Seriously?! One day was 56F and by 5pm the next day, I came home to a 28" snowdrift in front of my garage door. Do you think my neighbors on either side had snow in their driveways? Noooo. Two and a half hours later, I had the drift chopped down and the driveway cleared of snow. It was so cold that my breath kept fogging my glasses so I had to take them off. Talk about a blind person trying to clear snow!
I was so cold, my thighs were bright red. Even a hot bath didn't warm me up... it just thawed me out a little. After sitting under the electric blanket for 45 minutes, I finally became warm enough but my entire body was so sore!
The Southpaw Stitcher is celebrating a one year milestone. Go on over and wish her a Happy Blogversary!
Happy Dance! Happy Dance! As part of the Ornament SAL, I stitched and finished my January ornament. This is my 2nd finish of 2012.

Designer: Stitching the Night Away
Fabric: 22ct Red Hardanger
Fibers: DMC, Carries Creations
Embellishments: Runched Ribbon, Beads, Buttons
I changed the colors, added snowflakes, and added the beads and buttons. It turned out so adorable! I used my mag eyes and it made a world of difference in stitching on such a small fabric count.
Normally, I'm not a big fan of stitching on red. But, Vicky of Nutmegger Stitcher's Works recently finished a snowman ornament on red so I decided to try it.
When I wasn't stitching on the snowman, I stitched on JG. It's coming right along. I finished the bamboo stalks and water under the bridge near the 9 o'clock garden.
I received some distressing news yesterday. My 15yr old nephew was involved in a freak snowmobile accident over the weekend. He was competing in a snowcross event (like motorcross, but with snowmobiles) and ended up 20-25 feet in the air. He landed on his back and has fractured three of his vertebrae. He will be OK, but he will have a long painful recovery.
I'm so sorry about your nephew. But young people seem to come back faster than we would perhaps do so.
I love the fabric you stitched the ornament on. So bright and cheerful!
The snowman is adorable! JG is looking good. I'm so sorry about your nephew. I'll be sending lots of prayer his way.
Sorry to hear about your nephew hope he recovers soon. Love that little snowman so cheerful
What a cute snowman--love the red fabby, hard on the eyes though! Glad your nephew is going to recover--albeit slow. Praise the Lord it wasn't worse!
Just love the ornament and your finishing is adorable. So sorry to hear about your nephew.
Love the Snowman Ornie!!!
Sending prayers for your Nephew.
I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. I hope he makes a quick and full recovery. By the way, early happy birthday! I remember that you Aiden have the same birthday, so next Tuesday is your big day. I hope it is wonderful for you!
Congrats on your first ornie finish!!! It is so adorable and, as always, perfectly finished too. What do you use to mount your circle shaped ornies on and what do you use for the backing? I guess I could just ask what you use to mount any of your shaped pieces on. I'm challenged in that area, lol.
So sorry to hear about your nephew's injury. Glad he's going to be ok.
Sounds like an awful way to get the weekend going with all that snow. Ohio got hit hard. We got almost 2 feet of snow by the time it was all said and done here. I hope your nephew is on the mend fast, sounds like a nasty fall he had. I love your snowman finish. Snowmen have always had a place in my heart, lol
That finish is adorable. I love what you added to the design. Your WIP is gorgeous. Glad you are finally making progress on it.
So sorry to hear about your nephew. It could have been so much worse.
I am so sorry about your nephew..sending you all lots of love and hugs ..
Cute snowman and jg is looking so sweet..
Love cucki xxx
Sorry about our nephew - glad that he will be okay! Your snowman is darling both the stitching and finishing is terrific. We had that terrible drop in temps, but we didn't get the snow. Good job getting it all shoveled.
so sorry to hear the news about your nephew..cute snowman ..a lovely finish
Sorry about your nephew Meari. I'm glad he will eventually be okay and will pray for a quick recovery.
Beautiful stitching and what an adorable ornie you made! He is really cute!
So far, knock wood we haven't had a lot of snow. Hoping it stays that way!
Prayers for your nephew for a speedy recovery!
Love the snowman!!
And yes - what the heck happened to our weather? We went from 40 degrees to 13 in 1 day - it's been in the 20s for the last week and either today or tomorrow it's supposed to get back up to the 40s. Crazy!!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your nephew's accident. I will keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
Your ornament is adorable--congratulations on the 1st ornament finish!!
Oh hon I am so sorry. I hope your nephew has a quick and full recovery.
I hope you get no more snow!
Lovely little snowman. Love your finish.
Lovely Ornament , congratulation for your finished and your WIP looks really nice too
I am sorry to hear about your nephew...wishing him all the best for a quick recovery !
I love the Little Snowman ornament...its adorable ! hugs..Linda J.
Your ornament came out adorable. It is beautiful on the red. How do you make perfect circles? I can never make my perfect. Sorry about your nephew. I will say prayers for him.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your nephew. Your snowman orni & JG are just beautiful!
Sorry to hear about your Nephew, but glad to hear he will be okay. Great job with your ornament, do like the red.
I´m sorry about your nephew, I hope he recovers perfectly!
Your ornie turned out so cute!
