Aug 7, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 5

Once the roses were planted and tended to in 2023, hostas were next on my list.  These were given to me by a coworker.

It took me several weeks in September 2023 to get everything in the ground.  Some were planted in my established hosta bed where a shrub was removed.

Here's another view of the established hostas.  Some I planted 17 years ago, some were given to me by another coworker.  I probably have seven or so varieties around my yard.

Quite a few were planted in the shady area at the front of my house.

They were looking sad when I planted them, but I had hopes they'd bounce back in 2024.

By May 2024, they were growing beautifully.  I still need to finish the border on this bed.

Earlier this year, I added a Summer Crush hydrangea in amongst the hostas. It's only bloomed this one time.

I also had to dig up and divide a hosta plant my Mom had given me many, many years ago. It wasn't very big then, but it was HUGE in 2023 when I dug it up.

I created a new bed for the propagated plants.  I call it "Mom's Hosta Bed".  

It's growing nicely in the 2024 season.  I'm not a fan of the border, so I may change it at some point in the future.

The last hosta "bed" I created in 2023 was done out of desperation of where to put two remaining plants.

I needed to trim the dead branches from the pine tree in front of my house so I created a little alcove.

On each side I planted the hostas.  It wasn't very pretty, but at least I got them in the ground before winter set in.

Until Next Time,


Marilyn said...

You have some beautiful Hostas.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Wednesday, Meari. Your hosta beds look amazing. How wonderful that a coworker shared their hostas with you . Isn't it fabulous to be able to divide the hostas and expand your gardens? Have a wonderful day and Happy gardening.

butterfly said...

Your garden is looking wonderful .

Carol said...

Hi Meari! I didn't even realize you were back to blogging until I read your comment on my blog! I guess I need to read back through your posts of catch up on your life ;) Love the hostas. We only have one variety and they seem to be taking over. Can I just borrow a bit of your energy--you always have so many wonderful projects on the go! Enjoy your weekend!