Jun 27, 2024

Girl Power - Girl Campers

Right after I bought my Casita home, I found a group called Girl Camper.  There are chapters in 30 states.  Each of those states has a "camper guide" who plans and organizes events for.... who else but female campers.

I went on my first Girl Camper event weekend before last.

Hooked Up and Ready to Go!

This event was called "Camper College".  Our coordinator arranged for Tony and Peggy Barthel from Stressless Camping to come in and teach us newbies the ins and outs of RV camping, specifically geared toward travel trailers.  All were welcome, though.  It was a lot of fun and subject information was presented in a relaxed conversational style.  Any and all questions were welcome.

The sunrises and sunsets were beautiful.

Soft Pastel Sunrise - It was a beautiful morning

Sunsets were stunning!

The furbabies loved camping!  Baxter went camping a couple of times when he was a puppy, but it's been quite a while.  This was Bailey's first time.  They both had a blast.

First Walk Near the Forest Preserve

Chillin' Out in the Casita.
That expression on Bailey's face!

Love this photo!  So Sweet.

After one of our Camper College Sessions, we went on an excursion to an RV store, followed by ice cream at a 50's themed shop. I had a banana split which was much bigger than I expected! So good, though.

Every Girl Camper bough something, LOL

The campground was surrounded by a forest preserve. It was so peaceful and the entire time I was there I saw birds flying around and singing.  My kind of place!

The event included three meals during the weekend. For the rest of the time, I made some tasty eats in my Casita. 

This was one of my breakfasts.  Potato, Turkey Sausage, and Egg Skillet with Toast (made in a skillet), Rhubarb Muffin, and Tea.  Mmmm Mmmm Good!

Enchilada with Rice and Chips. Some Vitamin Water to wash it down.  Yummo!

I also made Tortellini Alfredo with Garlic Bread, but forgot to take a photo before I scarfed it down. LOL

Before we knew it, it was time to go home.  I had difficulty getting the camper backed up the driveway.  Honking horns from traffic didn't help.  PSA:  If you've never backed a trailer up a steep driveway, have some patience!

Until Next Time...


Marilyn said...

That looks like you had a fun time in a beautiful area.
The Puppies are so cute!

butterfly said...

What fun enjoy , June.