Aug 21, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 7

Before the building collapsed onto the backside of my garage in 2021, I had a nice bed of periwinkle.  A small clump was gifted to me by a lady back in the day of Freecycle.  They were destroyed when the contractors removed the brick and vinyl sided my garage in.  So, I had a big bare spot next to the garage.

The area went from this...

to this...

to this...

The same coworker who gifted me the hostas and irises, also gave me a daylily. The first year I planted it, it had one bloom.

This year, it bloomed profusely!  I love the color.

When I was young, my parents had large peony bushes on the property. I've always loved the big, fluffy flowers.  I bought and planted two Felix Crousse Peonies on the south side of my house in 2023.

So pretty!  See the white stuff on the leaves? That's a powdery mildew that needs to be treated. From what I've read, it's due to poor air circulation and shade.  Not sure why my plants developed this because neither of these conditions are present.

In my previous post, I mentioned I planted a bunch of tulip bulbs... a box of 50 to be exact. I saw an idea on Facebook to create plant markers so I'd know where I planted bulbs.  Ingenious!

The box of tulips showed photos of a variety of purple bulbs.  I was surprised this year when they came up.  Some were not purple, but they provided an awesome array of spring color.

Much to my surprise, the shrub removal didn't disturb the tulips I'd planted nearby.

I have plans to fill my yard with floral color that bloom throughout the different seasons.

Until Next Time,


Carol said...

Your garage and garden certainly have undergone a transformation--all of your flowers are so pretty! That daylily color is lovely as are those tulips!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your gardens and garage look great Meari. It is so wonderful to have friends to gift you plants to add to your garden. You certainly have a green thumb.

Marilyn said...

You have some very pretty flowers.