For the past couple of weeks, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous for this time of year. We've had above normal temps which has made everything grow and turn green... including the grass. I actually had to mow my yard yesterday, and it's only March! It was so tall, my yard now looks like a harvested hay field, LOL.
Last week marked the official day of spring, and I actually saw a robin on that day. I filled my bird feeders and have already attracted cardinals and other birds.

Thank you all for your concern regarding my

Last fall when I was finishing up school, my laptop started acting up. Sometimes, it'd tell me I didn't have an operating system. A couple times I got the BSOD (blue screen of death). Other times, it would boot up and just give me a black screen. I invested $150 to keep it going... only to have it die last week. In talking to the IT guy at work, he said it sounds like something went bad on the motherboard and that it died a slow death, LOL.
What's a girl to do? She used what is
I couldn't take it anymore, so I started doing research on a new laptop. If you know me, you know that I will research a product to death before I buy. Since it has been almost 5 years since I bought my last laptop, I had a chat with the IT guy about what specs I should look into. It helped me make my decision.
It's only a matter of time before I get a new one. Cuz I just can't take it anymore! Once I get a new laptop, the dino will be going as well as a 15yr old Gateway that the kids used when they were little.
I would like to send a big THANK YOU to Maggee of Stitching Devotee for giving me a K's Creations Lap frame which adjusts to hold 22-34" scroll rods. It's perfect for the Japanese Garden project I'm working on.
I was so excited when I got it, I put JG on it right away even though I knew I wouldn't be working on it until this week.

What's great about this lap frame is that when I'm not using it, it folds flat for storage. Other than being a few inches longer than my other scroll rods, it doesn't take up extra room.

