To participate, send Nordic Needle your bookmark(s) by May 7, 2009, and they will be displayed with your name, city and state (or country) in the store. After the challenge ends, a drawing will be held and the winner of the drawing will receive a $100 gift certificate to Nordic Needle! The more bookmarks you send, the more times your name is entered into the drawing and the better chance you have to win!
To find patterns and ideas, go to the NN website and type in "BOOKMARK" in the SEARCH box. As you clean and sort your stash, you probably have scraps of fabric and thread suitable to make bookmarks. But if you don't, NN has a Bookmark Grab Bag.
Bookmark Grab Bag (GBBK) $5.00 value on sale for $1.79
Get four bookmark patterns with 2 skeins of thread for only $1.25 (990-592-0021)
Also, there are lots of free bookmark charts on the web -or- you could make your own out of small motifs of any chart you have. Here's some links I've found:
www.allfreecrafts.com - You can do a search for cross stitch bookmarks, or bookmarks to find more
http://www.angelfire.com/on2/xstitch/collection.html - easy, kids
www.cyberstitchers.com - use the search feature at the bottom of the screen
http://www.twdesignworks.com - Knotwork; Renaissance
I'm not affiliated with NN in anyway, however I do believe literacy is an important skill, and reading should be encouraged. For most of us, being able to read is something we take for granted. I was an adult literacy volunteer, and experienced first hand how important it is to the literacy students being able to learn how to read, or improve their reading skills.
I'm going to make a couple of bookmarks. I think this is a wonderful idea.
Thank you for the links for all the bookmarks, I know that will help out a lot of people.
What a great idea! And great links for bookmarks, thanks!
Our EGA did this a few years ago. I made 65 myself. This is a great idea and I appreciate you sharing this with us.
I am planning on stitching a few too!! I received the catalog by mail and drooled over it but had not taken a chance to read the newletter...thanks for posting!!
That's a neat idea. Thanks for the links, Meari!
I continue to be in awe of everything you do...lol you just seem like you really have your "act together". Must.Learn.Secret.
What a great idea. I'm going to try to find time to make a few bookmarks.
This is absolutely a wonderful idea! I need to start looking for a pattern or two, lol!
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