Movie MondayOver the weekend, I watched
The Departed starring Leonardo Dicaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, and Mark Wahlberg. Both the mob and the police have moles on the "other" side, yet neither knows who they are. The suspense comes in when each side suspects, and gets closer and closer to figuring out who the mole is. Very good movie, but has lots of violence so it wouldn't be a good "family" movie. Surprising ending.
Monday Madness1.
How many times do you wake up during the night? The number of times I wake up depends on what kind of stress I’m under, how much liquid I drank right before bed (LOL), or whether I’m sick. Usually, though, the answer would be none.
On an average, how many hours of sleep do you try to get? I’m worthless if I don’t get at least 8 hours of sleep.
What day of the week do you do your "major" housecleaning? I don’t have a specific day. I do a little each day, or whenever I have time. Housecleaning is not at the top of my list of things “to do”.
How often do you move your furniture to clean behind it? Maybe once a year, if that.
Do you do your dishes by hand or do you own a dishwasher? By hand. I don’t have the room for a dishwasher, otherwise I’d have one.
Stitchy StuffI didn’t get a chance to stitch at all last week. *sigh* I finally shipped Freedom to the father of the soldier killed in the Iraq War. Much to my surprise, the young clerk is a stitcher, as well as her mother. She complimented me on Freedom and said it was "gorgeous". She also said that if I entered it in the county fair, I'd definitely win. I hope they packaged it well enough so that the glass in the frame doesn't get broken.
Weekend HappeningsI had a date on Saturday with S. We had lunch, went bowling, then to Barnes & Noble, dinner, then a DVD (The Departed) at my house. I actually beat him one game of bowling (by two points!) It was a nice time.
On Sunday, I spent the day doing homework for my meteorology class. The entire class didn't do so well on the latest quiz, so the instructor is allowing us to re-take it this week. I attribute it to having Spring Break the week before.
I also managed to do some laundry, and clean the house a bit more. Exciting stuff, eh?