Crazy weather?! Yes!
Love the ornament in red
I do hope your nephew has a quick recovery
Prayers for you nephew Meari.
Your ornament is so cute! Congrats on the finish :)
Thinking of your nephew and the family. Sending wishes for a speedy recovery.
I LUV the snow man :)
Congrats on your snowman on red. You did a great job with the buttons, beads and snowflakes.
Sorry to hear about your nephew. Glad he will be ok with time.
Dee in TN
Sorry about your nephew...hope he recovers quickly. Cute little snowman finish.
Meari, the snowman ornament is incredibly adorable, and the red really "makes" it!
I'm so sorry to hear of your nephew's freak accident, bless his heart! He's young, though. It might have killed an older person or mamed them for the rest of their life.
stitching looks great! Hope your nephew feel better soon.
Love your snowman finish Meari!
So sorry to hear about your nephew. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
Love the snowman ornie. It's a real cutie!
As much as I like snow, I don't envy you having to shovel that much.
The snowman is cute and JG is looking great! Good wishes to your nephew.
Karin in CA
Such a very cute ornament, Meari and JG is looking beautiful.
So sorry to hear about your nephew - I wish him a complete and not to lengthy recovery.
I hope your nephew makes a complete recovery.
The snowman ornament is so cute. I love the buttons.
Thank goodness your nephew will be ok, but I am sorry to hear he will have to struggle for so long. I will say a prayer for him and your family.
On a happier note, your snowman is too adorable for words, and the finish on your ornament is excellent. Keep up the awesome stitching!
Hope your nephew makes a full recovery. Love your finished ornament and great progress on your JG picture.
Red Snowman is cute! Japanese Garden is looking GREAT! So sorry about your nephew! Sending positive thoughts his way.
Hope your nephew makes a fast recovery. How scary! And 28" of snow? That sounds like a tough job to clear.
Your snowman ornie came out wonderful! Great progress on JP too. It's coming along!
Your snowman ornament is just adorable. Love it! I hope your nephew will have an easy recovery!
Hi Meari,
That snowman ornament is the cutest I’ve seen!
Hope your nephew will be ok.
Tobie in So. Cal.
I love little snowman stitched on red, it really pops - and the buttons, oh my gosh. Best.snowman.ever.
I hope your nephew has a speedy recovery with no complications along the way.
What a scary thing for your nephew, Meari! I can't even imagine how painful that must be. I do hope his recovery goes smoothly...
Wow! That is a lot of snow--we've only had about 3 inches so far this year!! Crazy weather...
Your snowman is adorable on the red. And I love him on the small count fabric. Great job :)
Hey Girl -
I was thinking about you and your snowblower last week, wondering when I might read about you haveing to move enormous drifts and viola--here you go. I hope it is a short snowy season for you.
Love the snowman. I will be praying for your nephew.
Have a great day.
That is so very cute! Loretta from STNA was pointing it out to me and I just love how you've done it. All this cuteness just might get me into stitching yet! ;-)
Crocheter signing off!
Oh gosh, yes! And I'm so sorry about your nephew! Snowmobiles and 4wheelers - they just scare me so much! I'll add him to my prayers!
Congrats on finishes and great progress on JG. Sorry about the snow. Freddy is wearing glasses also and is having same problem. He says that wearing ski goggles helps.
I will keep your nephew in my thoughts and prayers. Kids usually recover quickly and hopefully there will not be any complications.
Your snowman is really cute and the extras make it cuter! Glad to see you are still plugging away on JG too! Ouch to the broken vertebrae. Hopefully it won't effect him his whole life. Back problems are the pits!!
I love your Little Snowman. And sending prayers to your nephew for speedy recovery.
Love the snowman Meari (but then I love stitched snowmen anyway!)
I really hope your nephew makes a full recovery and will be ok in time!
Love Karen
Prayers go out to your nephew Meari; he is young and kids are so resilient. I truly believe his recovery will be a good one and it may not take as long as it would an older person.
I just love your snoman ornie!!! Very colorful and cute as a button. You need to put this on group for the Ornament SAL which is now set up!
Love the snowman!JG is looking awesome!
I hope your nephew has a swift recovery!
So sorry to hear about your nephew. Wish him a speedy recovery
The snowman on red looks totally adorable. And your improvisations really have added the touch
Wow, JG is coming up well.
I hope your nephew is doing okay...so scary.
Love the ornie. I am so jealous that you have already finished stitching your first for the year, let alone finished it too. I have LHN 2010 ornies that I stitched and still haven't finished...if I finish them off do those count for this year, lol?!?!
Your snowman is really nice, and I love the red fabric and the ruffled edge. Congrats! In fact, I enjoyed reading your blog. I love the changes you made in your home too especially the chandelier. Beautiful work on all fronts.
June in NB, Canada
How very cute, Meari! Is he a SanMan? He has that sweet, fun look about him. I have a SanMan chart I've never done-- Shapes and Spices--that I think is so cute. I'll have to drag that one out some day. Congratulations on the finish!
Cute finish.
sorry to hear about your nephew, I'm relieved to hear he'll recover. Wish him all the best!
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