The day after *the incident*, I called another contractor who is licensed and insured, as well as an electrician. I explained what happened with the first guy. His reaction was disbelief as I unfolded the experience to him. We made plans for him to look at the “handiwork” and discuss what I wanted done. Coincidentally, it worked out that #2 arrived shortly after #1 dropped off the doors last Saturday. "Number 2" looked everything over, and gave me a quote to fix the side door (basically start over) and to install the front door. He thought it should take a day to do both doors. See! I do know what I’m talking about. ;-)
He worked on the doors Monday in 93F heat. I went home for lunch. Like with the "other" guy, I asked... How’s it going?” He assured me things were going good and he had a couple of questions before finishing the side door. So far, so good. As I looked around I saw a completely different site than with the "other" guy. A table saw up by the garage, a compound miter saw, a small shop vac to clean up as he worked, and other assorted necessary tools. I also saw my neighbors camped out on their front porch watching #2 work, LOL.
He built-out the door frame so that it was even with the wall and the trim lies flat over it. He noticed the doorbell wire needed replaced, so he asked if I wanted him to do that. Sure, why not? The gap between the threshold and floor was covered by a piece of trim. If you didn’t know better, you’d never know it wasn’t supposed to be that way. It matches the wood on the threshold perfectly!
When I arrived home from work, he was finishing up putting the storm door on the front. Then he needed to put the storm on the back and he'd be done.

He. Told. Me. The. News. (Insert Comedy of Errors here)
He said he had left to get lunch and get some stuff from the home improvement store. When he got back, he pulled up to the garage and got ready to eat his lunch. He didn't realize he hadn't put the truck in park.
He apologized profusely and told me he pushed it back the best he could but that it still "looks like crap". Unfortunately, all four panels are dented and he said he'd order a new door and have it replaced. He was so disgusted with himself, he said he didn't want to think about it because it won't change what he did. He tested the door at least a dozen times to make sure it opened and closed properly until he could have it replaced.
*sigh* It's a good thing I'm not a pessimistic person, otherwise I might not EVER hire another contractor to do work on my house, LOL.
Here's my front door totally installed with the old storm door reinstalled:
I am now waiting for a phone call from #2 to give me status update on replacing the garage door, and set up a time to finish the side door.
Stop back for the next chapter in The Homestead Chronicles...
At least you have doors now. On the plus side he told you about the garage door instead of your just finding out and having to ask him. Hope this is the last installment of Homestead Chronicles, though it has been fun for the rest of us.
OMG!! I just read all of these posts about it and I would be thinking the same thing as you, what can happen next?? Hopefully the remainder of work will all go well.
Oh Meari... Meari, Meari, Meari... The new contractor made the doors on your house look beautiful! The garage door however... All I have to say is, rope off the driveway before the next person comes to install the garage door. You're running out of doors! :) I'm glad he was responsible though and apologetic about what happened. At least he didn't give you a hard time about replacing the garage door!!!
But really... The new doors DO look beautiful. :)
Oh my God! :) Meari, are you looking up contractors under 1-800-3STOOGES?? At least he did very well on the doors and is willingly replacing the garage door.
Well at least your doors and in - correctly and he told you about the garage...and said that he will replace it!
Oh my! If you didn't have pictures I'd think you were making this up! But, I guess accidents do happen and at least he owned up to it and is making things right. The doors look beautiful.
I agree with PennyB : had I not seen the photos, the story would have sounded too strange to be true...
But your doors are so beautiful!
ROFL and commiserating at the same time!! Girl, remind me not to have you anywhere in the near vicinity if I ever want contractor work done!!!
JK - I'm so sorry about the garage door (I'm still laughing, I'm so sorry...)Comedy of errors is truly correct.
Now for the good news. This guy is a keeper and honest to boot. Your doors look fantastic and they're stable, your doorbell is good, and you're going to have a new garage door when all is said and done.
I have to say I don't know who I feel worse him!
Good thing you have a good sense of humor...and then provide us with such lovely details.
Now I'm going to have to get DH to read this - he'll definitely appreciate it!
You have me hooked on this story -
I will be so sad when the work is done - lol
Your doors do look fab. Such a shame about the garage door but at least he is going to replace it for you. That job has probably cost him more than he made from you for fitting the two doors eh.
Oy vey. The doors look great, though!
all I can say is...
HOLY CRAP (or other expletive)
The doors are at least pretty!
Even if they worth a lot of grief.
