As you may have noticed, I have a new look to my blog. I thought it was time to change it up a little. I'm still in the process of tweaking it. This is an older template so the advanced design features of blogger don't work with it. What's that mean for me? It means I have to change the HTML code for some things in order to get them to work (like the tabs in the upper right corner). What do you think of my new look?

Phil says, six more weeks of winter. Really? Thanks to El Nina, we've been experiencing weather unheard of for January. Way above normal temps. Last year at this time, we were digging out of a blizzard. This year, there's hardly any snow on the ground. With weather like this, I'll take six more weeks of winter!
I received mailart from my exchange partner last week. What's funny about it is I used the same chart to create mailart for the exchange, who was a different person! The piece I did can be seen HERE and HERE. I really like what Connie did for my mailart:

DMC has 24 NEW shades of the Color Variations floss line coming out soon. You know what that means, don't you? More stash! A color chart for Color Variations can be dowloaded HERE.
I made some good progress on JG last week. I really like how it's coming along.

Mary Louise is hoping to reach 100 followers. When she does, she'll be sending out a giveaway. Check out her latest stitching and Holly the kitty at Stitchey Stuff!
Last week, Vickie talked about trying out a Zuppa Tuscana (love that name!) soup in the crockpot. Crockpot cooking is awesome -- easy, peasy -- throw the stuff in and go. I did a quick research on Zuppa Tuscana and apparently it's served at Olive Garden.
Doesn't it look good? I did change it up a little... I have another recipe that adds spices to turkey and it ends up tasting *just* like sausage. So, I added those and did a few other tweaks. Yummo!
What does nori, shoyu, gari, and, rice vinegar have in common?

I love sushi! It only took me about an hour to make a huge platter of sushi this past weekend. Again, Yummo!
I participated in a good old fashioned Valentine's Day exchange. SNS2 hosted a Historical Valentine Exchange whereby the participants create a valentine with supplies on hand. I received a valentine from Kari in Canada:

I thought she did a really creative job in making this valentine for me. I like how she used the torn paper wording. I'll have to remember that idea!
I made a valentine for Char in PA. As you can see, I'm not so creative in the papercrafts. Even so, she said she liked it so much it has a special place on her mantle. I'm glad she likes it!
To all of my readers, Valentine's Day isn't just for couples!

Until next time,

That plate of sushi looks delish!! The mailart is beautiful. JG is making great progress!! Love your valentines.
I finally got a chance to stop by. Love the new look!!! Great progress on your stitching too...Love the mailart!, and the Valentines too.
Your stitching looks really wonderful and you received great mailart
Love the blog change, the shade of green is lovely and easy on the eyes. The soup and sushi look fab and make me hnugry. Hope you are doing in well.
Lovely new blog look! The food looks yummy and that mail art is just the sweetest thing ever :)
Cute blog page! I think that first picture is one of the cutes I have ever seen! Lots of fun info and music.
Your stitching looks lovely Meari!
aww your stitching is looking super sweet xx
As always, your food and stitching look great!
New colors in the Color Variations line just makes my day. I am really loving all those new colors too. Of course, the Color Variations is my favorite thread these days.
Love the new look to your blog as well!
Love the colours of the new blog. Well done on the cooking , papercrafts and stitching
The new blog is very pretty! You are just so awesome. Love your stitching and your yummies. Yet another fantastic update from Meari. Is anyone surprised? LOL
Happy belated birthday Meari. ♥
I love your new blog templates. I would love to add the bookmarks that you have on the side of your blog but don't know how to do it.
COngrats on your diploma BTW ! :)
I roll my own sushi too! I have a great Oriental market near me and I can get all of the fixin's for a fraction of the cost of restaurant cost. I had a birthday party where I had my friends roll their own sushi...it was a good laugh and fun too.
Your Zuppa Tocana looked awesome! Crock pots ROCK!!
Chris G
Your new look is great! The color makes me think SPRING!
That soup looks yummy! I never heard of it but think I will be looking it up too :)
Love your new look for your blog! Your mailart that you got is beautiful! Your stitching and yummy goodies that you made are awesome!
Meari, as always, a visit to your blog is inspirational and sooo interesting!
I hadn't heard that DMC was coming out with 24 new colors! I already have trouble keeping stocked on them all as it is, and storing has become cumbersome as well. Not so happy about that myself!
The mailart is always fun to see, and I recognize Prairie Schooler designs!
Doncha just love Valentine's Day? No pressure - just fun! I'm getting mine sent off tomorrow! I didn't do anything crafty, but I hope she likes it!
JG looks great, adn I always get excited when you work on it!
Love the blog's new look! Sooo pretty!
Love the new blog look! And great progress on your Japanese Garden. It's really coming along!
That zuppa toscana soup is yummy at Olive Garden. I like their soup and salad combo! lol
Pretty cards!
the new look looks good!
Nice exchanges.
I like your new template, very spring like.
Im kinda glad Phil has decided were getting 6 more weeks of winter, poor scotland still hasnt had any snow so I'm hoping we'll get a late flurry
oooo nice stitching on the mail art and yummie looking sushi too ... and lovely cards both given and received :0 love mouse xxxxx
Like the new look especially the little kitty. Lovely exchanges.
Looking good on the blog front Meari!
Loving seeing your JG updates!! :)
I am so envious that you can make sushi. Looks just like it does at the restaurant. yummy!
Lovely new look. Very pleasing color palette. I've never tried changing the HTML code, somehow puts me off :(
The food looks yummm.
Wow, such pretty mailart. Congrats :)
I like your blog look!! Your exchange is very cute!!!
The mail art you received is lovely, and JG is looking great!
Karin in CA
You make your own sushi? Can I move in with you lol.
Wow everything looks wonderful. The mail art is inspirational since I have to do another this year. Thx for sharing!
First I love the new look of your blog. Second, 6 more weeks of winter...where is it? We are normally in the rainy season full swing by now and we haven't had a drop in over a week. The last rainfall lasted on 3 or 4 hours. Now the forcast for this coming week is in the low 70s...hello...winter...where are you?
The mailart you received is beautiful and I love your progress on JG!!
JG is looking wonderful - my Chatelaine is fast becoming a UFO! Like the new look of the blog too - it's like a taste of Spring! Weather here though is still definitely winter :(
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