The winter weather has been unseasonably mild for this time of year. Christmas came and went with no snow. New Year's came and went with no snow. So far, temps have pretty much stayed in the 30-40's range with a few frigid days here and there. As the sign on my sidebar says, I'm $39.95+ and I've never known there not to be snow on the ground for Christmas and New Year's! Here's what The Homestead looked like between Christmas and New Year's:

See the little patch of snow at the top of the hill?
CraftyMoo is hosting a New Year giveaway on her blog. Click on over and check out her crazies, too!
I've cleaned out my ort bag so that I'm ready for the 2012 TUSAL coordinated by Daffycat. Here's all the orts from 2011. Whooda thunk I stitched so much?!

I added more things to my stash-for-sale blog, including some John Clayton charts and a Miribilia. If you'd like to see what's available, click HERE or click the link on the sidebar. Stay tuned 'cuz I'll be adding more as time permits.
I finished another page of Blossom Splendor. Only one more page to go!

She has been set aside so that I could create mailart for an exchange I signed up for last year. I started the mailart on Jan 1st and finished it into an envelope four days later! Sorry, can't show the pic until it wings its way to Europe.
Hold on to your seats! I pulled out Japanese Garden and worked on it TWO days in a row. I made some pretty good progress:

I hand-dyed a piece of blue fabric for Aurora Cabin. I think it turned out fabulous! All I need to do now is stitch it!

Last week I mentioned that Pam and I were doing an ornament SAL together. Since then we've been joined by Shelley of Shelley's Artsy Fartsy Life and Mary Ann of Just Stitching.
I have an awesome project in the works for The Homestead. Actually, I'll have a couple of things to showcase (probably next week). Now that I'm finished with school, I have more time to get done projects around the house.
Until next time,

