About two weeks before my last class ended, I lost my USB memory stick that contained notes and information for practically every class I'd ever taken. Luckily, only the "diary" portion of my class project was on there (because it's all we had done at that point). I even told a coworker that I'd lost it.
Last Tuesday, a man came into the office asking for me. Apparently, he had found my memory stick in the parking lot. He put it in his coat pocket and then it fell out and behind the seat in his work truck, LOL. So it was lost again! He found it, took it home, looked at my Excel files (every file is created with a user name embedded in properties), found out who's stick it was, GOOGLED me, found out where I worked, and dropped it off! While it was great he returned it, it's kinda scary how quickly one can be found. And I tell ya what... I would've totally freaked if he showed up at my house! So, Charlie Brown... There are nice people out there. LOL
March came in like a lamb and is going out like a lion! Saturday afternoon was met with 2" diameter snowflakes! Following was sleet and rain. So when I woke up yesterday morning, there was about 2" of crunchy snow/ice mix on my driveway and yard. Hopefully, this will be the last winter storm warning of the season!
Stitchy Stuff
Several weeks ago, Kelly from WI offered a bunch of magazines. I offered to give her something to at least pay for postage since I knew it would cost a small fortune. She suggested a couple of wishlist charts, so that's what I ordered for her. Here's what came to me in the mail last week:

I had so much fun looking through them and picking projects to add to my "To-Do" list, LOL! Thanks again, Kelly!
America's Hottest Husband
There's been a bit of excitement in my neck of the woods. One of the top 25 finalists for Redbook's America's Hottest Husband contest hails from one of my childhood hometowns! Pearl City, Illinois ... population 600. His name is David Tessendorf. He was interviewed on this morning's news show and I got the biggest kick out of him. Coincidentally, he's related to my hairdresser! I'm asking you to vote for him. Voting ends tomorrow. The link is HERE. Thanks!