Sep 2, 2024

Marvelous Monday Update 9/2/2024

 I just came off of a four day weekend. Gotta love those!  For my U.S. readers, did you do anything special over Labor Day weekend?

Back in May I mentioned I'm trying my hand at using a crafty planner to keep track of what I'm working on, (loosely) manage goals, and track my finishes.  This POST talks about how I'm going about doing this.

Well... I fell off the wagon... BUT, I got back on and am trucking along to get caught up.  I've filled a couple more Finishes pages.

I created a new section for when I visited Liberty Hill Needleworks in Williamsburg, VA back in July.  If you're ever in the area, you HAVE to visit.  It's a beautiful shop with lots of models and charts nicely displayed.  They have a website and a FB page.  

I also updated the month-at-view pages in my planner.  More on those another time.

My area had excessive heat warnings Monday and Tuesday of last week.  

Both days registered 106-107F heat index temps.  Actual temps were 99-101F.

It was HOT-HOT-HOT!  On the hottest days of the year, my 3-year old central air until became my nemesis. 

Despite the thermostat being set on 60F for over 24 hours, the temperature in the house didn't drop below 78F.

Thanks to a suggestion of a friend, I slept in the Casita with the AC on.  I actually got cold!

A heating and air company came to look at the unit and said the compressor is going bad.  They are checking into whether it's covered under warranty.

A cold front came through Wednesday and the skies were filled with huge clouds.

I had a four day weekend so I spent one day working on some Halloween postcards I created with watercolor.

 Aren't they cute?
Speaking of Halloween, there are some new neighbors up the street from me who are in the process of decorating for the holiday.

Mr. B. wasn't a fan when I took him for a walk by there.  With his "ferocious" growl, all 4 lbs. of him let them know to stay away. LOL
Since I had four days off work in a row, I spent three of them working on more oxidation removal.  I am SO close to being done.

When I took the spare tire off to do the lower half of the back, there was a stain where the tire cover ground the dirt into the fiberglass.

Some elbow grease took most of it off.  With oxidation cleaner, polish, and wax the stain can hardly be seen.

My coworker said she drove by house and said that the Casita looks so shiny from the street.

The tire cover was quite grimy and needed sewing repairs.

I cleaned it up best I could and did the repairs.  
I decided not to get a new cover because when I get a new spare tire, the cover size will change.

The final project I did over the weekend was paint the bumper.  When I took the tire off, I saw there was some rust forming on the bumper beneath the tire.

I covered and taped off the backside. Can't take a chance of over spray landing on the white fiberglass!
A bit of wire brushing to get the loose rust off before Mr. Rustoleum and I went to town.

Looks much better, doesn't it?

I received a box of flowery goodness in the mail.  After cleaning out part of the bed where the sedum have taken over, I planted 6 different colors of irises my FB friend in VA sent me.  I'm looking forward to seeing them bloom next year.

Wow, this is a long post.  If you're still with me this far, I'd like to end off with sharing the last page in my gratitude journal.  I started writing it a year and a half ago and have made a conscious effort to write something positive every day.

Until Next Time,