Black, black, and more black! I worked the entire north black border and northeast corner ornament. Here's what it looked like before:

And now:

I've been working on this one when my eyes (and brain) needs an easy project to work on.

A while back, Emily of Emily's Everyday Life stitched an ABC Sampler. She doesn't have a sewing machine, so I offered to make it into a wall hanging for her. The tab hangers were a bit fiddly, but I think it turned out nice. Not bad for my first one! What do you think?

Darlene of My Life in Stitches is trying to get a group of stitchers together for a cruise to the Bahamas. If you'd like to go, check it out on her blog. The cruise is May 27-June 2. I went on a cruise to the Caribbean in 2001 and it was a lotta fun!
Lynn at Happiness is Cross Stitching is celebrating 2000 followers. 2000!
I received a wonderful RAK from Sue. She is such a sweetheart and very generous.

JG is looking great. You'll be finished soon. Forgive Quickly is coming along nicely. I think you did a great job with finishing that alphabet piece into a hanger. Great RAK's. Looking forward to seeing them stitched up.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
Beautiful stitching as always Meari. Your wallhanging turned out wonderful.
Nice progress on Japanese Garden, and you got some nice RAKs, too! Theresa
Wow-JG is looking wonderful! Nice RAK and great job on the wall hanging. :)
Japanese Garden is lovely! You look close to being done! You received some awesome gifts!!! The banner you sewed for your friend looks awesome!!! It turned out great!
Isn't it great how much more stitching time you have now that you're done with school, Meari? You've made wonderful progress on your Japanese Garden and that LK is looking very cute, too!
Well done on your first wallhanging finish for Emily--it looks great :)
Enjoy your week!!
Wall hanging turned out awesome! Congrats on a great progress on your WIPs. Looks like you are having a little more stitching time! (I just cut back drastically mine...)
The finishing on that wall-hanging is wonderful. You can not tell that is your first attempt! Great job.
Your progress on Japanese Garden is excellent!
The finishing on that wall-hanging is wonderful. You can not tell that is your first attempt! Great job.
Your progress on Japanese Garden is excellent!
JG is looking good. Are you bringing it to the retreat? Forgive quickly looks wonderful! The wallhanging is beautiful.
Beautiful stitching! Love the RAK's you got! Very cute. Happy stitching!
Japanese Garden is just gorgeous!
Awesome job on the wallhanging, especially for your first attempt!
The JG is looking gorgeous. I would love to see one of these in person. I know the pictures just can't do all the details justice.
The wall hanging is perfect. I keep thinking that would be a nice way to finish something.
Great RAK. (LOL If a man saw this they would think of something totally different wouldn't they?)
Great progress on JG,,love the wall hanging!! Congrats on the RAK.
Stitching looks lovely as always. Love the way you finished the ABC Sampler for Emily. Great job!!
Hope you have a great week.
JG is looking lovelier every time your post.Wall hanging turned out really well.So lucky to get such a nice RAK
JG is coming along so nice. It is so pretty. The items in your RAK are very lovely. :)
JG is just looking beautiful ! I love the way you finished the ABC sampler...you did a great job ! hugs..Linda J.
Great progress on JG! It's beautiful!
Lucky you to receive such a nice RAK! Love the snowmen designs -- but you know me -- I hate snow, but love snowmen.
Nice RAK, all your stitching looks great, and thanks again for sewing up that banner/ wall hanging.
It is so beautiful! I call those little projects my no-brainers. The Alphabet hanging is adorable.
Very nice RAKs, they look fun to do.
The wall hanging looks great! Japanese Garden is looking good too.
Japanese Garden is so pretty Meari!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
JAPANESE GARDEN is looking good can't wait to see it finished.
Lookin' really pretty Meari!
Your Japanese Garden is beautiful.
I like your WIP too.
Great job on the ABC sampler hanging!
Wonderful stitchy update! Your first wall hanging turned out fabulous! And that Lizzie Kate pattern is in my need to get wish list....looks like a fun stitch. I tried to purchase it on ebay a few months ago but did not win.
Nikki D
JG looks awesome! You did a great job on the wall hanging. I'm seriously thinking about paying you to do the finishing on some of my Christmas ornaments!
You're Japanese Garden is stunning!
One of these days they will create one of these beauties for us Aida users! (hint-hint!!!!)
JG looks fabulous and the wall hanging turned out great!
Your WIP is coming along nicely.
JG is looking good, Meari. I like Forgive Quickly, and the wall hanging turned out really well.
Sandy in NM
Glad to see you making some nice progress on JG. I'm commenting on this while sitting in 80 degrees in Palm Springs.....thought I'd let you know! LOL Nice job on the wall hanging too!
JG is looking great!
Karin in CA
Great progress on JG. The cruise sounds like a blast.
JG is gorgeous and I love the colour of the LK piece! You did a great job on the wall hanging. I have a few pieces that I'd like to finish that way - one day!
Beautiful stitching on Japanese Garden. It's stunning! Forgive Quickly seems to be moving along well too.
I think you did a great job on the wall hanging. It looks fabulous.
JG is amazing. I really love the colors and the intricate designs. Looking soooooo good :)
What nice sewing you did on the wall hanging. The owner must have been so pleased with the finished project and also with your help.
The wall hanging turned out very cute! JG looks great!
Hmmm... I thought I commented here?!! It seems to have disappeared! Anywho, gorgeous JG!!! I love this mandala!!! That wall hanging is lovely! how cute it is!!What lovely Raks you received!!
Great work on JG.
Nice RAK
Japanese Garden looks fantastic!!!! Love the other stitching! I think the wall hanging looks wonderful!
Hi Meari! Your JG is looking fantastic! I love the way you finished the ABCs; I am sure she will love it; you do such nice finishing. Loving your easy project too!
Japanese Garden looks wonderful - love the wall hanging too :)
Love the wall hanging, does not look like it was your first attempt :)
JG is looking great. Wow, you have a second project going!! Awesome
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