Wow what a time you have had Meari with contractors. At least this guy was honest and told you what he did. I thought you were going to say that when he came back that number 1 contractor had returned! LOL
I call it the joys of Reno........ at least the #2 told you what happen and is going to get you a door to replace what he did......... .don't think he made too much on this job with the damage he did.....
The doors look great, well apart from the garage door LOL.
This reminds when I had electricans around to do some outside work and when they were getting ready to leave I asked if I was going to have lights working inside, somehow they had diconnected my internal lights LOL
OMG, at least he feshed up to it and is going to replace the garage doors. The rest of the doors look great.
Your newest contractor sure didn't make any money on this job by the time he replaces your garage door. Bless your heart you have really had a trial. Hopefully every thing will go well from here on out.
The front door looks great!!!
Your front door looks very nice now except the garage door, but he was honest enough to let you know what he did and is willing to replace it.
Well, Meari, you know we're still living in the beautiful-but-lemon-of-a-house the 'buzzard builder' 'built' (or didn't), so I really do sympathize. I'm glad contractor #2 was as honest as he was--and the doors do look great!
The new doors look wonderful. As for the rest of the story....I'm literally speechless!
Great looking doors, they will really add to the look of your house. Sorry it didn't go as planned, but it does make for a good story!
OMG Meari! 2 klutzy contractors is definitely too much! The door looks great. I hope you will get your garage door fixed quickly!
Well, #2 did a good job on the doors btw, as for the garage doors
I hope that's the last 'door' you ever need a door job done.
whwew! What a mess it was with the first one. So glad it is now replaced and it looks great.
O my God, Meari. That was quite a drama...
The front door looks great now!! Phew... what a nightmare
How can anyone be so unlucky.
The doors look beautiful,the poor chap must have been scared to tell you about the garage especially as he knew what you had already gone through.
Meari you are really are having your ups and downs right now with these doors. I hope #2 gets you a nice garage door and installs it properly for you.
Oh Meari sorry you have had such an awful experience. Your new doors are beautiful. Just hope you get your new garage door soon. Hugs!
Good Grief, Meari -- what a saga!!!! I'm glad about your new doors,
and hope that garage door gets fixed asap. Hope things go smoother
from here......
Unbelievable, Meari!! I can only hope that when the new garage door is hung, nothing else gets broken!!
Your new door looks wonderful :)
Oh man! All you wanted was two new doors. They look great by the way. It is good that you took #2 so well. I hope that he does follow through quickly for you and everything is back in order. Being in the construction filled, I know that sometimes stuff just happens.
Your new doors look great, Meari! Poor guy - it sounds like he felt terrible about your garage door. It may be that he did have it in park - I had a work truck here that you had to set the parking brake on, because it would roll if it was in park.
Karin in NV
Well, your new door looks great! AT least he's an honest stand up guy and is replacing your garage door free of charge (as well he should)
Oh my goodness Meari!!!! You should report contractor #1 to someone. I don't know who you report that sort of thing to, but he sounds like a total idiot. Glad it finally worked out, well, except for your garage door!!
Happy Trails,
Pam K. :o)
Meari, you have the patience of a saint! I think I would have kicked the crap out of the first guy! Of course you want to scream at the second guy after what the first guy put you thru but it was an accident and atleast he is taking full responsibility for it. UGH.
oh Meari,
you have had quite the ordeal with this project, haven't you???
The new door looks great!
As to the garage door....this is vaguely familiar to me. The first AND ONLY time that we ordered pizza to be delivered, that happened to us. The guy didn't put the car in park & it ran into the side part of the garage door. He denied it all the way, but I felt my house shake. And the police showed him, the dent in his car matched my house!
Only wanted to comment at the end...OMG!! What craziness you have had to deal with. I hope, for your sanity, that contractor #2 does come through with replacing your garage door. I must say that the doors you picked for your house are beautiful. Did this incident cause you to hit the tequilla, lol!!
Just caught up on all this - what a catalogue of disasters! Poor you, from disasters when we had building work done I know how stressful it all is.
OMG Girl - this has become a comedy of errors.
I don't know how you are still sane!
Hang in there.
Meari, STOP!!! NO MORE RENOVATIONS THIS YEAR!!! This is not a good year for home renovations.
Oh my, the saga continues. I still am hoping for a happy ending. The new doors do look very nice. And #2 seems like a 110% better than #1. I don't know how you held your temper with #1.
The doors look fabulous and at least you know he is honest. But, damn, talk about a comedy of errors.
OMG, Meari. This really is like an adventure series!!!
On the positive side, the door looks great :) Congrats on that. Am sure the whole thing will be sorted out and you'll soon be able to laugh at the whole ordeal
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