Apr 20, 2007

Friday Feast x 2

Friday Feast 4/20/07

What is your favorite kind of bread? Rye

When was the last time you bought a new pillow? About 3 months ago

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend surfing the ‘net? 15

Main Course
What’s the highest you remember your temperature being? 104 – and I actually went to work!

Fill in the blanks: When I ____________, I _____________.
When I take a walk on the wild side through the woods, I feel at peace.

Friday Feast 4/13/07

When you were a child, which crayon color was your favorite? Red, I think. Hmm. My car is red!

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest), how likely would you be to change jobs if it required you to move? 4

Take all the numbers in your birthday and your phone number and add them up, one by one. What’s the total? 72

Main Course
Have you ever “re-gifted” anything? If so, what was it and who did you pass it on to? No, but I have a couple things I want to. LOL

Name something you need from the store. Dog food


Joseph C. Harris said...

Great Feast. My feast is now up if you would like to join.