Now, I just have to learn how to stitch two-handed!
Until next time,

Good for you. I got a Kay's Creation Lap Frame a few months ago. Mine has a clamp,not scrolls, but it has relieved my wrist pain. I have learned to stitch with two hands, but it is not going all that quickly for me though. Maybe with time. :)
So glad your wrist is healing. I had almost the same problem with an older PC. It will come up & tell me that I needed to delete some of my programs to allow it to run. The only program I had running at the time was the internet. So went & got another PC. That last about 4 years. The motor fried. Now I have this PC. So far so good.
Love, love, love the lap scroll frame you got. It is now on my wish list. That is a nice one.
Thanks for sharing. Hoping that your weather gets nice again soon.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
I say viking funeral for the computer! I have threatened my computer many times, sometimes it even works ;)
Glad to hear your wrist is fine. Enjoy the weather and good luck learning to stitch with 2 hands!
I'm so glad you didn't get infected! As for the scroll frame, I have K's Z frame that holds my Q-Snaps and love it. Theresa
Sorry to hear about your laptop sometimes I think we can live without them but they can be a pain. We got a new printer and it took me a whole night to get it set up and even now if I want to print from my laptop I have to uninstall and then reinstall the driver. Love your new lap frame.
Welcome to Spring! Here's hoping that your computer hunt goes well and that you continue to heal---no more stabbings, ok?
Thanks for the pics of your stand. I've seen one in a shop but never knew quite how they'd work. Now I do :)
excellent re the frame ... looks perfect and hopefully will help get everything done quicker ???
and mmmm new computer that's next on our list too :)love mouse xxxxx
That is quite a set up you have for xstitching Meari, very nice. That also looks like a lovely piece locked into it. The scissor case and fob below are so elegant, great stitching! You are so busy.
Is that a House Finch in the picture on your blog? I had so many of them this winter and they are still here. Cute birds.
I see your TUSAL jar is filling up. :<)
Shirley in KS
Bummer about your laptop!
Love the scroll frame Meari. Not sure if they are available here in the UK? I have always stitched two handed but one of those frames would be fantastic for my BAP's. Hope you have many wonderful years of using it (but not on the same piece lol).
So glad the puncture is healing and can't wait to hear about the new computer!! I tend to be more of an impulse shopper...unless I don't have the money, then I do the research...LOL. Love the frame...can it really sit on your lap?
What a lovely frame ! Woohoo : )
Love all that lovely pinkness in your Fob ! Wonderful finish.
Congrats on finishing your Simply Elegant pieces. Very pretty. Your new lap frame looks great. I'm not sure I'd know how to stitch two-handed either. :-)
Sandy in NM
The weather has been beautiful - until today! This morning I thought winter came back!
The frame is a very nice gift from your friend! Hope it works for you.
Have fun picking out your new computer!
I'm saying "Oh Oh" cuz I think my laptop is about to bite the dust too. Hubby received a hand-me-down laptop last summer when DD got a new one for college. He was just getting to put his own stuff on it when it wouldn't boot up. He did some research and discovered that the NVIDIA graphics chip overheats and melts some connections on the motherboard. He could have purchased a new motherboard for it, but at that point we couldn't see putting any more $$ into it.
I need my technology, but it sure can be stressful when it's not working or it has to be replaced.
It might not be suitable for your uses but I bought a netbook at Christmastime and I love it. I use it a lot at school and it is so small and esy to transport. My house computer is a cheap one bought at walmart about seven years ago for $400. It has been acting up quite a bit, but, keeps on plugging along.
Woo Hoo to you Meari for finishing your gorgeous UFO - I love the scissor case and fob!
My deepest condolences on your computer woes.
I am sorry to hear about your computer troubles Meari, but congratulations on your new frame! I have a z frame that lets me stitch two handed, and I am much faster. Happy stitching!
I'm glad your puncture is healing! Wouldn't want to miss out on stitching. The new scroll frame looks great. My home computer is super slow too, but I also would have to do lots of research before buying something new, same with a flat screen TV!
I may have to get one of those looks lovely...:) X Ylva
That looks a lot like the lap frame I have - great aren't they?! Glad to hear your wrist is better.
I like the scroll frame! I need to find one that I like for my bigger projects. Good luck with the computer!
Glad to hear that your wound is healing and sorry about your computer, mine is about 6 years old and it is slowing down.
Like the Lap frame.
You will be so glad when you get your new laptop. Splurge for an external hard drive and keep all your data saved on that. Then it's all safe all the time and so easy to plug into any computer and use. Love the frame and getting the two handed stitching down will come easily to you, I am sure. Start with shorter strands of thread at first. CJ in OK ;-)
Glad to hear your wrist is mending well.
Having to do without a home computer for two months end of last year, I completely feel you. Like you, I researched my laptop to death before actually buying one. So glad I did. Love my new laptop.
What a wonderful gift. I still need to put the lap stitch frame I bought last year to use.
Glad your wrist wound is healing!
Check out Macs. I have a Mac desktop for ages but have just treated myself to an 11" Macbook Air - so tiny yet super fast!
LOL - had to chuckle about researching a new computer. My DH says I am addicted to research!! Love your new lap frame!!
Good to hear about your wrist. Aww, you must feel crippled without a home computer. Hope you decide soon.
The frame looks great. I just got q-snaps and I feel somehow have slowed down (slower than I am already) lol
Glad to hear your wrist is healing. Sorry about the laptop, I know how you feel about the prehistoric comp, I bought mine in 2004, and it's also as slow as a snail (slower actually).
Waw, that lap frame looks handy!
We have mowed 2 times already. Really unheard of for March! I'd be time-warp researching a new computer! I hate SLOW! Does a lap stand mean you keep it in your lap? I love my floor stand and it really works with the BAP. I just 2nd Kelly's comment and hope the same project isn't on the scrolls for too long! LOL You will love 2 hand stitching. I find it hard to switch to one hand when I don't use my scrolls!
Wow, so nice of Maggee to send you the K's frame. It looks great and you will be a super speedy stitcher once you get the two handed stitching down. Glad your wound healed well too.
Computers...can't live with them, can't live without them!
Love the scroll frame. Now you can learn something new :)
Have fun shopping for a new computer. I'd be glad to share my experience with you. Email me....
I tried two-handed stitching with a double-ended needle. I broke every needle in the pack and then gave up, LOL.
Karin in CA
Sorry to hear about the death of your laptop. That is very frustrating! But getting a new one will be fun! I love my scroll frame!! Yours looks like a better one, but I love mine!! I still stitch one-handed with mine, 90% of the time. :o)
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Glad to hear your wrist is feeling better! Sorry to hear about the laptop. I know it is upsetting to have that happen. I hope you find something soon. I love the scroll frame!
That's an amazing gift from Maggee!! Wow! It will be so much easier for you to stitch JG and I can't wait to see your progress!! I'm glad your wrist is okay too! Hugs!!
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