Jul 29, 2024

Marvelous Monday Update 7/29/2024

 It's hard to believe August will be here in a few days. Summer has flown by so fast.  What have you been up to this past week?  As usual, I've had a few things going on.

The second annual Kimberbell Day was last Saturday. 

It's a national celebration of machine embroidery.  Shops all over the U.S. host the Kimberbell event which is held the last Saturday in July.  This year's theme is Choose Kindness.  

I missed the fun last year, so I put it on my agenda this year.  My "local" shop (which is 45 minutes away) had us prep fabrics for the project we would be doing while watching Kimberbell zoom live on the TV screen.

I had my fabric and machine ready to go by the Tuesday prior!
Saturday arrived. I packed the car and was and ready to go.
We played games.  I won two prizes for finishing two word searches, and one a prize for spinning the prize wheel.

While we watched the live Kimberbell Day show, we worked on our Choose Kindness project.  We all hoped we'd win a prize from Kimberbell, but alas... none of us did.

We didn't get our project entirely finshed, but everyone made good progress.  Here's what mine looks like so far:

Everyone had a lot of fun the entire day. I hope to make it next year! 

In a previous post, I showed the ornament I made for the Patriotic Exchange.  You can see it HERE.  While in Virginia, I received my ornament from Sue V (my second mom).

She painted a wood ornament and attached the stitched piece on top of a piece of felt.  It's embellished with tiny star buttons.  Isn't it adorable?  The design is part of Olde Glory by Heart in Hand.
I'm crusin' along on Mrs Martha 1776.  I had one stripe on her dress almost half finished when I realized I was off by two columns.  Whoops!  I like the nubby end of the mini seam ripper to "erase" the fuzzies off the fabric.  It does a great job.

I couldn't find any of mine, so I improvised by using a small piece of magic eraser.  It worked pretty good.
No trace of red fuzzies.

Since I was close to Hobby Lobby on Kimberbell Day, I ran over and picked up a few more mini seam rippers.  They're only $1.99 vs. $6.99 at JoAnn Fabrics.

While watching the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris, I stitched on Mrs. Martha.

Bailey turned one year old a couple weeks ago. We (and by "we" I mean me, Baxter, and Bailey) celebrated with a little party, complete with a photo, doggie cake, and of course a new toy.

Doesn't she have the sweetest face?  It's hard to believe she's already one.

Baxter celebrated his 2 year birthday back in March.  Poor little guy spent almost a year with his leg in cast after he was dropped and the leg was broken. Three surgeries later, he's back to "normal".  His leg still bothers him if he walks too long.

Mr B is so adorable. Everyone who sees him falls in love with him.  I tell him he's my favorite boy. LOL
Until Next Time,


butterfly said...

Wow you have been busy. Lots of lovely stitching , and love your sweet baby dogs .
Enjoy your week hugs June.

Marilyn said...

That looks like a fun gathering.
Your piece is so pretty.
Happy Birthday Bailey!
Sorry to hear about Baxter, hr is too cute.