Jun 29, 2024

Collapse and Chaos Part 1

Traveling Back in Time... The year 2021 had barely started.  I was pulled from my slumber at o'dark thirty on January 31st, 2021.

My neighbor, frantic, telling me to get my car out of my garage.  Whaat? Why?  The half century old concrete block building that was built literally a foot behind my garage had collapsed under the heavy snowfall we'd been receiving.  Rumor has it that the owner of the building didn't put money into maintaining his building which resulted in three surrounding property owners having to pay for damage... Thank you "Act of God".

This was what the view of my backyard looked like until April 2021.

Close up view of the mess.  Unfortunately because of the weather, assessment and clean up couldn't happen until the snow melted.

The two previous photos are of the building collapse on the neighbor's side.  The building spanned both our properties.

Unfortunately, my garage took the brunt of the fall.  Since my garage was brick, it kept the neighbor's garage from being totally demolished.

My garage is to the right.  Doesn't look bad, right?

Look further...

The collapse pushed the bricks on my garage forward about 3 inches.

The backside of my garage was holding the wall of the building.

The inside of my garage suffered some damage, too. Stress cracks from the impact.

Despite the stress of this incident, I was thankful it wasn't worse.  Because my garage was brick, it stood up to the collapse.  My car was in the garage so it could've been damaged and wasn't. So grateful!

Until Next Time...

Jun 27, 2024

Girl Power - Girl Campers

Right after I bought my Casita home, I found a group called Girl Camper.  There are chapters in 30 states.  Each of those states has a "camper guide" who plans and organizes events for.... who else but female campers.

I went on my first Girl Camper event weekend before last.

Hooked Up and Ready to Go!

This event was called "Camper College".  Our coordinator arranged for Tony and Peggy Barthel from Stressless Camping to come in and teach us newbies the ins and outs of RV camping, specifically geared toward travel trailers.  All were welcome, though.  It was a lot of fun and subject information was presented in a relaxed conversational style.  Any and all questions were welcome.

The sunrises and sunsets were beautiful.

Soft Pastel Sunrise - It was a beautiful morning

Sunsets were stunning!

The furbabies loved camping!  Baxter went camping a couple of times when he was a puppy, but it's been quite a while.  This was Bailey's first time.  They both had a blast.

First Walk Near the Forest Preserve

Chillin' Out in the Casita.
That expression on Bailey's face!

Love this photo!  So Sweet.

After one of our Camper College Sessions, we went on an excursion to an RV store, followed by ice cream at a 50's themed shop. I had a banana split which was much bigger than I expected! So good, though.

Every Girl Camper bough something, LOL

The campground was surrounded by a forest preserve. It was so peaceful and the entire time I was there I saw birds flying around and singing.  My kind of place!

The event included three meals during the weekend. For the rest of the time, I made some tasty eats in my Casita. 

This was one of my breakfasts.  Potato, Turkey Sausage, and Egg Skillet with Toast (made in a skillet), Rhubarb Muffin, and Tea.  Mmmm Mmmm Good!

Enchilada with Rice and Chips. Some Vitamin Water to wash it down.  Yummo!

I also made Tortellini Alfredo with Garlic Bread, but forgot to take a photo before I scarfed it down. LOL

Before we knew it, it was time to go home.  I had difficulty getting the camper backed up the driveway.  Honking horns from traffic didn't help.  PSA:  If you've never backed a trailer up a steep driveway, have some patience!

Until Next Time...

Jun 24, 2024

Marvelous Monday Update 6/24/2024

Almost a month ago, I drove over 2 1/2 hours to buy this...

2017 Casita Camper

I'd been looking at RV's for six months or more.  I'd never towed a trailer, let alone a camper, nor had I backed one up.  I wanted to be able to travel and take my furbabies with me.

Arent' they cute?!

Once I got back to my city, I went to a local empty parking lot and practiced backing up. 

I can't say that no cones were harmed in this adventure.  I knocked several over and crushed one during the hour long practice session.

Long time readers may remember that my driveway is steep and long.
However, I was able to get this 17-foot camper backed up and in place.

Look at how close to the curb I got it!

The furbabies and I spent several weekends driveway camping to get them used to it.  
Now, they know the word "camper" and each time I take them outside, they want to go in the camper!

Mom!  Camper, pleasssse?!

The Casita has everything a large camper has, but on a small scale. It's just big enough for me and the furbabies. Maybe one other person.

The wet bath is to the right when you come in the door.  For those who don't know what a wet bath is, it's a toilet/sink/shower combination. When you take a shower, everything in there gets wet.  Hence the name.

I love that the toilet is up on a pedestal above the black water tank.  It's like using a toilet in the handicap stall at public restrooms.

This is a view of the bathroom door closed and the side dinette.  The side dinette coverts into a single bed.  It has storage underneath each of the seats.

At the rear of the Casita is the large dinette which converts into a full size bed.  I doubt I'll use the rear dinette and just keep it as a bed.  At least I have the option, though.  There's a TV in the corner and I'm able to use my Amazon Firestick with the hotspot on my phone to stream movies and watch YouTube. Very cool!
There are also room darkening shades and a curtain to close off the "bedroom" area.

 The kitchenette has a two-burner propane stove with a cover and a shallow sink.  Above the stove is an exhaust fan and light.

When I close the stove cover, I can use a dish mat to put my newly washed dishes on.

It has a 4 cubic ft 3-way refrigerator which means it can run on battery, propane, or shore power (electricity).  It's got a tiny little freezer, too.

Directly above the refrigerator is a microwave ready space. For those who don't want to put a microwave in, it can be used as storage.  The door opens down flat so it can be used as a food prep area, too.

There are storage "cabinets" (more like cubbies) along the upper edge around the perimeter of the camper.  Larger storage spaces along the bottom edge under the dinettes, stove, and sink.  No space goes unused in this tiny home on wheels.

Since I brought it home, I've been doing some modifications or "mods" as others call it.

My Casita was missing the emergency brakeaway cable. So I had to get a new one.  Turns out the previous owner took it off and used it on another RV... because the Casita didn't originally come with one. 😒 I guess I find it hard to believe because if there is a breakaway module on it, it had to come with a cable, but whatever.

The breakaway cable is a safety feature that engages the camper brakes if the tow chains come loose from the vehicle.  To think I drove home 2 1/2 hours without one... 😐 Thankfully, it was an uneventful trip.

The only outside storage door opens towards the sky and it's a pain in the rear to get something out because it falls shut.

I installed a door clip to hold it open.  So now while I'm digging around in there I don't have the frustration of trying to hold it open.

When I picked up the Casita, the 7-pin plug was full of dirt.  This tells me they didn't keep the plug off the ground.  One would think the previous owners would've cleaned it out, but no.  I did right before I plugged in to tow it home.

To assist in keeping the plug dry and dirt free, I installed a connector storage kit.  I really like how it keeps the cord from free dangling and up out of the way.

My latest modification is painting the camper tongue white.  If you've never tried to hitch up a trailer, let me tell you... it's hard to see a black tongue with a vehicle back up camera.

By painting it white, it is SO much easier to see!

Stayed tuned for future posts on my Casita and travels.

Until next time...