My area received 7" of heavy, wet snow last Thursday night. I spent 3 hours shoveling and snowblowing. I was sooooo sore and tired by the time I got back into the house.

This is what the pine tree in my front yard looked like. Yesterday, temps were in the lower 40's and a lot of the snow has melted. Have no doubts... more is coming this week.
I finished the 9 o'clock rock garden and cherry branches! Here's what it looked like at the beginning of the month:

Unfortunately, I had to do some frogging of the cherry branch ice crystals. I originally used the wrong color! Talk about a tedious process of frogging. Ugh.
Here's what it looks like now:

wow such fun snow..i love it..
beautiful stitching..
big hugs xx
JG is looking so good! Must get my Chatelaine going again. Nice Spring weather here at the moment :)
Beautiful progress Meari! It is gorgeous :)
Love the snow!
Jg is stunning!
JG is really coming along beautifully! I hate to say it, but I'm really happy you got the snow and not us. We didn't get a single flake down here!
The snow looks so beautiful but obviously it required a lot of hard work to get rid of it. JG is progressing nicely it is so detailed
It must be lovely when it's snowing outside to be inside all warm stitching :) Sorry you had to do some frogging it's always a pain but it's looking so beautiful.
Hey Meari,
Just wanted to let you know your blog is lovely to read, keep up the great work!
Gemma xx
I sure do miss the snow but I know that I could not longer enjoy being in it. Thanks for sharing the lovely picture of your tree. JG is so beautiful and coming along nicely. Thanks again for sharing!
Great progress. Your pine tree looked great.
Beautiful snow picture!
Great design you are working on.
Beautiful progress on your piece. You stole all the snow. We only got rain last week and they are saying possible thunderstorms this week. I want one more big snow storm before Spring.
Though I am rreeaally sorry for you (for having to plough so much), wow look at all the snow!!
Great progress on JG. It's shaping up beautifully. Talk about frogging. I made mistakes in as simple a design as the Feb cottage. UGH!!
Such lovely stitching on your mandala! I've had this one on my wishlist for a while now....seeing your work makes me want it more!!
Left a comment a minute back, not sure if I "posted" it :(
Am so sorry you had to shovel so much. But wow look at all the fluffy white!!
JG is looking really good. Talk about frogging. I made a mistake in as simple a pattern as Feb cottage!!
Wow! More snow??? With all that shoveling you won't have to exercise for a week! Hope those sore muscles feel better very soon, Meari...
Lovely progress on your WIP!! It's going to be amazing when finished :)
Great picture of the tree with snow on it. We got snow last Sunday but only 1 1/2" so you got us beat. LOL, probably not something you wanted to win at.
Lovely progress on the Chatelaine!
Pine trees look so fun with snow on them.
We have been lucky this year and haven't gotten so much snow here in Pa.
The stitches make you think of spring though so it doesn't matter what's happening outside. Beautiful work.
WOW, that is a good bit of snow! Friday, it was 78 degrees here in Newport News, so out of character for this time of year! I am concerned about what our summer will be like. BUGGY and HOT!!!
Your Chatelaine JG looks fabulous; you do some beautiful work Meari. I will be finishing up on LK within the next week!!!! I will be happy and proud to show it off, especially to you...LOL
That pine tree looks pretty but I sure don't miss the snow. It is dreary here today and already I seem slightly depressed by it. Give me some sun!! JG is looking good. Looking forward to seeing more progress on it. Have a great week!!
I am sorry to hear that you had to shovel all that wet snow. Hope your feeling much better. It is hard for me to think about snow when it has been in the mid to upper 70's here. Oh, well, we'll get ours in the summer when the temps are in the 100's. Your WIP's look great. Keep up the great stitching.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
Wow, what a lot of snow! We haven't had one flake here in this part of Wales this winter!
Japanese Garden is progressing really well - it's beautiful!
Japanese Garden really is incredible...the meticulousness of the detailing is really impressive. Wonderful work as always, Meari!
Your WIP looks great Meari! Sorry about all the frogging!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Japanese Garden is beautiful! So many little details! Your snow looks gorgeous - but I don't think I would like the job of snowblowing or shoveling. Texas is spoiling me that way!
Your stitching is amazing Meari!!!
Lovely progress on your Japanese Garden.
Looking good, Meari!
Aiks! Sorry to hear about the frogging. Hope all the frogs have now returned to their ponds and stay there. JG is looking good. Whoa! Tons of snow you've got there.
Your Japanese Garden is just beautiful! Love it!!
Snow is so pretty and I am so glad you are getting it and not me!!
Japanese Garden is looking fabulous!!!!
Your stitching is ever so pretty! The snow covered tree looks beautiful in my opinion. It sounds like you got a lot of snow though.
Gorgeous picture of the snowy tree.
Looking forward to watching your JG progress.
Congrats on the progress on JG. I'm sure it will move right along now that you don't have homework getting in the way. :-)
Sandy in NM
Beautiful stitching!
cooo that's a wee bit of snow you got there .... well done on the stitching front after the frogs came and went ... you should have put them outside in the snow ... soon would have left ;0 love mouse xxxxx
JG is looking great! I love Martina's designs....and someday I'll do a second one, LOL.
Karin in CA
Well slow and steady wins the race! We only got about 4" on Saturday and now it's all gone. Getting rain with thunderstorms and 57 tomorrow. Just crazy.
Snow is pretty. We are getting a winter storm tomorrow afternoon, which will be the second one this season.
JG is looking very good, great progress.
Sorry to hear about the frogging, but you've made great progress nontheless.
Pheww, that's a lot of snow.
Living in a tropical climate that doesn't have winter, let alone snow, I LOVE snow!
Gorgeous, gorgeous stitching!
That's some serious snow!!
Nice progress on stitches.
That is a beautiful pictures of your large pine tree covered in snow. Your stitching is really coming along!!! I know you have been working on other pieces too. We are getting snow tonight. I have no idea what I will wake up to since one report says 2-4, another 4-6 and yet another 4-8. I'm thinking close to the 4 inch mark but one never knows with New England storms. But it is windy!
Stay dry!
Pretty pretty snow!! I hope your back isn't hurting from all that shoveling!! Gorgeous progress on JG. BOO to frogging!!!!
Loving JG. It's such a joy to see you work on it again. It's looking just stunning.
JG isw looking wonderful!
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