My new laptop arrived on Thursday. I had it shipped to work so it was like getting a new toy at Christmas and not being able to play with it! I spent most of Friday making the recovery disks (took hours!), re-installing software and getting my printer set up.
I was never able to get my Graphire graphics pad to work with my other laptop so I haven't used it in about 4 years. I bought it back when I used Win98 or XP. A search on the internet brought me to a guy who had a driver for Win7 and I was so excited when I installed it and it worked with my new laptop!
If you've read my blog, you'd know I bought a cooling pad for the laptop... the CP works awesome. I was on the computer practically all day and the bottom of the laptop didn't even get warm. I highly recommend the Rosewill RNA-7600W. Unlike some other CP's, it has an AC power source as well as USB and a 4-port USB hub. I was able to use the hub with no problems.
I rented a Blue-Ray DVD and tried the BR player that came as a "free" upgrade to the laptop. I also tried out Hulu. Both gave me a chance to try the HDMI cable in order to watch them on my 1080p TV. The cable was easy-peasy... all I did was plug it in and change the TV setting to HDMI. The DVD player automatically started, I clicked the on screen remote, and the viewing experience started.
I upgraded from a regular 6-cell battery to a 9-cell battery. Once the battery is charged 100% it will run my laptop for a good 8 hours. I'm loving that!
Overall, I like the new laptop. The coolest thing is that it has a fingerprint reader that can be used to logon to the computer and login to whatever websites I set up. It won't work with fingers not scanned (I tried, LOL). One thing I'm still getting the hang of is the two-finger scrolling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm sure it's user error. I have a keypad on this laptop. Being in the accounting field... I missed having one on my other laptop.
I stitched Flower & Bee back in 2009. I finished it into a box last week. It was the first time I tried to do an octagon shape. I'm happy with how it turned out!

Designer: Annalee Wait Designs
Fabric: 28ct Buttermilk Linen
Fibers: DMC, GAST
Embellishments: White Trim
I also received Part One of Fleurs et Papillons SAL on Thursday. So, I started another new project! Now I have 3 projects going and they're all BAPS. The original design called for three colors: 2 shades of pink and white. I changed the colors to my liking. Here's the floss toss:

I made a good bit of progress on it using Qsnaps and the Elan lap stand:

The fabric color is more accurate in the floss toss pic.
I also worked on JG, and ended up frogging a small section because I stitched one of the bonsai trees ONE stitch too tall and it threw the bottom corner of the corner ornament off. Since everything on JG is so close together and contains specialty stitches, there was no way I could leave it and stitch around it.

Earlier this year, I finished stitching Blossom Splendor. It's about 18x20 in size. I want to store it until I can get two other companion pieces stitched, and then frame them all the same. To those of you who stitch and store your pieces, how do you store them longterm? My pieces may be in storage for a couple years before I get around to framing them.
Until next time,

