Spring weather is here. One day it's sunny and 79F and the next day it's pouring down rain. Great for the plants and flowers! Here's a few shots of my spring gardens:

Kathy over at Shawkl is hosting a giveaway and a studio award. Go on over and wish her luck with her new shop opening.
Over the weekend, I tried a new recipe: Chicken Parmesan. It was quick. It was easy. It was tasty! The chicken was very juicy and tender. Mmmmmm!

As a side dish, I made sauteed green beans (frozen from last year's garden). They were yummy, too!

Last week, the instructor got a
This week is the last week of the semester. Not only do we have the final exam, we also have to turn in our group research paper. Our group's project is called: "Toxic Troubles: The Global Issues Surrounding E-Waste" I've sent it to a few people outside my class to see what they thought, and all have said it's very well written (*big grin*) and they didn't realize what kind of problem it is. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to email it to you. In addition to the written paper, we also have to give an oral presetation complete with power point. Oh. What. Fun.

The final exam is a 2 1/2 hour timed exam, to be taken online. Six chapters. I studied most of the weekend and plan on taking it tonight. Oh. What. Fun. (I hope I do as well as I did on the mid-term)

I was able to do absolutely NO stitching this week. :( However, I did get to visit a thrift store and what did my wandering eyes spy?

Unfortunately, it was framed without glass so the fabric is a bit dirty, but I think I can wash it and then re-frame it. I think it'll look great hanging on the wall near my hutch!
I almost forgot.... I paid a mere 79cents for it!! (It really is sad that so much work went into this and it ended up at a thrift store for less than a dollar.)
Good luck on your upcoming exams.
Your garden is full of such beautiful flowers and plants. I wish I could do what you do with plants.
What a wonderful find! Too bad it was so cheap. An insult to us stitchers but fabulous that you are restoring it!
I'd love to read your paper on e-waste. You've peeked my curiousity.
Your garden looks great, you take such great pictures too, wish mine looked that good. You are a thrift store magnet, you find such great things.
So jealous of those flowers Meari!
Though the snow has finally stopped here... for now.
Ugh, group work. That is painful but you'll get through it.
What a lovely find at at the thrift store. but that is sad that it was there at all.
What a find! Though I do think it sad that it was so undervalued :( I'd be interested to read your project if you could email it to me please :)
Hi Meari. I enjoyed reading your update. How nice that your mother loved her gift. Buy why wouldn't she? It was really nice. Your find at the thrift store is really pretty. I love the design on the jar. I agree it is a shame these things end up there. And I also enjoyed your jokes, especially the one about the man inheriting money. Good luck on your exam.
Wishing you all the best for the exam Meari. I am sure you will ace it :-)
I am so glad that none of my teachers ever got us to 'own the knowledge' I am so bad at public speaking.
Sounds like your mom loved her mothers day gift, but how could she not, it was so cute!
Great bargain on the cross stitched piece and beautiful pics of your flowers and the food is making me feel hungry!
Have a great week x
Love your blog, Meari! We have purple tulips like yours. Love that your mom loved the doll with her favorite colors. Liked hearing about your school experience. Love the cute one about the guy losing the fortune......your blog brightens my day! Thanks for sharing your life. Some weeks, we can't stitch....but you will get back to it.
Hope the weather stays warm....
My husband and I enjoy public speaking, but we know many people do not. When my husband was in the MFA program at the Art Academy of San Francisco many of the people there were foreign students. But the instructors were American, so there were a number of oral presentations. My husband always felt so badly for the students who had to speak in front of the class when they had never done it before. In one class the instructor asked the students to pretend to be a famous artist and give a presentation on their life. My husband gave a spirited presentation on Phillipe Starke, the crazy French designer. Even months later people in the class were calling him Phillipe.
We are cool here also. Bit windy but not to bad. What type bike do you have? I have a Vulcan 800 classic. I love to ride and hope to be able to ride again this year. I had my third back surgery April was a year ago and my left leg isn't just right from it. But I plan to try again before I decide to sale it.
