Originally, I thought the circumference of the gravel was about 15”. It actually more like 20"! The BF stopped over to look at it. He thinks I have a gopher using that hole. This weekend, I’ll be mixing up some hydraulic cement and pouring it down the hole. Bye bye, critter!
Last weekend, the BF and I went to the Classics & Chrome Car Show which is a fundraiser for a (college)prep school. The school's website says they "nurture intellectual curiosity, stimulate personal growth and encourage critical thinking and innovation" for students ages 3 through grade 12. There were over 100 vehicles on display, ranging from motorcycles to hotrods to classics.

Same model car in the original movie, Christine

Detailed paint job on a classic 'wagon

There were even mini rods

More photos of the car show can be seen HERE.

I worked on Fleurs et Papillons last week and until last night, this is what it looked like:
The photo is a bit dark so you can see the white lace. In normal light, it's very hard to see. I frogged it all last night and stitched it with a champaign-gray color (not sure why it looks brown!) which shows up much better. What do you think?
Until next time,
Ok, that critter was really trying hard to actually live in your garage! That SAL is pretty, I haven't seen a photo of the pattern before. It was hard to see the white, and I think your sub looks fine. Cool cars! We have a car show here every Mothers Day weekend and the parade goes right by my house!
Hope you are able to get rid of the critter.
I think the new color is much better.
That is going to be so pretty when finished.
I like the other one also.
Darn critters! Beautiful stitches! I think it's coming along beautifully!
Great color combo Meari!
Quite the little critter opening you have there ! Amazing cars..my son would be drooling ! Like the color substitution you did on your SAL....hugs..Linda J.
Oooh that gopher is BAD!!!! Digging a hole in your cement!?!?! Great looking cars! I love car shows!! Beautiful progress on your SAL! The butterfly is so pretty an in my favourite colour, purple!!
I love the SAL.It is gorgeous! I love the new color.I think it is perfect!
The cars at the show look awesome. I like those kinds of car shows. Fleurs et Papillons looks like it's going to be so pretty. I really like the colors you chose for it.
Sandy in NM
Wow the things that happen to you & your homestead!!!! You just can't make this stuff up. Your WIP looks great. Thanks for sharing.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)
I had to look up what a gropher is. Can't believe they can actually dig through concrete.
Lovely pictures of the car show.
I prefer the colours you've picked. The original is too pinkish for my taste.
how big are these gophers ???? and love those cars ..
love the stitching and you can see the second lace much better :) love mouse xxxx
Your stitching as always looks pretty! The cars at the car show look amazing. We have that here every year as well in the summer at our town festival. I know what you will be busy working on this weekend. Hope you have a good weekend ahead though no matter what!
First of all I love the new colour of the lace it looks just the right colour. Wonder what sort of critter that is that loves your garage so much. Do not feel bad about your mowing accident I once ran over a frog with the mower. Now I do not like frogs in my stitching but frogs in the garden I do like.
that is one tough gopher!
Beautiful work on your SAL Will be fun to see this one grow.
I like going to car shows, but they always make me want a cool old car, or at least a cool paint job for this car, LOL. And I cringe when DH shows me a car that is the same model he or his pals wrecked in high school--they're always really cool-looking cars
Me & the BF had a good laugh over the gopher hole!!lol I'm a big fan of car shows. I like the older models.
Ooops, the gravel does not look good.
Wow, what beautiful cars!! Siiggh..
The grey looks much better than the white. Love your color choices. I feel these are much better than the original
I can't believe a gopher can get through concrete! I hope his little tunnel system under your garage floor doesn't cause structural damage. Actually I was thinking Caddy Shack...
I like the new lace color you chose -- and, as much as I like pink, I think you made the right decision to change the whole color scheme.
The cars look awesome! I lvoe looking at those antique cars.
Your stitching is beautiful as always. Love the colors you are using.
I like that change for the lace...this is a really pretty design. Your color choices are very pretty too.
OH Meari; I loveeee the colors on your SAL! Gorgeous......
At first I thought it was a snake hole! LOL.....but it is obvious that something is digging......I don't blame you! BYE BYE!
Meari, your SAL colors are just gorgeous! Very lovely.
It is obvious something is in the hole digging....LOL.....don't blame you! BYEEEEEEEEEE!
truly a marveous update Meari! I had to laugh at all the car pics...fondly. ...when i met him the DH had and orange and black 1969 roadrunner.. ..needless to say it's a thing of the past....although he drools whenever he happens to see one.
I enjoyed the LOL at your hole. Of course I would make it into a pet knowing me haha.
Love your stitching. I agree with your color change on the lace. Shows up a lot better now. Love the car show. Jeremiah loves to go drool over all the cars.
I think your Fleurs et Papillons is going to look wonderful. Strange about the gopher. pretty determined little critter to make it all the way thru. you should leave him a treat! Just kidding!
How weird to have a gopher burrowing in your concrete garage floor, Meari! I have no doubt that you'll take care of him--no one messes with Miss Meari, right?!
Pretty WIP--I agree, the lace just didn't show up enough when it was white... Lovely colors you've chosen :)
Have a great week--now get off your computer and go take care of that pesky gopher!!
I like the color change. I think it makes it pop! Beautiful work as always =)
Nikki D
Your stitching looks great. Thanks for sharing the link to see all the car pics. Dylan and I were ooohing and awwwing.
The SAL is so pretty!!!! what a motivation to finish so you get the whole chart!!!! little dude just wants a cool place to chill this summer!!!
Thought it was ants at first. Wow, who'd have ever thought gophers could do that. Love the cool cars, and nice stitching, too!
Oh Meari
Your stitching looks lovely and I love your carshow picture. I love those old cars and old USA cars.
We have that VAPPU ( 1 May ) so here going that old and USA car parade. I cant wait to see those beautiful car.
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