First up are the lovely cards/floss received from CSE:

I also received a LOT of lovely cards and floss from the Stitching Sisters group:

I've been eyeballing the Jardin Prive charts for a long time. With a lot of

I plan on stitching them as one long sampler like this:

I received a very cute stitched card and some floss from Berly. Even though we've "known" each other for a longggg time, we didn't meet in person until the 2010 ILCS retreat in St. Louis.

I even received cards from Discover and Menards! Menards sent me a gift certificate for 14-piece LED lighted screwdriver set. Every time I am in Menards, I have to swipe my Big Card for a chance to win whatever vehicle they're giving away. It's become a joke between the BF and I as to WHO is going to get the vehicle when I win, LOL.

Also, the local movie theater emailed me a certificate for a free admittance to a movie for my birthday.
To end my birthday day, the BF brought over pizza. He said that since it was my birthday, I shouldn't have cook. Awww, ain't that sweet? For a gift, he hinted that he got me something I had said I wanted... Hmmm, what could that be?

Indeed, I have been looking at these things for at least a year. With my neck and shoulder problems, I thought maybe one of these would help with the pain I always have. I LOVE this thing! It has a heat setting, as well as a low/high massage setting that gives a wonderful, deep tissue massage.
My birthday isn't quite over yet! The BF also plans on taking me out to eat this weekend. ☺ Ah, to be spoiled...
Until next time,

What a wonderful birthday!
Sounds like you had a great birthday. Being spoiled is what birthdays are for.
Happy Belated Birthday Meari!!!!! Looks like it was a great one.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
You got some very pretty cards and threads. Cute card from Berly!
Happy Birthday. Sounds like it is a great one!
Glad you had a spectacular day! :)
What a good BF you have there...
Looks and sounds like a great day. Now don't start that sampler until JG is done.
Sounds like you had a great day..I like the charts you bought too..
Happy belated Birthday Meari!!! It looks like you had a great day! That piece looks gorgeous! can't wait to see your progress, I like the three pieces all together like that! Can I borrow your massager? lol
Sounds like a great birthday -congrats.
Looking forward to seeing your progress with your new charts ;)
Happy Belated Birthday. Sounds like it was a good one. I love the charts you brought.
Sounds like you had a lovely birthday. Great new stash. Enjoy your meal.
ooooooooooooooooooo love the threads you got from the CSE and the SSS ... and well done on the extra useful gifts ... and pizza's not bad hope you get taken somewhere nice and you did it got the Jardin prive charts *VBG :)
love mouse xxxxx
Happy belated birthday, looks like you had a wonderful one!
wow such a a sweet birthday glad that you had fun time..
very sweet cards and gifts.
have fun xx
Meari! Great cards and floss; lots of beautiful colors.....I love Jardin Prive and I have those charts! LOL.....I am a sampler girl.
Glad you had a nice birthday.
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like your day was wonderful!
Just a short note but so glad you had a lovely birthday
What an awesome birthday you had! Glad to hear it was a wonderful day for you.
Wow What a fantastic day! Good job BF!
Looks like you had a great birthday!
Sounds like a great birthday, Meari. I love the Jardin Prive designs too. I stitched the Sampler aux Bouquets charts as one piece last year and really loved stitching on it! Enjoy!
What a wonderful Birthday!!! I hope you enjoy all your gifts.
Wow!! Look at that Birthday Stash :O
Glad you had a wonderful Birthday.
Love those charts!
I'm so glad your birthday was so special, Meari, and that you treated yourself to the Jardin Prive chart. That is one of my favorites from people's finishes last year and they all sounded like they just loved stitching it...
Wishing you a year filled with love, laughter, and happiness :)
What lovely gifts.
Loks and sounds like a fantastic birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Looks like you got lots of great little gifts! Those Jardin Prive charts are beautiful. I've eyed those up too!! Have fun starting them :D
You had a wonderful birthday....I am happy!!
I know you are going to make some beautiful pieces with all of that amazing floss -what a great way to start the TUSAL Challenge :)
Sounds like you had a wonderful Birthday and the celebration will continue through the weekend. Sorry I didn't stop by to wish you a Happy Birthday! on your actual birthday.
Have a great weekend!
Happy birthday, Meari! Wonderful gifts, wonderful boyfriend! :)
- Lisa N. in Cambodia
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day. Hope all your dreams and wished come true this year.
Nikki D
Sounds like a great BD! Love the new charts and all the new goodies!
Sounds like you had a great birthday, Meari! I think the Jardin Prive samplers will be beautiful when you have them done as one long sampler. :)
Karin in CA
Happy belated birthday to you Meari. The sampler you are planning looks like it'll be gorgeous, cant wait to see you stitch it up
Happy belated birthday to you Meari
That really is one great birthday :) Great gifts. The sampler looks very good. Waiting to see your progress on that
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Meari. What wonderful cards and floss. I have Sampler aux Bouquet on my to-stitch list too. Look forward to your WiP.
too late, but still, happy birthday Meari!
Happy belated birthday, Meari. I've had lots of fun catching up on your blog. Your stitching looks great, and the 'face lifts' around the Homestead are wonderful. You are an incredibly handy DIY-er.
Sandy in NM
Meari, your blog looks great! You are very computer my blog looked half this nice.
All your stitchy stuff is wonderful; I love the mail art you received.
That soup looks so yummy; like I could just reach in and have some! LOL.....can't say I am much on Sushi, but I do like California
Great update!
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