... drags on day-by-day. Sounds melodramatic, doesn't it? I just feel bogged down by everything. :(
WORKWork is well... still as frustrating as ever. It doesn't matter what level of employee you talk to, all of them say the same thing. The merger is overwhelming, and no one is seeing the benefits that the partners (our bosses) claimed was going to happen. Several coworkers are talking about retiring... One of them pointed out that they were glad they have that option. They also pointed out that I have an option, too. Once I get my degree... *sigh*
GIVEAWAYShelley at
Shelley's Artsy Fartsy Life is hosting a giveaway in honor of her hubby's 41st birthday. Go on over and wish him a happy birthday and see what she's up to.
SCHOOLMidterms were last week. I might as well not even have studied. I do *not* think it went well at all. I swear the instructor created questions that he pulled as sentences out of the textbook. How can one be expected to memorize 200+ pages of text. Yes, I read the chapters. Yes, I took notes on the chapters. Yes, I paid attention during lectures. Yes, I studied for the midterm. And Yes, I more than likely did NOT do well.
On the upside, I did get 24 out of 25 on my first written paper. The one bright spot of the night! One thing I do know I am good at, and that's writing papers. *big grin* What struck me as odd is the instructors comments regarding how well the class did on the written assignment. He gave us the impression he didn't expect the students to do well. *hmmm* We have another of these babies due in a couple weeks, in addition to our written group project paper.
STITCHY STUFFI hardly did any stitching last week, but I did finish Quaker Snowman. Now, I just have to get it made into an ornament by the end of the month.
Since things have been so rough for me lately, I needed some retail therapy. :) I got this for a great price on eBay. It's been on my wishlist for quite a while now.

The Japanese Garden
a kit by Maia Embroidery
IT'S A SMALL, SMALL WORLDSome of my long time readers may remember back in 2008 when I stitched LK's "Peace Love & a Cure" for a lady I met on my local freecycle group. If you'd like to read about it, there's a post
HERE, and
HERE. We've kept in touch via emails, cards, and such.
More recently, I stitched another LK piece called "C is for Cure" (
HERE) for a client of mine who was diagnosed with breast cancer. This past week she sent me another update via email. I recognized a name in her "Sent To" list. It was the lady I knew from freecycle!

To make a long story short. Freecycle lady is my client's cousin!! I found it extremely weird and very cool that I stitched cancer pieces for these ladies, neither knowing I knew the other, and me not knowing they knew each other, let alone be related!