Or at least Rene thinks so! She gave me the great honor of this award. Thanks, Rene!
I am supposed to list 5 of my addictions and name 5 bloggers who I think are "Fabby". So here are my 5 addictions, and not necessarily in this order:
1. Quest for Learning
2. Photography
3. Stitching
4. Enjoying Nature
5. Technology
My nominations are:
Stitchy Stuff
It was a great stitchy mail week! I was the high bidder on a lot of Red Thread Snappers charts by Bent Creek. I tried to be good... but I couldn't pass them up at less than $2 a piece including shipping.

Road Trip
Sadie from Scotland RAK'd me. She sent me the June issue of the UK magazine, Cross Stitcher. She knows I like asian/oriental designs and thought I'd like this. Isn't it great?!
And then... Virpi in Finland RAK'd me! Look at the pretty envelope it came in:
In the envelope were two Dimensions kits. :)

A big THANK YOU to Sadie and Virpi! :)
Lastly, Isabella's Garden arrived! I mentioned her in last week's Marvelous Monday post.

(LOL) No, this is not a stitchy giveaway. I know some of you are trying to get in shape, as am I. I recently got Jeff Costa's Workout #1 DVD and it has the Sexy Abs workout on it, in addition to the main workout. Soooo.. I'm offering my Sexy Abs -VHS- tape up for grabs. Here's the exerpt from his website:
"Sexy Abs gets you off the floor and in control, with a revolutionary 15 minute standing abdominal program that can be done anywhere! Buckle up for a tighter, flatter, sexier midsection with Jeff's signature abdominal workout!"
I'll add that I read reviews on Jeff Costa's workouts and they all were very good. I've used this tape many times and believe it or not, I worked up a sweat in the 15 minute time span. I have neck problems which make it difficult for my to do normal floor ab workouts. Another reason why I like this workout. Oh, and in case you're wondering... There are no striptease moves on this tape. LOL!
If you're interested in this, leave a comment along with an email address to get hold of you. If more than one person is interested I'll draw a name.