Happy Monday dear I love your stitching so much.. Looking so beautiful ..
Stunning hand dyed material ,, keep well
Happy stitching love cucki
Your hand dyed fabric is gorgeous. I saw what you are going to stitch on it, and that will really be cool!
The temperatures here in Scotland have been pretty mild recently too (no snow here either). I sometimes feel that you need a little bit of snow to help december feel christmassy
As always I love seeing JG and Blossom Spendor grow
I love your hand dyed fabric. We have had lovely weather here, no snow. Great progress on your wips.
I want a good snow storm. Of course since I'm a hermit it doesn't bother me haha.
Wow that's a lot of orts.
Your stitching all looks fabulous! Keep it up!!!
Love the fabric you dyed. It's gorgeous!
Hasn't it been a strange winter so far, Meari? I'm not complaining, but, I, too, missed the snow on Christmas Day!
Your stitching is coming along beautifully and--wow--that fabric is stunning--what did you dye it with and how?
I'm sure you'll enjoy your ornament SAL :)
The hand dyed fabric looks wonderful!! Your WIP's are looking amazing as well. So far Ohio has been decent weather wise. The snow is a coming here later in the week.
Your progress on Blossom Splendor is fabulous. You'll be done in no time.
I almost forgot what JG looked like, lol! Nice to you working on this one again.
I'll add my ornies to a new tab on my blog this week for the ornament SAL!
Love the progress on your detailed projects & the dyed fabric on Aurora Cabin for me.....haha
Love your hand dyed fabric. Great progress on both JG and Blossom splendor
Stitching looks great as always. Love the hand dyed fabric you did!
You all had an over abundance of snow (or at least New England did) last year so this year Mother Nature is going easy on far. lol
Happy Monday!
Stitching looks great! And kudos for JG! Enjoy the good weather!
That cabin turned out so cool!
The fabric is beautiful! I think I am going to give that a try this summer! Congrats on the Japanese Garden "marathon"
Hi Meari,
I checked out your blog, lovely stitching. The Aurora Cabin is a beautiful design, your fabric dye came out perfect. Do you use Rit or a special product? I really love the look of it.
I finally finished the first of our ornament, just need to sign it, take a pic, and post it on here.
Have a good day.
The fabric you dyed is a fabulous colour. I love it. You have made great progress on the other projects too.
Happy stitching!
The fabric you dyed is gorgeous and perfect for the piece, and your WIP's are looking great
No workouts for the snowblower, or BF!!! LOL Love that you are putting in more hours in the Chatelaine, you really need it hanging on the wall. Are you going to stitch all the printed stitches on the cabin or leave some out because of the pretty piece you dyed?? I am doing a homestead project too! A whole NEW craft room!!!!
Every time I browse your blog and see Aurora Cabin I say WOW. I can't wait to watch your progress on this piece. Your dyed fabric looks amazing too.
You're sure to get alot of stitching finishes this year now that homework isn't taking up all your time!
Hi Meari -
You fabric is beautiful. I am sure you are not missing the snow. Our winter has been mild here as well. Hopefully we will have a mild summer--fingers crossed.
Meari, your home looks so cute even without snow!!!!
You did a fantastic job with your hand dying for Aurora Cabin, it will be a stunning piece!
Hi Meari,
You must be a fast stitcher to get the mailart completed in just four days. Well Done!
I did a mail art envelope some years ago when we still lived at home in Australia. It had Australian animals & I think a profile of the Sydney Opera House that I stitched for my partner. Unfortunately she did not hold up her end of the bargain, & I did not receive one from her via the post, with stamps etc. I;ll look forward to seeing yours when you post a photo.
Keep stitching,
Kay, New Zealand.
I love the colors in Blossom Splendor. It's looking lovely!
Love how the fabric came out!! Glad you picked JG again!
I'm having a heart attack - you worked on JG??? Vickie must be going crazy!! :)
Enjoyed looking at your blog Meari! You do such beautiful stitching!
Love the way JG and Blossom are progressing
the weather sure is weird even at the mouse house .. we have peonys budding atm .... well done on your progresses too and ooooo can't wait to see your DIY bits :) love mouse xxxx
No crazy snow shoveling for you so far. That is awesome.
Woohoo Splendor is only 1 page away, and oh my gosh is that Japanese Garden. I'm so glad to see you take that out, makes me feel guilty for my Romantic Rose Garden Chatelaine currently collecting dust...
Love the new fabric too. Too many great things on the go for you Meari! Love it all. :)
Love the fabric that you dyed, I haven't seen Aurora Cabin before and it may have to go on my wish list LOL
You do not have to shovel the snow, we are having the same kind of weather in Canada and I am enjoying it.
You have made great progress on your 2 pictures.
Omg!! I love oriental things! Our bedroom is done in oriental. It is dark though. It went well with our last house, but now we have dark paneling and it just too dark. I'm wanting to add some color. I put the Garden on my list for 123Stitch for my order when taxes come in, but it doesn't list threads?? Any chance you could let me know the threads needed?
Nearly there with Blossom Splendor :) Good progress on Japanese Garden too. I think you did a wonderful job with the hand dyed fabric. It's to-die-for! Can't wait to see Aurora Cabin stitched on it.
Aren't you glad that you didn't need to shovel snow (yet)?.
Your fabric looks fabulous. Great that you worked on your JG. It's a beauty. Love also your Blossom Splendor
You better knock on wood Girl...The winter season is not over in your area :) LOL!
Love the fabric!!!! It'll look great with the cabin....Looking forward to seeing this one come alive.
Let's try this again...LOL....first I love your home! That is a lot of orts, are you going to do with them?
Blossom Splendor is so pretty Meari; all of the colors just blend so well with the fabric; Chatelaine is really coming along nicely too!
The fabric you dyed is just gorgeous; it matches almost perfect with the chart! I know this one will be stunning as well.
Your stitching looks wonderful! I am glad to see you are stitching JG again. The fabric you dyed, its it die for! Gorgeous! It's perfect for the pattern.
Wonderful stitching Meari and I just ADORE the fabric you’ve done, it’s fantastic. We’ve enjoyed not having snow here in Sheffield (UK) this year as the kids were all playing outside with their new toys, it’s been really mild so a big change from last year J Looking forward to seeing your mailart, I’m due to make an ATC this month so inspiration will be most helpful LOL!
Hugs JO x
Oh Meari
Dont you have any snow yet ?
Luckily, we have really winter now, snow Today ia little warmer but we had -12 celsius in weekend .
Your stitching looks gorgeous and I can say, that Aurora cabin is so nice to stitch
I love both those pieces and they are coming along beautifully.
Aurora Cabin is just lovely and will look great on your dyed fabric!
Lovely Monday update!
Your WIPs are just lovely, look at all those orts!
Wonderful dye job!
Love your dyed fabric! The shading is amazing. Weather wise, be careful what you wish for - it took us until almost mid-January to get snow, and I must admit I'm already tired of it - and being cold, lol.
Meari, I hope my interest in blogs stays keen throughout 2012. I'm doing better so far:)
I love Aurora Cabin! That is my favorite of the kits I see, and it reminds me (in subject) of the kit I got free to review in my blog not long ago from Yiota in the UK. Wish I could say I've started it, but I'll do well this year to get finishes for WIPocalypse!!! I wish I could stitch as fast as you.
Looking forward to seeing BS finished soon - and more progress to JG, which is exquisite! I have yet to start my Chat!
Your getting so close on Blossom Splendor! Fantastic progress on Japanese Garden.
The weather has been really mild here too (except for that one day that I feel offcourse)
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