So I was nice...we went and got a coffee and headed back to the car. I said I had to go and he went off the deep end.
"I wanna go back to your house with you," he said.
We met in a town that is about 25 minutes from where I live. I kept saying no… that I didn’t want him to, and he kept bugging me about it.
SO finally, I concluded I wasn't going to get away from this guy and told him to follow me. Then I "accidentally" lost him on the highway.
He called my cell and I never picked up. He left nasty messages telling me how horrible that was for me to do that to him. Oh well!!!! I didn't care!
I never spoke to him again. But I gave my friend a piece of my mind!
THEN Christmas eve, he called me. I picked up not knowing the phone number and he started talking. I figured out who it was and again "accidentally" hung up the phone.
From: Plenty Of Fish
Some people should choose their best friends more carefully !!! lol
With friends like that, who needs enemies. Guy sure does sound creepy & rude to insist going back to the house on a 1st date. YUK!
Barb in TX
Weird people!
eeuugghh!! that just made me shudder!! I love these stories, it makes me grateful for my ueventful experience of dating lol...
Just when I thought there was nothing creepier than my story of the first date lingerie - you come up with this one.. that is yucky.. I can't imagine what would make someone insist they come back to your house - if you wanted them there you would INVITE them :-) I had a friend like yours - always wanting to set me up - always old or ugly men.. if I was a vengeful person I would have set her up on a few fugly dates lol ;-)
That guy would creep me out.
Some people just can't take a hint! LOL I would think he would have more experience in the rejection department!
Ew!!! How awful!!
Meari, I would have asked him wich part of NO he did not understand.
just find your own Fella, and about that friend....., well!
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