In reading the comments in regards to my last post, I got the feeling some of my readers thought it was me in the scenario. It wasn't, lol. It was a joke I posted because I thought it was funny.
I felt *really* rushed toward the end of my final exam. When I looked over my scored exam, I wasn't surprised at the ones I got wrong -- all the ones at the end of the test. :( With that said, I did manage to get a score of 87%. Can't complain about that.
The group oral presentation went pretty well. There was quite a bit of discussion afterwards on our subject of e-waste.

I got a good, solid "A"! Yay for me :) Now, I'm free for two weeks before I start the next semester.
Since last week was my last week of school for the semester, I was able to get some stitchig in. Finally! I did a little stitching on Gingerbread House -and- LK ABC's. Here's what both look like so far:

The weather was rainy almost every day last week. (Can you say water in the basement?) Even so, I was able to get plants into planters and hanging baskets. For $3 worth of flowers, I planted two of these huge hanging baskets. In a little over a month, this basket will be over flowing with foliage and blooms. I can't wait!

If the weather holds out *crossing fingers*, I hope to get my vegetable garden planted.
Congratulations for your exam results and your final grade. And your stitching is very beautiful.
congrats on the school work. The stitching looks great! Also the flowers. I hear you about the rain. Same here...this week is looking the same. We DO have our garden tilled & all the plants/seeds purchased. Just need time & dry weather!
Meari, Loved the updates!!!!!! Your ABC Lessons will be finished wayyyyyyyyyyyyy before mine! LOL I stitched on my Quaker SAL weekend.
Congratulations on your exam results, you must be so pleased!
Your stitching is really lovely Meari. I look forward to your next update!
Weekend off school... feels good! Your stitching and flower pot looks lovely. Have a great week!
Congrats on the A!! I knew you could do it.
Your WIPs look fabulous.
I wish I could get flowers to overflow my pots, lol!!
Woo hoo! Congrats on the A, the stitching & the planting!! The flowers will look great. I was hoping to get mine done today, but it's raining again.
Congratulations on the A, Meari! Gingerbread house is coming right along and I LOVE ABC Lessons. I can't stand kits but I may have to pick this one up!
Congrats on your Final Grade. Nice progress on your Stitching. Enjoy your Break.
Love the blog as usual especially the joke about Walmart greeter!
Sorry to hear about the water in your basement. Congrats on the great grades! Enjoy your 2-week break.
Love the gingerbread house. Is it a challenge to stitch on brown? I found it a challenge to stitch on black.
What progress you are making the ABC sampler. Keep up the excellent work!
Until next time,
Congrats on your final exam & grade!! You go girl! Well, I was one of those who thought the story was real & shared it with my DH...he cracked up! Oh well...it was definitely a good laugh! :-) Nice progress on your stitching. Enjoy your break!!
Yeah for the A, and glad you got some stitching in as well.
Meari, I love your MMM updates! I browse your latest, which is always interesting and then I minimize the screen and listen to all of your tunes at least one go through, sometimes two. Thanks! Great little blog.
Of course you got an "A" you are one smart cookie!
Glad you got some stitching time and time to get some planting done. Love seeing the pictures of all your lovely flowers.
Congrats on the A and some well-deserved time off! Stitching and flowers both look great!
Congratulations on your great grade!
Your projects are looking beautiful. Thanks for the update.
Mary in NC
Congrats on the "A!!" Your stitching looks great and I enjoyed the Walmart story!!! LOL!! too funny!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Congrats on the great grade and good for you having two weeks off. Love your progress on the LK ABC. I just bought the pattern this week while at a retreat.
Congrats on your A.
Great progress on your WIPs.
Congrats on another A! Looks like you're getting some stitching in. Your plants are doing well.
Knew you would get A's on your exams. Great progress on your stitching.
Congrats on your grades and on the flowers. Love your progress on your stitching!
Congratulations on the 'A' - I found your paper very interesting - made me think about E Waste! We had our 'mock' exam last week - thought I finished really quickly. Missed out a whole part of a question, lol! AS my tutor said - better inthe Mock than the real thing!! Still managed a 'Pass' though (as you know, ours aren't graded other than Pass/Fail):)
Congrats on the A! Way to go girlfirend!
I love your LK piece. It is really looking good.
Congrats on your A. You've worked your butt off for it.
The more I see that Lizzie Kate piece, the more I like it.
Pretty flowers.
Oh, I'm so tired of the rain, too, Meari! And the cold--is this really May??? I need to get busy and plant my own flowers if it ever stops raining long enough. Your basket it lovely.
Great news on your A--I'm not surprised--you worked hard and certainly deserved it...
Love your WIP progress--it will be nice to have a bit more time to stitch for a couple weeks! Enjoy :)
I love that ABC lessons!!!!
Congrats on the A Meari!! Not surprised though. Enjoy your 2 week break.
Your stitching is looking good. Not sure I would enjoy stitching the LK piece.
We've had a couple of really nice days but it's supposed to rains some more tonight/tomorrow. I'm tired of it!
Have a great day!
Congrats on the A!!!! Your WIP's are looking great.
Betty in AZ
Congrats on your A Meari and enjoy your 2 week break!!
Your stitching looks great and you are now way ahead with the LK!!
Congratulations on your final exam, Meari!
The ABC lesson is looking beautiful!
congrats on your exam-score! Love the stitchy updates
Enjoy your break :) Nice progress on the stitching. Love the ABCs..
Nice going on the LK piece, looks like you should be done soon. I bought some flowers for pots. Hopefully I'll do that today. We had 3" of rain yesterday and now the forecast says NO rain thru Memorial Day and warm!!!! We have part of our garden in, but with buying a house for Lauren and working on that and now my dad in the hospital....not much is happening around this house!!!
Your stitching looks really good and Congratulation for your A, that is great
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