't hear one thing about the flooding there. Looks devastating to the people who live there. Good job on the one corner, does that mean you still have the other 3 to go??? Couldn't resist! Nice garage sale finds. All the trim will certainly come in handy.
Good pictures of such devastating flooding. Good stash hunting, just don't have the ambition to garage sale.
Wow. Those are some horrific photos of the flooding. :( I hadn't heard about it. I guess that weather wise this summer has been pretty terrible all over. Extreme heat, storms, and it's not over yet. :(
Now on to brighter things. Good luck with school starting. And oh my but you really did good at the garage sale. Jackpot on the ribbons and stuff! Enjoy.
Flooding there....drought here. I wish we could take some of that rain.
And in the South we have been begging for rain....LOL! Great Pics!
Nice stash too! You're gonna have to add more shelves and organize the other side of the closet :)
Happy Stitchin!!!!
Shoot...too late for the frog! Those flooding pictures show a lot of destruction. So sad!
Sounds like you scored a lot of good finds on freecycle and sales. Fun! Love the snapshot of JG.
WOW.......horrid weather.....its amazing how our weather is so changeable; it is still very hot here in the mid your bargain finds, as always!!!!!! I have to post mine yet....not much, but a nice OOP Prairie Schooler chart in new condition! Your Chatelaine is looking magnificent! Love those colors too.......
Oh gosh. What a terrible weather. I feel so sorry for the people affected by this.
Your stitching looks great, nice new treasures. Good luck with the school.
That was A LOT of rain!
Your stitching looks great as usual and good luck with the school stuff.
Love that stitching project! I may have to acquire that pattern myself! Good luck with the start of the new school year!
I have family in that area also, and they said the flooding was like nothing they have ever seen. We had bad storms here today and we had 3 inches of rain in one hour, but just a few blocks away from me they only had 1 inch during that time. Crazy weather.
Love your garage sale finds and your stitching too. Never heard of the Jessica Stitch, so I'm going to have to experiment with that one!
Those are some terrible scenes of how bad the flooding was. Sometimes mother nature is a heartbreaking thing to witness. You always manage to find such great finds. I need to keep my eyes open more so I can start to find some cool things as well.
How awful, that flood :(
You always find such good bargains.
Love the stitching. Good luck with your studies.
Hi meari
Sad to see those flooding picture, I hope that you have already better weather there .
Your stitching looks beautiful and wonderful stash :)
Wow, all this flooding is just awful! I hope no one was killed. Your stitching is beautiful as always! Great job on JG!
Loved to read your latest on your blog Meari - you have knack for finding bargoooooons - congrats on that!
The floods in your area are just awful - those poor people. Now we are no longer complaining about our summer. The temperatures here have rarely gone past 75 degrees and the nights are chilly.
Such terrible flooding in Galena...I just can't imagine the entire downtown being devastated like that. It is amazing how the roads just crumbled!
Wonderful progress on JG--those specialty stitches really make it, well, special :)
I guess I need to start going to yard sales again, Meari--you always find the best stuff.
Good luck with your next class!
That is so sad about Galena, I haven't been there in a couple of years. Good finds at the yard sales you are always so lucky....I find nothing half the time! Your JG is coming along! Can't wait to see the finish!
Yikes! I hate flooding...
Can't wait to see JG in it's entirety! Never heard of the Jessica stitch. Looks pretty though :)
Congrats on the awesome yard sale finds.
Wow I cant believe the damage done with the flooding there.. It always amazes me what nature can do
My goodness, nature's fury. I hope you are safe. Feel very sorry for all the people who lost so much.
Such pretty stuff you got :)
Japanese garden is looking great! I'm glad you are safe with all that flooding!
What a nasty weather! Glad you're safe.
Great stashy finds!
The garden is looking wonderful!
That is what I get for not reading the local newspaper! I was clueless about the horrendous flooding in Galena with the 13" of rain. The damage is unbelievable! Great pix though! I wish we could get some rain, but not like that; I'd have a basement full.
I just love seeing your JG progress! Thanks for the "heads up" on more progress. Stunning design!
Just where are you coming up with so many flower frogs? Let me guess - on your treasure hunts, right? Which, by the way, I would like to come up and watch you hunting, LOL!
nice update. I want the froggers.
Nice finds!!! I love garage sales :)
JG is looking fabulous, I am getting more and more anxious to see it finished. Hurry up, will ya? lmao! You can never have too many purses :)
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