Yuck on all the school stuff. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that....yeah, I know I'm not expanding my mind, but at my age there's no expanding!LOL Nice find at the thrift store. I'd be pissed if a piece I did ended up there. But at least we know you'll give it a good home and appreciate it...just like a rescue dog!
Your beautiful thrift store find looks very familiar to me. I think it was offered as a kit, not too many years ago. Possibly one by dimensions. There must be a way to search for older kits... I'll post again if I think of something.
Thank you Meari for the Mother's day sure got a nice find for mere 79cents! WOW I have not seen the pattern/designer but I have only recently gotten into asian/orient works of art. I like Joan Elliotts 'Asian Odyssey' and am working on one of the geisha women/wisdom as a WIP. I have not always commented on your blog postings...forgive me...but please know I read them. every one of them! hugs, Queeny
Wow! Your garden photos are amazing, Meari! What kind of camera do you have--they are so clear and detailed.
I think that professor belongs to the "why don't I just let the students do my work" club. I always hated that approach to teaching. Sounds like you're nearing the end though--good luck on your final and your paper...
Good luck on your finals! it's crunch time!!! Ugh! I hated it when I was in school, it's hard to find the motivation to finish strong when all you can think about is the break you get if you survive those last few weeks!
That piece you found in the thrift store is beautiful!! It looks familiar, like I've seen the project it in a magazine or something hmmmm...?? If I happen to come across it somewhere I'll let yah know!
Congratulations on your salvage from the thrift store and good luck on your exam.
HuGS, Dee in TN
Hi Meari,
I'd be interested in reading your e-waste report. My email is in my profile. Thanks.
It kills me to find cross stitch at thrift stores. I picked up a much smaller piece (5x7) last week that was far less intricate and it was $1.99. I thought that was a travesty, knowing how much work goes into it. Seeing the piece you got for $.79 breaks my heart. I truly hope my work doesn't end up thrifted one day, but if it does, I hope it's rescued by someone who appreciates the time and effort that went into it.
I love your purple tulips Meari! And what a great find in the thrift store - it is so pretty. I agree that it is sad that it is only felt to be worth 79 cents.
Happy to hear that your Mom loved her picture, and what a great find. Wishing you all the best on your exams.
Meari, I enjoyed your day and the beautiful, outstanding photos. Nice find from the thrift shop. It was well worth cleaning up and hanging on the wall.
That is very sad that a someone's work ended up at a thrift store for 79 cents. The bright side is that is now has a good home.
Thanks for a treat of your garden. I love those tulips!!
Thrift store, yet again Meari!!?? The urn is going to look good next to your hutch.
Meari I really enjoyed reading your blog, your photos of your garden are wonderful.
What a great find in the thrift shop I would hope some one like yourself would find and appreciate my stitching if it was ever to land up somewhere like that.
Glad your Mum enjoyed her Mother's day present as your Kokeshi doll is gorgeous.
The Parmesan chicken looks great too.
Good luck on your exams.
Good luck on your exams.
Great pics of the garden, and the chicken looks very yummy.
Your flowers are lovely Meari! Our irises have been beautiful this year, but I didn't take many pictures. Glad your Mom liked the Kokeshi Doll, although I'm not surprised!! :o) I'd be interested in reading your paper, too!! :o)
Congrats on the lovely gift for Mom and the beautiful flowers, and another awesome finding at the trift store. Good luck on your finals!
How sweet that your mother treasured your stitching piece! As one who has taught, yes, it's true that the one who teaches does learn and know the knowledge. However, I've never heard of this being done in college, unless you're an education major. Sounds like a way for the prof not to have to teach for a few days LOL.
Love your find - it's beautiful!
Lovely garden photos. I especially like the columbine one.
How sad for that gorgeous stitched piece. :( To lay around a thrift store and be sold for mere pennies............
Good luck on your last couple of weeks of school.
Wow Meari,
What Beautiful Photos of your plants. Well Done my friend!
Great Find for .79 cents. I look foward to seeing how you redo it.
Happy Stitching!
Beautiful gardens and what an incredible thrift store find. I'm sure you totally kicked ass on your exams.
Enjoy your school break once the exams are done.
Yummy dinner!!! That was a great xs find..glad you gave it the love it deserved :)
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