Meari, love all of your stitching projects! Very pretty; I am happy you now have your laptop!
I look forward to more progress on your Jardin is a beautiful piece.
Have fun with your new computer! We accountants love our techie toys, don't we? Theresa
I store mine in the tubes calendars come in. We get a lot of them here at workand I havent had a problem like that. They are very sturdy so they dont crush easily.
Exciting about your new laptop! :)
All of them are looking great. JG is just amazing as always. You'll have to post a photo of what it all looks like again soon.
I store my pieces that are not ready for framing (or I just don't know what to do with, lol) wrapped up (rolled like they come off my scroll rods) lightly in a piece of fabric. Usually just a standard cheap cotton that I get at the fabric store. And then they live in a plastic tote I have. It's quite dry here in Calgary so I don't have to worry at all about moisture accumulating. And of course they are then in a dark closet so the sun cannot hurt anything.
I'd love to hear about what you decide to do for yours.
I stored my pieces in a drawer and it seemed to work ok. I love you box finish
You are going to have to keep us updated on that cooling pad!! I have a "cheapy" right now. It seems that cooling pads fans don't hit my laptop right in all it's various needy places. I def. like the sound of this one though! So glad you like the new sounds sweeeet!! Gorgeous stitching!!
Congrats on your new toy. Love the box finish! The floss you picked for the Papillions SAL are beautiful.
Your box is just adorable, Meari. Congrats on the new toy (laptop) have fun playing with it.
Take Care & Happy Stitchin'
Hugs, Sandy
Have fun with your new Toy! Love the box Finish! How about storing your piece in the plastic boxlike holder that monaco fabric somes in...That should work out OK.
Congrats on the new computer. All your stitchy stuff looks lovely!
Good luck with the laptop! JG looks beautiful!
I store my finihed pieces hanging in the back of my closet on pants/skirt hangers. I have stored some of them several years. It is dark in the back of the closet and there is not much dust. If you are worried about dust, cover with some very good quality white/natural cotton. Don't store in plastic as they can react with the materials.
Yay, you have your new laptop!
Love all your stitching and the box is fab!
It sounds like you are liking your new toy, oops, I mean computer. LOL!!!! Love the octagonal box!!!! Your new project is going to be gorgeous!!! JG is looking great too. I have stored my finished project in an under the bed tote. I want to make sure that my pieces can lay flat. I put fabric between the pieces too. I do this until I have the money for finishing them. Hope that helps.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
I store my finished pieces in an art folio which I lie flat.
The most important thing is to ensure that what you use is acid free. If it's not you may get little brown spots appearing on your fabric.
Love the work you do!
Congrats on the new laptop. I love your octagonal box. Beautiful work!!! I am still deciding if I want to join the Papillion SAL. Now that I saw the first part, I think I may be doing just that. I store my pieces in a mailing tube. I have pieces that aren't framed that my mother stitched over 12 years ago in these cardboard mailing tubes and they are fine. I take them out every once in a while to oogle them.
wooo hooo on the lap top glad everything works :)
and sorry about the wee frog ....
re the pieces either roll up in clean acid free tissue and store in drawer or hang by skirt hangers (clip type) and store hung up in cupboard .. cover with cotton pillow case to keep dust off ... hope that helps :) love mouse xxx
You have been busy! Beautiful Stitches!
I store my pieces waiting to be framed between sheets of acid free tissue in an artist folio laying flat under my bed.
Glad you got your new laptop. Like your box and your WIP is looking very pretty.
Your box is beautiful! Congrats on the new laptop.
Congratulations on your new laptop :) I remember how excited I was to receive mine.
Your finishing for the octagon box is perfect. Beautiful progress on your projects.
What fun! A new computer :) And I love the idea of fingerprint access...
Your box is so pretty, Meari! Love the shape and the interior fabric, too. Was that box one of your "finds" or did you buy it new?
I tend to roll my (very few!) larger finishes into acid free paper and keep them in an acid free box, but have also hung a couple from skirt hangers in a closet, too. I really need to get at it and get some of them framed!!
Hi Meari,
The octagonal box is really pretty. What will you use it for?
Tobie in So. Cal.
I love your projects! The way that I store the projects I am not framing (or finishing) right away is by putting them in an appropriate sized zip lock bag. Then I make sure it stays zipped until I want it out.
Your box is lovely and
so are you other stitching too
and congratulation for your new laptop , have a nice time with it :)
I just love all your stitching! The colors you chose for the Fleurs et Papillons SAL are nice together. Not familiar with this SAL and would love more info on it--hint, hint.
I store my larger finished pieces rolled up on either acid free tissue paper or pieces of plain white cotton bed sheets and stored in a tight sealing plastic container. My smaller pieces are stored flat between acid free tissue in another tight sealing plastic container.
Have fun with the new toys!
So ... we both have new laptops. I hope you enjoy yours as much as I am enjoying mine!
Beautiful stitched box top and lovely start on the Fleurs & Papilons SAL!
Congratulations on your new laptop! What fun it is to get a new toy, but it takes HOURS to set them up!
Your stitching is so lovely!
I always follow your directions and have a look at your blog. I particularly love your choice of music--so contempory and it keeps me updated on what young people are listening to today. The only complaint I would have it that there just isn't enough Leonard Cohen to my liking. :-)
I love looking at your projects and reading your updates, but now I have laptop envy.
Deborah in Central Indiana
I have a netbook and the best thing I bought was a cordless mouse...hate, hate, hate using the scroll pad. Glad to see you still getting some stitches in on JG. How's the 2 hand stitching going now? The box is nice. I found a hinged box in one of my dresser drawers, so I should be good to go for the class except for deciding what to stitch for it!
Congrats on getting the new laptop. Always fun getting new toys, lol. The box turned out so beautifully! Stitching as always is beautiful though.
Your stitching projects are gorgeous but I am seriously jonesing for that laptop. I just had to wipe and reinstall EVERYTHING On my laptop.
I'm going to be replacing my laptop next year. Do you mind sending me an email with info about where you got your laptop and what brand it is?
Oooh! New laptop! I think the cooling pad is so important and when I get a new laptop, that's what I'm getting cause mine overheats all the time!! What a pretty little hexagon box! Where did you get the box? you did a lovely job on finishing too! JG looks gorgeous too, sorry that the frog came and visited though :(
I love reading your blog - always something interesting in it. I really appreciate the computer info you put in here this time. I have a 17" Dell and I have had it propped up on sticky pads to keep it cool. Never thought about buying a cooling pad for it until your blog!! So I ordered one just like yours from Amazon, got it in 2 days and it's setting on it now. It's amazing how much cooler the laptop is on the pad -- you may have given me a few extra years with this laptop! Thanks again. Judi in Phoenix
Meari -
Love your stitching! It is beautiful! Congrats on finishing the box! I love the pattern!
Cool new laptop - glad it's all working well! Stitching is great - love the new little box and progress!
As ever, Meari, it's all beautiful
Enjoy the new toy! JG is looking great! Are you bringing it to retreat?
Very nice box!! I hope to be able to do different shapes after your class ends. I am LOVING the Fleurs et Papillons SAL!!! How would I sign up for this SAL? Enjoy the new laptop!!
I always love your stitching and posting! Would you shoot me an e-mail about the new laptop with which you are having so much fun?
The garlic-cheddar chicken sounds fabulous--I'll have to get DH to add it to his (terrific) cooking repertoire!
The box is so pretty. I roll my projects up, and they're all kept in a drawer (I really should 'finish' them instead ...)
Beautiful finish. I have always had a fetish for wooden boxes and this is a beauty.
As many others have already suggested, I guess rolling it up covered with a newspaper or another fabric would be good. This would also avoid in creases from forming
Glad you're enjoying your new laptop, Meari. The octagonal box is too cute. Do you happen to have finishing instructions for that? I'm really liking the idea of trying new finishing methods over the summer, and this would be nice to add to my "instructions file."
Sandy in NM
ok..don't faint. That's a cool box! I store mine in a plastic bin (unfinished) you would be ashamed it you knew how many I had :(
four months is better than never!
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