Aug 24, 2024

Homestead Happenings - Part 8

 The 2023 gardening season seemed like it was never ending. Reflecting upon everything that happened has made me realize I did a LOT!

Garden Mums were on sale at a couple of stores in Fall of 2023, so I picked up six of them.  I wasn't sure they'd survive the winter.  I tried planting some years ago that didn't make it.  Since they were on sale I figured what the heck, right?  Right.
This is what they looked like last year.  The colors were really pretty.

Well... They survived the winter.  I think the mulch may have helped.  This year, they are like baby shrubs!  I can't wait to see what they look like when in bloom. 

Sadly, one of the plants didn't make it.  Five out of six isn't bad, though. I'm not going to complain.
Last year when I started planning my flower beds, I wanted to create a water feature.  For 2023, my DIY water fountain lived next to the house by the garage.
In addition to the hostas, lilies, and irises I was also gifted some hens and chicks from my coworker.  There were also some on clearance that I snagged up.

I temporarily moved the fountain to it's planned location so I could plant the hens and chicks around it.

This year, I was able to put in place.  I really like how it turned out.

To think I made this myself... Happy dance!!

Until next time,



Carol said...

You obviously have a green thumb! I think I've only ever had one mum survive until the following year. Yours look amazing--be sure to post a photo of them in bloom :) And yay for your DIY fountain--I'm sure your neighbors love watching all your projects coming together each summer!

Marilyn said...

Everything looks great.
I've tried planting Mums, but they never come up the next year.
My Mom could do it.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oooh I really like your fountain, Meari. Everything is so pretty. It is wonderful that your mums survived. They will look so lovely come fall time. I do need to pick me up some this year. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

butterfly said...

Love the fountain ,your garden is looking great hugs June.

carol l mckenna said...

So glad to 'see you' again and letting me know you know my blog ~ lovely plantings and photos of your work ~ thanks, hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)